Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She frowned, "Chosokabe-sama is our friend now...he won't harm you again...please..." She reached with her right hand and held Amaya's hand gently, "Don't worry so much...!"
Amaya didn’t look convinced, but didn’t argue. “I won’t, but for now you need to finish your meal, all of it.”
Amaya glanced at the food, then back at Akihime. “Eat only as much as you can.” She said gently.
She nodded and went back to eating her seared fish and grilled squid. "I'm really sorry that you have to associate with someone with such a disgusting handicap like mine..."
Amaya was quiet, but Akihime could feel her eyes on her. “Then I suppose I’m especially disgusting.” Amaya said, then returned to her food.
"No! Not in the slightest!" She stated loudly and all eyes were on her. She flushed and lowered her gaze, "I'm so sorry...I-I didn't realize how cruel my words were to you..."
“You are not disgusting because a piece was taken from you, nor are you incomplete, you’re in the middle of your evolution- and only when you’re finished will you see that you are even more wonderful than before.” Amaya said gently, ignoring the eyes on them.
"Amaya..." She whispered. Motochika swatted his hand at the men, causing them to go back to what they were doing. Akihime dried her eyes and moved closer to her friend, "Gomen...if your words are true, then you are the most wonderful woman I have ever met."
Amaya gently held Akihime, petting her hair. She knew something was wrong, but Akihime only insisted that she was fine every time she asked.
"Excuse you?" Motochika stood sharply and the crew rushed to stop him.
"Aniki, she's a guest! Don't beat on her!"
"Ama..." Akihime tightened her grip on Amaya, "His missing arm is no different than my own...Chosokabe-sama is a good man, and what he did to you was unfair but...but it is on the past now, and it isn't our place to judge a person for their actions, only Buddha can do that. Please forgive him as I have.."
Nana stood and moved over to Motochika, which to anyone else would’ve been ill-advised at best, but there was something about Nana that always seemed to keep Motochika’s rage at bay. “Motochika, it’s not worth it.” Her own brow was creased, showing her displeasure of Amaya’s words, but she kept herself in check for Motochika.
“I think I’ll excuse myself.” Amaya said sharply, standing and leaving the mess hall.
"Ama...!" Akihime called before looking to Motochika, who looked furious as can be, "P-Please forgive her, she...she didn't mean it...!"
"Do not shoulder the blame for someone like her, it'll only get you killed." Motochika stated, "I greet her warmly aboard my home and this is the thanks I get for it." Akihime looked as though her very heart had been ripped from her ribcage and she ran out of the mess hall, going anywhere she could hide on the Fugaku.
Nana frowned and let out a heavy sigh, reaching up and cupping Motochika’s face gently. “I understand you’re upset with the woman, but the girl is in a delicate place.. I’ll go round her up and get her to her room, just finish your meal, aye?”
She smiled up at him, that same warm but crooked smile that melted his heart since the first time he laid eyes on it. “Just apologize to the girl in the morning, she’s sure to forgive you.” Nana said, then headed off to find Akihime.
Akihime was hiding below deck behind some supply crates, sniffling and hiccupping quietly to keep anyone from finding her. Amaya just needed a moment to calm down, she knew that, but Motochika didn't have to tell her she shouldn't stick up for her friend. There was no justifying what he did to Amaya to get Nana back but she forgave him, Amaya could too, couldn't she? Why couldn't everyone just be friends? Why did the world have to be so cold and heartless?
It would seem like ages passed before she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. “There you are,” It was Nana. “It’s getting quite late, why don’t we go back to your bedroom?” She said softly.
Akihime jumped out of her skin and looked up quickly, "N-Nana-dono...I'm so sorry, I can't apologize enough, I didn't realize Ama would still be so bitter toward Chosokabe-sama...! I had hoped she would forgive him but..." She looked down, fighting fresh tears, "But I guess I just need to grow up...the world can't always be bright and happy like I want it to be..."
“No, it can’t..” Nana crouched beside Akihime, rubbing her back and gently wiping her tears away. “But we can still try.” She smiled softly. “Motochika isn’t angry, not with you, and right now your recovery should be your first priority. Would you like to see your new arm?”
Nana stood and offered Akihime her hand. “Well, I still need to take measurements and make adjustments, fine tune a few things and then connect the nerves from your arm to the prosthetic.”
"Will it have very many electronic parts in it? I've been reading up to keep Amaya up to date and smooth running and she is quite advanced." She smiled softly, "I've been tempted to contact my father and ask him advise..."
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