Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy with work that I’ve been neglecting you.. I’ll ask Shingen-sama for more time with you.” She said, feeling guilty.
"Please don't feel bad, I understand that you're busy..." She said, clinking the joints in her metal fingers, "It's just lonely sometimes, that's all.."
“I know, and again, I can’t help but apologize..” She said softly, pulling into the parking lot.
She held her hand and smiled, "No matter what I'll always forgive gunpla isn't as important but it is also time consuming, I understand.."
She nodded, squeezing her hand before the two quickly wrapped up their errands quickly before going off to lunch.
She seemed genuinely happy being with Amaya, like she used to when she was trapped in her room at the Toyotomi estate. It was nice to see her talking for once.
Amaya could still see the sadness in Akihime’s eyes no matter how wide she smiled. “Akihime...” She finally said. “Please... Will you tell me what’s wrong..?”
Akihime froze, fork inches from her mouth. She smiled sadly and set down her food, lowering her gaze.
"Gomen..." She muttered, "I can't...not yet...I have to figure some things out first..."
“Akihime, you’ve been saying that for months, but you only ever seem to worsen..” Amaya frowned. “Please, you know I would never judge you..”
"I'm not worried about judgement, I know that no matter what I did you would think no less of me...and I promise I will tell you everything as soon as the right time comes.." She said, "Today is not the right time...I'm so sorry, Ama..."
Amaya frowned heavily, clenching her fist under the table, but nodding. “Alright... I’ll trust you..”
“Of course..” Amaya nodded, heart aching. How was she supposed to help her friend if she refused to tell her what was wrong? She felt useless- a failure.
Time seemed to pass numbly after that, Amaya doing her best to spend more time with Akihime. It didn't seem to do a whole lot but there was enough of a change that Akihime seemed to be more willing to talk than before. When her anxiety seemed to flare up worse than normal, she would glue herself to Amaya or Shingen, like they were some kind of safe haven.
There was one such instance where Akihime sat quietly in Shingen's work room as he and Amaya discussed the estates security when the news was suddenly hijacked by an odd lanky albino man wearing a mask.
"Fellow Deviants," he began smoothly, "for too long we have been shunned and scorned by the humans not blessed with our wondrous gifts. Too long have we been denied our own safe havens, free from judgement and hatred from those not like us."
"What in the world...?" Shingen muttered, unable to look away.
"I am Tenkai, a humble spiritual guide willing to offer you all a home safe from such bigotry. A Utopia."
"Turn it off, Amaya." Shingen huffed.
“Sir.” Amaya nodded, standing and turning off the television, the screen going black before the man could finish his speech. She turned around to move back to Shingen, but stopped when she saw Akihime’s eyes glued to the tv, even after it had been shut off. “Akihime? What’s wrong?”
She jumped and shook her head, "N-Nothing! I'm alright!"
"Don't tell me you believe such nonsense." Shingen stated. Akihime lowered her gaze as if she were being scolded.
" sounds interesting..."
She frowned and nodded. "Yes, Ama..." She muttered. But she didn't seem to quite let it go. Any time this Tenkai appeared on the tv she would snatch the remote to give her as much time to hear him out as possible. Shingen grew worried, understandably so, seeing as how she latched on to any comfort she could get a hold of.
Amaya did her best to keep an eye on Akihime, trailing her when she could. Something was wrong, that much was evidently clear, but no matter how much Amaya pushed, Akihime refused to open up, instead watching hours and hours of speeches the man known at Tenkai made.
One day, Akihime managed to slip away from Amaya and she moved into Yukimura's pitch dark room. She was so scared of what he would do when he woke up, but she wanted to help him still.
"Ne...Yukimura..." She started hesitantly, "There's this man who says he can help Deviants...give us some where safe to stay...I was thinking...maybe we could go together...? And we can find a way to better cope with Sasuke's loss..."
When Yukimura wasn’t drinking himself stupid, he was either sleeping in his room or simply laying in bed. It was hard to tell in the dark room, but she could definitely see a figure laying in the bed. When he didn’t respond, Akihime almost figured he was asleep, but then he heard the soft shifting of sheets as Yukimura rolled over to face the wall. “... pointless..” He muttered softly, his pain clear in his voice.
Her chest ached and she took a step closer, "We could try, couldn't we...? It would be better than just sitting in the dark and drinking all day, I think..." She urged weakly, "Please, Yukimura...?"
A half-full bottle of alcohol whizzed passed her head, missing by mere inches and smashing into the wall behind her. “... get out...” Yukimura curled up tighter, pulling the covers over his head.
She covered her mouth to keep from screaming before rushing out and slamming the door behind her. That was sure to catch Amaya's attention but she didn't care, she could do nothing more to help Yukimura and it broke her heart.
Amaya heard the door slam upstairs and made a noise, heading upstairs in search of her friend. “Akihime?” She called out.
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