Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“Anyway,” She left out a heavy sigh. “I’m sure Chosokabe has a doctor on board, I’ll arrange for you to meet them.”
She nodded and went back to eating.
"Mornin'," Motochika greeted as he moved over, "How's the grub?"
"Good morning, Chosokabe-sama! The food is wonderful!" Akihime greeted brightly. Motochika nodded and looked to Amaya.
"Listen. Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot, eh? What happened happened and apologizing won't make what I did better or even fix it, but I am sorry for how I treated you when Nana was taken. If you'll permit me, I want to clean the slate." He said. Akihime kept her head down, not wanting to influence Amaya's decision.
Amaya looked up from her food when she first heard Motochika speak, setting down her chopsticks and wiping her mouth on her napkin. “Alright.” She said simply. “Then I’ll offer my apologies as well.” She said, bowing to him.
Amaya looked a little startled at Akihime’s outburst, blinking and nodding. “Y-Yes... I am grateful that Lady Chōsokabe has decided to create you a new arm, who am I to come between you getting your arm back.”
Amaya bowed her head to Motochika. “All I would ask if you is to keep Akihime free from harm.” She bowed deeper. “Do this, and I am in your debt.”
"Done." Motochika agreed, "Now then, all consciences cleared, I'm starvin'." He headed off to get a plate of food amd Akihime picked at her food.
"I'm so glad you two could forgive each other..." She said softly.
Amaya sighed softly and returned to her own food. “Yes, well, it will still take some effort on my part.” She said softly, eating the seared tilapia slowly. “But I don’t wish to see your burdens increased.”
“You’ve no need, you’ve already done so much for me.” She said gently, the faintest of smiles on her face.
“You saved me from a life as a soulless body.” She said, setting her chopsticks aside. “You saved me from that horrible prison.”
Akihime blushed and smiled brightly, "Well, that's what friends do, don't they...? They care for each other...and I wouldn't be such a good friend if I left you in such states. I would trade places with you if I could.."
“You know I wouldn’t give you that option.” Amaya smiled softly.

((What next~? ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))
((Well, Aki gets her pretty new arm and we can either finally raid Toyotomi and get back Yuri and both Sasuke's or we do something with Masa and Mego...!))
Akihime could barely sit through the reattaching of her new arm, almost blacking out three times as Nana connected the nerves to the wiring. Motochika and Amaya were there for moral support, she was crying like a newborn by the time Nana was done.
Nana wiped the sweat from her forehead, not having worked long, but the process of connecting the nerves was incredibly tedious and required a precise and steady hand. She finally sat back after what seemed like hours, letting out a breath. “There, that should do it, just try moving your fingers please.” Nana asked Akihime.
"Once the room stops spinning..." Akihime rasped. Motochika offered her some water.
"Ya did great, Aki. Way better than me."
"Don't lie, Motochika..." She huffed as she drank slowly.
“Ah, he’s not, he threw up actually.” Nana admitted with a soft smile, almost looking amused. “You’re very strong.”
Amaya helped Akihime with the cup, making sure she didn’t spill any on herself as she drank.
Akihime thanked Amaya after she drank and looked to her new arm. She was actually really scared to try and will it to move. What if it didn't work? She took a breath and looked away, shutting her eyes tight as she thought about wiggling her pinkie. The tiny metal digit lifted slowly and flexed, making a soft creaking sound.
"Is it working? I don't feel anything..." Akihime whimpered.
Nana let out a soft sigh of relief. “No, no, that’s normal, you’re doing great!” She smiled brightly. “Numbness isn’t uncommon, and it should pass within the week; but it won’t feel like a regular arm anymore, you won’t feel pain, but you should be able to distinguish temperatures and textures.”
Akihime looked to her arm and slowly lifted it, watching the fingers slowly curl one by one. She started to cry, smiling weakly.
"Thank you...thank you so much, Nana...."
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