Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya’s eyes narrowed and she scowled softly. “Akihime desu.” She said, not liking that he didn’t bother to use her full name let alone an honorific.
“With all do respect, Captain, Akihime is not your friend, nor your newest crew member, she is a client of Nana-dono’s, so please address her as such.” She took the duffel back from him and headed down the hall after Akihime, pausing. “And her living conditions are none of your business.”
He huffed and easily took the duffle back, "Why don't you super glue yourself to her hip while I take her bag to her room, since she's going to be staying aboard a while."
The room dropped in tempurature, but she didn’t dignify him with a response, simply continuing on down the hall.
Amaya took her seat beside Akihime, not saying a word, allowing the two to speak amongst themselves.
“He does, even though his appearance is rough, he’s truly very gentle.” Nana smiled. “I love him.”
Nana frowned softly, reaching to take Akihime’s hand in hers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to leave you, I really didn’t.” She said softly. “I don’t have any right to ask, but please forgive me for leaving you.”
"I'll always forgive you, Nana-dono. You did the right thing, though it may not seem as such. It was Buddha's will that I stay I could reunite with Yukimura..." She said, her smile now growing...sad?
Nana frowned softly, having heard a few times or Yukimura’s decline. “Aye.. I’m sorry..” Even Nana’s speech mannerisms had changed since she was on the Fugaku. “Let’s not think about that tonight, please, eat and drink as much as you can.”
She nodded, "Thank you." She said and grabbed what looked good, "If it isn't too bold, um...could I stay here for a few days? Even...after I have my new arm...?"
Nana blinked, then nodded. “Of course! I’ll run it by Motochika, but I’m sure he’ll be fine with it, I would like to monitor your arm to see how it connects anyway.” She smiled softly.
Akihime's whole demeanor changed after that, she seemed to lighten a massive load. "Thank you, Nana-dono...I won't be too much of a trouble, I promise."
"How are you two getting along?" Motochika asked as he moved over.
Nana held up her ale and grinned. “Akihime’s decided to stay with us for a few days, I figure we could show her just what this ship can do while she’s getting used to her new arm.”
Amaya are silently beside Akihime, saying nothing.
"We're happy to have you, Aki." Motochika grinned, "The Fugaku is as much as your home as it is ours."
"Thank you so much, Chosokabe-sama." Akihime felt like she could cry; in fact she did, the tears fell down her cheeks before she could stop them, "S-Suman..." She muttered, drying her eyes.
Nana frowned softly, she could tell something was wrong, but Akihime already seemed to be clammed up quite a bit. “There now,” She gently wiped the tears away and let her hair like a mother would for her child. “You’ve had a long journey, eat up and I’ll show you where the baths are; the women’s baths are hardly touched, Motochika insisted on putting them in once I came aboard, so only I really ever use them.”
She nodded, taking a breath to calm down, "It all looks so good." She said and dug in like she hadn't eaten in days. Motochika passed Nana a look, as if wondering if she shared his concerns.
Nana glanced over at Motochika, giving a slight nod and a look that meant they would speak later. She dug into her own food, wolfing down her meal rather quickly and unlady-like.
"Mm- Ama, you should eat too!" Akihime said, mouth slightly full, "It's really good! Who's your chef?" Akihime looked to Motochika, who was watching Nana with only deep infatuation, "Ch...Chosokabe-sama?"
"Hm? Oh! Ren was our cook tonight. Lad is damn fine with a stove and oven." Motochika said, coming out of his trance.
Amaya raised her chopsticks to show she was eating, saying nothing as she continued eating. Nana wiped off her mouth and laughed softly at how Motochika was practically drooling over her. “Eat your food before you drown us all.”
"A'course, love, a'course." Motochika grinned and ate happily. Akihime looked worriedly at Amaya.
"Daijoubu...? Do you want to go home...?" She whispered.
Amaya shook her head. “Do not mind me,” She glanced at Motochika. “I’m simply tired from our travels.”
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