Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The young girls white eyes slowly rolled open, and she stared blankly up at the ceiling. “This one is still asleep, but I am here.”
“This one’s last dose was three hours ago, the one known as Hanbei said it should be given every six.” Sayuri paused, but didn’t close her eyes. “You are wounded.”
She was quiet again, staring ahead and laying still. “You should treat your wounds, this one would be sad if she saw them.” She said softly, then closed her eyes.
He made a noise and gently pet her hair, something in the back of his mind telling him to comfort her. She was right, he should get the bullets out and clean the wounds before they became infected. He moved to the bathroom and took out his first aid, taking a wash cloth and rolling it up before biting down on it; he took the tweezers and dug out the bullets, growling and grunting with pain. After that agony was done, he cleaned and dressed his wounds before changing into a shirt much too big for his body and some shorts before moving to sit next to Sayuri.
Her snow white feathers contrasted heavily against his inky black feathers, the wings on her back trimmed neatly, ensuring flight would not be an option, but why? Sasuke had never seen her awake, not really, she was always in that same weird trance or sleeping, and when she was awake, she had to be moved in a wheelchair or carried.
He frowned softly as he looked her over. Why did Hanbei do this to her? Mar her so badly that she looked more like a stitched up doll than an actual being. It made his chest hurt and he didn't understand why. He reached out and pet her feathers gently.
"Iunno why...but maybe when you're awake I can go get you some cherry blossom dango..." He muttered, "I have a feeling you would really like that, Sayuri-chan..."

"Akihime, I received a response from Lady Motochika about making your prosthetic. She said she would be more than happy to help you and said you could go to Shikoku to meet her whenever you like since they're docked for shore leave for the next couple weeks." Shingen said as he approached Akihime in her room. It had been almost a month since the assassin - Sasuke - took her arm. It made kit building very difficult for her. She looked up at Shingen and absently gripped her shirt over her stump.
"Arigatou, Shingen-sama...If it's alright, may I have Amaya come with me? I don't doubt that Motochika and Nana-dono would show me upmost kindness...but I can't do much with only one arm." She said softly. Shingen smiled softly and nodded.
"Of course. I would feel better if you had someone accompany you to Shikoku." He replied. She smiled and bowed deeply.
"Thank you so much, Shingen-sama.."
Since the same day Takeda Shingen called Nana with a request for a prosthetic arm, she had been cooped up in her room day and night, making fingers, joints, plates for the arm, even creating full arms that could easily be adjusted to fit its wearer. One arm she worked on in particular, was a more slender model, shaped a bit more smaller and natural looking. It was a steel aluminum hybrid to allow both sturdiness and to keep it light weight. She worked meticulously, redoing parts multiple times, and polishing the metal until it was almost like a mirror.
"Nana, I know you're excited to get your hands dirty again but there is this thing called a break, and you have a boyfriend who hardly sees you." Motochika jeered but it was in good humor. He knew that Nana buried herself in her work to make sure Akihime's arm would be perfect, as well as to hone her own engineering skills. He was quite proud of his metal arm she had given him, making his already impossible strength ten times greater.
Nana set down the part of the mechanical hand she had been working on. “Sorry, sorry, it’s just been a while since I got a custom order like this, I got a little excited.” She wiped the oil from her hands and moved over to Motochika, kissing his forehead.
“Mm, I still need to take measurements before I can finish it... Why don’t we go get some grub? I am famished.” She admitted with a grin.
“Oh god, I don’t care what it is, that boy always makes the best dishes.” She said, following close beside him. “You’d swear he was a chef and not a medic.”
“Ah, Captain, your clients here!” A crew member called over, and something’s white caught Motochika’s attention, a woman in a white suit, and with white hair, someone he recognized as the cyborg Amaya.
Motochika scowled heavily, "That's right, you're her protector." He noted to himself before leaving to go greet Amaya and Akihime. Said woman was struggling to carry a large duffle with only one arm.
"Ah, Ama, maybe I was wrong, I can't carry this anymore." Akihime laughed nervously.
Amaya easily took the bag and put it over her shoulder, smiling faintly. “You got it this far.” She praised. Nana moved over, smiling softly at Akihime. “Welcome, I’m glad you could make it, I’ve almost finished your arm, but for now why don’t you eat?”
Akihime bowed deeply, "Arigatou! I'm starved!" She smiled and followed Nana to the mess hall. Motochika stared Amaya down before offering his mechanical hand in greeting.
"Welcome aboard, Amaya-oneesan."
Amaya glanced at his hand before shaking his mechanical arm with her own. “Thank you, Amaya will do just fine though.” She said softly.
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