Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Once Nana was done, Jin slowly released her grip on Kojurou’s hand, but didn’t completely let go of it.
“Alright all the nerves are still alive and have made a good connection, I’m still working on the legs however, adjusting them so they’re even and they align with her previous height- small tweaks, they’ll be done before they connection ports are ready to be used.
“And will I be able to walk right away..?”
“It’s hard to say, and I wouldn’t recommend it. They still are fresh wounds, it’ll take time to heal and toughen, but you’ll be able to move them at the very least; swimming is a good way to test them without hurting yourself.”
“I see... Thank you so much.” Jin said softly.
Jin watched Nana father her equipment and leave, waiting for the door to close. “Yeah..” she squeezed his hand again. “Thank you..”
Back at the Takeda estate, the young cub of Kai was still circling the drain, spending most of his time drinking and sleeping.
In the blacked-put drunken stupors however, Yukimura still forced himself on Akihime when they crossed paths, and with Akihime refusing to open up to anyone, her suffering continued on.
Amaya pushed Akihime to open up, worried about her; she was burning through her money faster and faster, her room littered with the small plastic models. She only seemed to claim up more.
“Akihime, you should come with me on my errands today, you haven’t been out of your room in days.” Amaya said through the locked door.
"I..." Akihime hesitated. Would Yukimura be angry if she left? Would he just be rougher with her when she came back? "Sure...! We haven't spent any time together in a while anyway..." Her cheerfulness always sounded so forced, it looked more and more fake with each day. Akihime stepped out and smiled. "Where are we going?"
Amaya looked just as concerned as usual, looking Akihime up and down. “Shingen needs us to get some more ammo.”
"How exciting...I've never seen a supply store before.." She said, "I wonder if they have those huge bullets Mitsunari always used to talk about...the banana bullets..."
“I’m sure they do, the particular store we’re headed to is rather large.” She motioned for Akihime to follow as she headed for the garage.
“I’m sure they’d let a pretty girl like you check out a few pieces.” She said offering a smile.
Amaya laughed as she got into the car and put on her seatbelt. “You sound surprised.” She said as she put the key in the ignition.
Amaya’s cheeks flushed a bit, and she glanced at Akihime as she drove. “It’s just a fact..”
She only cleared her throat to hide her blush. “Is there anywhere you’d want to stop on the way home?”
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