Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“I know, I know.. I just worry he hasn’t stopped looking- what if he takes this child from me too?” She asked softly.
She squeezed his hands tightly, bringing his hands to her forehead, nodding. “Yeah... I know, and I’ll do anything to protect this child.”
Nana continued her life as usual- mostly - limiting her time in the engine room to only do quick inspections, but once she reached six months, she completely stayed away from the engine room altogether. The less time she spent working on the engine, meant the more time she had to occupy with clients, which brought in money for Motochika.
“I’ve gotten another commission,” Nana said, sitting beside Motochika, stomach round with their child. “Out in Oshuu this time, the case sounds difficult.” She said.
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Nana rested her hand on her stomach and scratched the back of her neck. “Well it’s not who’s requested the job so much as what the job is; Katakura Kojurou, Date Masamune’s Right Eye. He has a lady friend who’s been crippled.” She explained. “The hard part is she hasn’t actually lost any limbs, she just can’t walk anymore- he said her legs were badly damaged.”
She shook her head. “I’m not sure yet, I told him I’d come take a look to see what I can do for her, but other than that, I wouldn’t be able to give him a definitive answer.”
Nana gave a small nod. “I don’t mind if you tag along,” She flushed a bit and grinned sheepishly. “I might need you to carry some of the heavier equipment anyway.”
Nana nodded, and the following morning, the three headed for Oshuu. Motochika and Nana took turns driving, Ren sleeping in the back for the most part- not having a license or the knowledge to drive.
Motochika did his best to explain the type of person Masamune was. When they were both in the labs, Masamune was violent and known for outbursts that killed or nearly killed scientists and destroyed equipment but after he escaped he made something of himself; took over his family's clan as head and made a better man oit of himself.
Nana listened, simply obsorbing all the information Motochika had to offer along the way. She asked a few questions, trying to prepare herself for meeting the gang leader, which was nothing new to her, but this time she’d be meeting a gang leader as a client rather than an arm piece.
When they arrived and headed to the gate, Motochika introduced them through the intercom.
"We've come at the request of Katakura Kojurou."
"Come on in. No weapons, please." The guard replied before the gate slid open.
Nana surrendered her small hand gun to the guards once they exited the car, and Ren had nothing to offer, not really being one for weapons, only offering a shrug and a smile.
Motochika had nothing to really offer either except his anchor, which was way too heavy for the guard to lift.
"Please go ahead." He offered after giving up on moving the anchor. Motochika brought Nana to the meeting room and helped her sit as they waited for Masamune and Kojurou.
Nana found it harder and harder to move with how large her stomach was getting- not to mention the swollen feet and back pains -but Motochika helped quite a bit. “Thanks.” She said, resting back against the leather couch with a soft sigh.
"No problem.." Motochika muttered as he sat next to her. After a bit, the door opened and Masamune stepped in first. Motochika stood and bowed deeply, keeping Nana in her chair.
"Please forgive her, she's pregnant and can't move very nimbly at this point in her term."
"Who is she?" Masamune asked blandly.
Nana remained in her chair, but bowed her head to Masamune nonetheless. “I’m the one Katakura-dono contacted about imploring my prosthesis business,” She offered him a smile. “Nana desu.”
Ren had yet to come in with Nana’s equipment, still loading it out of the car and inside.
"Nana?" Masamune repeated lowly, "As in...Hideyoshi's dead wife, Nana?"
"She isn't affiliated with Hideyoshi anymore, Ryuunii-san." Motochika said.
Nana made a face, glancing away and clearly getting a bit uncomfortable. “Yes... It’s true that I was his wife..” She said with a small nod. “But as Motochika said, I have nothing to do with him or his people any longer.”
"Uh-huh." Masamune didn't sound very convinced as he sat down. Kojurou sat across from Nana and bowed his head.
"Thank you for taking my rather difficult task." He said.
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