Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Ren’s whole face went red and he looked to his captain in horror. “I-I ain’t flirtin’!” He sputtered out.
Nana had taken a breather in the chair Kojurou had brought, sitting and sipping water from a cup, tired but fine.
"A taken man, too, I expected better of ye, lad." Motochika continued to tease as he moved to Nana's side. Kojurou smiled softly, finding the playful humor to be refreshing.
“Ka-Katakura-sama, don’ smile! Cap’n’ll think I really was tryin’ to hit it off with you!” Ren was practically puffing steam from his ears he was so embarrassed.
Ren about had it, unable to form a coherent sentence as he quickly rushed off to leave the three older members to themselves.
Motochika laughed loudly and grinned, "I'll check on the poor boy in a moment, he isn't quite used to teasin' I s'pose." He said. Kojurou merely waved his hand, smiling softly.
"He's fine. I just hope I didn't upset him."
"Nah, he knows it was good fun." Motochika replied.
Jin was brought to her room to rest, covered in a blanket and still hooked up to iv’s and unconscious. Even with the blanket over her legs, it was clear they weren’t all there.
Kojurou sat beside Jin to give her something familiar to wake up to. He tried not to look at the empty space where her legs were but he felt guilty; what if she hated herself after this? What if she felt like she wasn't whole with prosthetic legs? He had no one to blame but himself.
It wouldn’t take Jin long to wake, but she was still somewhat out of it from the heavy pain medication she was on. She lifted her head slowly, looking down at where her missing legs were and letting out a soft whimper before putting her head back down and gripping the sheets tightly.
She didn’t pull away, letting him take her hand. “No, this is my fault.” She said, fighting tears.
"I gave up on looking for you," he argued, "I believed you had died and didn't pursue any further information of your fate. You would not have been used with such disregard had I continued to look for you."
She shook her head the best she could through her foggy mind. “No, you’re wrong.” She argued. “Kojurou you did everything you could, you’re only a man, there’s no way you could’ve known..”
Jin didn’t know what to say, she had no words to comfort Kojurou in his time of suffering. “I’ve already forgiven you Kojurou.” She said softly.
She gently carressed his head, blinking slowly as she watched him. “You always say that, but you’re the only one here with any honor or pride left.”
"That isn't true.." He said gently, glancing up at her, "You are the most honorable woman I have ever have always put duty before all else and I have always admired that about you."
She pressed her palm against his temple lightly, smiling tiredly. “You’ve always thought so..” She muttered softly. “But even now I find it hard to see.”
In the morning, Nana and Rin came back to check on how the nerves had connected with the connector plates, Nana taking a small thin metal rod connected by wires to a machine. She touched the rod to each port, making Jin wince slightly.
“Sorry, if it’s any consolation, feeling this is a wonderful sign- it means the nerves didn’t die and made a connection.”
Jin only nodded as Nana continued, gripping the bed railing tightly.
“For right now, yes, but there is still a small chance the nerves will make a connection and die off regardless, we won’t be able to connect the prosthetic for about a week.”
Every time Nana inserted the metal rod, it felt like she was pushing a finger inside the stump of her leg, minus most of the pain.
“What’s another week in the wheelchair..?” She muttered through the discomfort.
Jin nodded, but kept her mouth clamped shut, vice-grip on Kojurou’s hand as Nana checked her other leg, and boy were those nerves still alive.
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