Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin flicked ash from her cigarette and looked to Kojurou, frowning softly. “You know you don’t have to knock.” She said softly, turning back to the window and taking a drag from her cigarette.
“Sorry... I’m not upset, it’s just... It’s a lot to take in.” She muttered, taking one last drag before flicking the cigarette out the window.
“You keep saying that.” Jin muttered. “You keep saying you want me to be happy, but what do you want?” She asked, looking up at Kojurou.
Jin clenched her fists and stared down at her lap, giving a nod. “Alright, I’ll do the surgery.” She said quietly.
She nodded, putting her hand over his and closing her eyes to try and hide her tears.
After contacting Nana once more, the surgery was scheduled for the end of the week, which came upon them faster than expected. Ren further examined her legs, concluding the damage to her legs would require the amputations to be made below the knee on one leg, and halfway up her thigh on the other; from there surgery preparations were made.
Kojurou stood by Jin as they prepared, "I'll be right here until they begin...after that, I'll be just in the other room. You're going to be ok, I promise..." He told her, holding Jin's hand and petting her hair soothingly.
Jin looked calm, but her injured hand shook as they hooked iv’s up to her, a wild fear in her eyes. Ever since she had returned from Matsunaga, she feared medical equipment and being restrained, but she put on a brave face. Nodding, she squeezed his hand tightly, unable to bring herself to look down at her marked legs, marker lines indicating where they would be removed.
Soon a breathing mask was placed over Jin’s mouth and she became drowsy in minutes, then she was out like a light. They gave Kojurou a moment more before wheeling Jin away to the operating room to start the procedure.
It would be hours in the operating room before Ren and Nana emerged, both looking exhausted, and Ren pestering Nana even in his exhaustion.
“Ren, really I’m alright, I took breaks and my vitals are fine.”
“Alright alright.”
Ren finally relented before moving over to Kojurou. “Katakura-dono? Your lady friend did jus’ fine, she’s bein’ cleaned up now and should be brought out in a few minutes here.” He said. Up close the boy looked much younger- and he had been the leading surgeon?
“Attachin’ her legs to the nerve receptors went smoothly, now all that’s left is a waitin’ game.”
"Words do not express how much I appreciate all that you both have done for Jin. She may not vocalize it but she is equally grateful." Kojurou said as ye bowed.
“Ah, no need to bow!” Ren looked embarrassed, waving his hands, face flushed. “Please Katakura-sama, it don’ feel right..” He smiled sheepishly.
“I’m just a doc, nothin’ for someone like you to be bowin’ your head to.” He explained.
“Katakura-sama, you’re gonna make me blush..!” The young man grinned, but seemed to enjoy his seniors praise.
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