Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya hesitated outside for a moment before responding. “Alright, but don’t forget to eat, Shingen-sama has asked another task of me, so I won’t be back until after lunch.”
The door unlocked - which Amaya noted as odd since Akihime never locked her door - and Akihime stepped out in her pajamas. She looked like she hadn't slept a wink. "I won't. Please be safe, Ama. I'll have a nice meal waiting for you when you get back." She smiled brightly.
With a door no longer between the two, Amaya was able to easily detect the stress levels in Akihime’s voice, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. “Akihime, is everything alright?” She looked concerned, moving closer.
She could almost hear her heart start to pound. "Daijoubu da!" Akihime waved her had dismissively, "I just had a really bad dream, I couldn't get back to sleep after, I'll be alright after I eat!" She grinned, "You worry too much, Ama~"
Amaya frowned more, put didn’t press the subject. “Alright, don’t forget to stop by Shingen-sama’s office for your allowance.” She said before heading off to the garage.
"Have a safe journey!" She called, and when Amaya was out of sight her bright expression dropped and her eyes grew sad. She went back to her room and made a noise; weekly allowance meant gunpla, gunpla meant a distraction. And she was pretty hungry, or maybe that was just her depression. She couldn't tell. She changed and went to see Shingen, thanking him for the money as she always did before she headed out to the Gundam Base for more kits to build.
Yukimura hadn't gotten any better; his drinking had worsened and when he was especially violent he would take advantage of Akihime even more. It had gotten to the point that all he had to do was call her and she would go to him, let him use her. It was getting harder to hide from Shingen and Amaya.
One day, while Akihime sat and enjoyed a peaceful lunch with Shingen and Amaya, the ear piece in Amaya's ear buzzed with static.
"All available hands, get to the head of the estate! We have an unknown assassin making his way to Shingen-sama! Don't let him near Shingen-sama!"
"Ama?" Akihime noticed Amaya tense up in an instant, "What's wrong?"
"Is everything alright?" Shingen asked.
Amaya stood from the table, giving Shingen a look he knew was a warning, then looking to Akihime. “Akihime, go to your room and lock the door- now.” She pulled the pistol from the holster on her hip and quickly made her way down the hallway to intercept the intruder.
"Wha- Ama, what's going on?!" Akihime called and moved after her, only to stop when a black and copper blur appeared before her. Before she even knew what happened, there was a gentle thud on her left side, and when she looked she saw it was her own arm. Her eyes widened and she let out a shaky gasp before screaming, holding the gushing void where her arm once was.
Amaya smelled the blood first, making her spin around and her eyes widen in terror. Her look of terror twisted into rage before she aimed at the newest person in the room; the person who took Akihime’s arm. “You bastard!!” She snarled, drawing her second pistol and emptying both clips into the figure.
The boy seemed to morph and melt into a murder of crows, swarming at her and clawing at her wrists for her gun. Shingen moved to Akihime and used his jacket to try and stop the bleeding as she sobbed loudly from the searing pain. The boy had cut her arm cleanly, severing it perfectly from her shoulder.
Amaya disagreed the guns, both being empty, and she quickly jumped away from the murder of crows. She twisted midair, waving her hand and creating a large sphere of ice around the clock of crows, trapping the intruder inside the ice- but it wouldn’t hold for long.
One second passed, then five, and it almost seem like Yukimura wouldn’t come, but the second the swarm of crows shattered the ice sphere, gunshots rang out, the shots hitting true. Yukimura, though not yet drunk, was very hungover, and very angry looking, not speaking a single word as he loaded a new clip into his own pistol, then taking aim again.
The crows hesitated before they reformed into the assassin, who ripped his full face mask off to reveal Sasuke - only he was young, about fourteen summers old. "Dana...?" It even sounded like him.
The look that crossed Yukimura was clearly one of complete agony, hesitating for a moment before he shot Sasuke twice. One bullet grazed his side, and the other went right through the muscle of his shoulder.
The few memories of this Yukimura Sasuke seemed to have conjured up from an unknown place gave him mixed feelings, the man in his memories was completely different looking from the one who stood before him; he had lost weight, had bags under his eyes and was covered in cuts and bruises all over his body.
Sasuke grunted and struggled with his urge to stay and care for Yukimura, but he was wounded now and needed to leave. He looked pained, both physically and emotionally, before he suddenly vanished right in front of Yukimura.
"Akihime, stay awake." Shingen demanded. Akihime's eyes were slowly closing, already having lost a lot of color and a lot of blood.
Amaya was already at Akihime’s side, pulling her glove from her mechanical hand and holding it out, watching as the steel hand turned a bright red as she superheated the metal. “Hold her down, we need to stop the bleeding.” When Yukimura just stood there, staring at Akihime in shock, Amay looked back at him.
“Now!” She snapped, and he moved over, pinning her shoulders down as Amaya remover the coat from her shoulder and pressed the scalding steel against the stump to cauterize the wound.
Akihime arched hard off the floor in an attempt to get away, screaming so loud Shingen swore they would go deaf. She fell still, the pain finally becoming too much for her and she fell unconscious, hair sticking to her face from the sweat. Shingen brushed her hair back gently and looked to Amaya.
"We should get her to the surgeon, see if anything can be done in terms of prosthetics." He said.
Amaya nodded, carefully picking up Akihime and carrying her to the medical wing without a second thought. Yukimura slowly sat down on the floor beside Shingen, the first time in months since he was sober. “That was...” He couldn’t finish the sentence, staring at the floor in shock, staring right at the puddle of blood from Akihime with trembling hands.
Shingen placed his massive hand on Yukimura's shoulder gently, "Breathe, boy..." He said soothingly, "I know, it's a lot to take in. They've decided to use our own Sasuke against us. This act will not go unpunished."
Yukimura shook his head. “That wasn’t him, it couldn’t have been- he was shot in the head; and this one, he was too young..!” Shingen could see he was starting to panic a bit.
A few miles away from the Takeda estate, in a seedy motel, a young teen lay on the bed inside, a wheelchair beside the bed and only in a white cotton gown. She was unconscious, or sleeping, but she was in poor shape; she was covered in fresh sutures, and both her arms and legs were wrapped heavily in gauze. Her white hair had been cut short, and she side of her head shaved to make room for more sutures that ran along her scalp in a wide arch.
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