Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

What had the boy to say for the words his master had for him?
“Shut up.” He growled lowly.
“Don’t you speak of Sasuke like you even cared for him.”
Shingen was beyond furious, it took all of him not to move in there and beat Yukimura himself. "You spit on his name with your childish antics and behavior. If I never cared for Sasuke, then you cared even less by letting him die." He stated before leaving Yukimura in silence. When he came back upstairs, Akihime was there with a tray of food.
"I-I figured he might want to eat something..." She said meekly. Shingen snorted and walked passed her.
"Save yourself the trouble and leave him be. He still isn't himself." He said. Akihime bit her lip, waiting for Shingen to leave her sight before she went down to bring Yukimura food anyway.
Yukimura sat where he was, even when he heard the door and footsteps behind him. He figured it was Akihime or Amaya, but his heart was too heavy, he didn’t want to speak with anyone, or even look at someone.
"Um...I thought...maybe you were hungry so...I brought you something small to eat..." Akihime said meekly before gently pushing the tray through the slot under the door, "I'm sorry I can't do any more for you...I'll be back later with dinner if you like..." When he said nothing, her shoulders sank and she frowned, "I suppose that's fair...I'll come by later anyway to at least check on you..." She told him before standing and heading to leave.
The food would go completely untouched, Yukimura not having the will or stomach to eat a single bite. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw his friends death all over again, making fresh tears leak down his face.
Yukimura was clearly still deeply disturbed; he was unresponsive and completely withdrawn, staring at the wall with dull eyes, the only thing he craved being alcohol. How did he feel? Worse than death, he watched his best friend be murdered, then couldn’t even bring his body home to bury. And not only did he fail to save Sasuke, he failed Sayuri, allowing her to slip away once more.
Yukimura slowly got to his feet, moving to the door and simply standing there. His face was pale and he had bags under his eyes, nose still broken, but he hardly seemed to notice. He looked empty, eyes dull and face blank.
It was like speaking to a brick wall, Yukimura only walked quietly passed Shingen, and further into the house. He could hear the faint noise of the back door closing and knew Yukimura was gone, his own chest hurting for how broken his apprentice was.
Shingen sighed heavily and moved to his work room where he kept his guns and other weapons in complete working order. He would have to work out a way to bring Sasuke and Sayuri home in hopes it would pull Yukimura out of this rut of self destruction.
As the week went on, Yukimura was clearly spiraling. On the days he did come home, he would be covered in cuts and bruises, reeking of alcohol and barely able to stand. On the nights he didn’t return, it was still rather easy to find him. He would be either drinking in a bar or passed out outside the bar.
There was one afternoon that Yukimura made his way out that Akihime decided to follow him, see if she could finally speak some sense into him. Finding him on foot wasn't hard, the most recent bar he frequented hadn't kicked him out yet. She stepped inside quietly and found him at the counter, already drowning like a fish, and sat in the back against the wall. She watched him closely, eyes full of worry.
"Well, well, what do we have here? A cute little nerd girl?" Some drunks had moved to her table and decided to sit down with her. She glanced at them before standing and moving, wanting to keep her eyes on Yukimura. But they just followed her.
"Cute, she's wearing a gundam shirt."
"She probably doesn't even know anything about gundam." Her eyes glazed over for a second as if her ancestor's graves had just been spat on.
"I know plenty about the RX-78-2. I'll have you know, Gundam 79 is what put mecha animes at the standard they are today; not even Gigantor or even Robotech, hell, even Astro Boy can't hold a candle to the Gundam franchise."
"Oh really?"
"Why don't you come with us and tell us a little more about it." One grabbed her shoulder and pulled her to stand. The click of a knife opening made Akihime's blood run cold.
Akihime had been so focused on the men who had grabbed her, that she hadn’t noticed Yukimura had noticed her, and had gotten up from the bar. He didn’t even say anything, meaning the only thing that alerted Akihime to his presence, was the overwhelming bloodlust, then the hard left hook Yukimura threw at the one who had pulled a knife on her, knocking him flat on his ass.
"What the hell is your problem?!"
"Yukimura, don't hurt them! It's ok!" Akihime said in a panic. The other two looked terrified.
"Sanada Yukimura??"
Yukimura was clearly drunk, but he also clearly didn’t give a shit. He swung again, hitting the second man square in the face and easily breaking his nose. “Keep your shit-covered hands off of her.”
"Don't have to tell me twice!" The one unscathed made a break for it, the other two trying to get away as well. Akihime grabbed Yukimura's arm, wanting to give him something to keep grounded.
Yukimura spun on Akihime, but as soon as he saw it was her, his eyes softened, and she saw the anger leave him. His shoulders slumped a bit, and he turned to head back to the bar.
"Ah! Wait!" She took his hand to stop him, frowning at how scarred and calloused it was, "Thank you for protecting me, Yukimura...please, let's go home...we can drink sake there, where it's safe...please?"
Yukimura didn’t pull his hand away, staring down at the floor as it began to spin. “Hai.” He said it so quietly, she almost didn’t hear him.
She forced a smile and carefully laced her fingers with his, gently leading him out of the bar, "May I have the keys to the car, Yukimura?" She asked gently, "If you like, I can drink with you? I don't...really like sake...but I'll manage if it'll help cheer you up...!"
Yukimura dug into his coat pocket, fishing out the car keys and handing them to Akihime without so much as a word, actually, he held onto her hand not once trying to let go.
She made a noise and guided him into the passengers side, pulling her hand away so she could get in and drive home. She took his hand again while she drove, giving it a gentle squeeze. "It'll be ok, there's always a calm after a storm. I'll be with you the whole way, I won't leave your side for a moment. I promise."
Yukimura rested his head against the side of the door, staring out the window with hollow eyes. Ever since Sasuke’s death, Yukimura had almost completely stopped speaking, making Akihime wonder if he could speak at all anymore.
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