Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya took Akihime’s wrist, but didn’t pull her along, waiting for her to come with her on her own terms. “Let’s go Akihime..”
Akihime nodded numbly and silently followed Amaya out of the office, her free hand gently resting over the small swell of her stomach.
"You hate me...don't you, Ama...? I finally did something you think less of me for..." She mumbled weakly.
“No, I don’t hate you.” She said as she walked. “I think you’re an idiot for waiting this long and thinking you couldn’t share this with me, but I don’t hate you for it.” She paused for a second, stopping in the hallway. “And why would I think less of you?” She sounded mad again. “Do you think so little of me? I’m your friend Akihime, keeping the child is a decision for you to make, not me. Is it for hiding the fact that the man you claim to love is raping you?” Tears started to fall down her cheeks. “Why would I think less of you for that? Why?”
"B-Because I should have come to you for help...! I shouldn't have hidden this but I was so scared...I was so scared what you and Shingen-sama would do to him...! You've already tried beating him to death once...!" She whimpered, "You're right, I'm an idiot and then some...!"
“You are an idiot! How could you think we would do anything else but try to help you..?!” She started to cry more. “We could have stopped him..!”
Amaya pulled Akihime close and held her tightly. “You stupid, dumb idiot..!” She cried, hugging her close.
“Thank you...” She held her, petting her hair gently. “I’ll speak with Shingen-sama about the baby..”
“I’ll come find you once I’m done talking with him, then we can go to the doctors, you’ll need to start your exams if you do want to keep the baby.” She said gently.
She nodded and started heading off before stopping and looking back, "Thank you, Ama, for staying by my side...even when I was means so much to me, I won't take it for granted again.."
Amaya stopped as well, nodding and smiling softly. “I’ll always be here for you, Akihime..”
With Akihime being so far along, an abortion was out of the question; not that she would actually go through with it - regardless how the life was created, it was a life she was helping grow and it was precious to her. So without giving her room to argue, Shingen told her to put the child up for adoption once it was born. She didn't want to, there was no way she could give up something she loved so much. She sat at her desk, staring at her notes she had made about Tenkai and his Deviant utopia and felt her heart grow heavy.
Amaya did everything she could to try and convince Shingen to reconsider, at the same time, doing everything in her power to there for Akihime and her unborn child, getting her the best prenatal care money could buy.
One day, Akihime didn't come down from her room to eat, which wasn't uncommon since she tried avoiding Shingen nowadays, but Amaya hadn't seen her at all since she returned from her errands. Going to her room showed her dresser and wardrobe cleaned out, her gunpla left in their displays and her bed made neatly. Her desk lamp was on, shining brightly over a carefully folded paper written to Amaya. It read that Akihime had decided to leave the estate, not wanting to live in an environment where she neither felt no longer welcome or safe. She felt awful for all the stress the situation was putting Amaya under and felt this was a better option. "I'm sorry you have to find out this way. If I waited for you to come home, you would have stopped me and I would have lost my nerve." One part read. It also stated that she was going to join Tenkai and his cause, it felt safer for her and the baby, at least for the time being. Amaya had the choice to find her and follow her or stay with Shingen; "whichever you choose will not make me think better or less of you."
"I love you, Ama, please forgive me...I did what I felt was right. I'll let you yell at me all you want if we see each other again. Please take care. -Akihime"
Amaya was beyond angry, crumpling the letter and stuffing it into her pocket before rushing down to the garage where she simply got into a car and sped off. She was too angry to tell Shingen; perhaps she was afraid to tell him where Akihime had run off to, in fear he wouldn’t let Akihime return, she didn’t know.
Amaya sped nearly the entire time, but she reached the compound by nightfall, a massive building behind tall fences.
After parking the car and jumping the fence, she moved quickly and quietly to the front door, hand on her pistol as she went.
Odd of such a heavily gated building to have no guards patrolling around. Perhaps he was just that confident in his own ability that he didn't bother? The front door was unlocked, which was even more odd but it allowed her entry so she could find Akihime and scold her ears off.
Amaya entered quietly, closing the door behind her slowly before drawing her gun and moving further inside. What if this entire thing was simply a ploy to get desperate deviants to come willingly to their doom?
"Hey, who the hell are you?!" A Deviant that had been making his way to his room when he spotted Amaya. He pulled a lever and an alarm sounded before he jumped straight from the second story stair way and rushed at her with electricity sparking from his fingers.
Amaya brought her pistol up but froze; killing this person wouldn’t be good even if this was a crooked organization. She lowered her gun slightly and let the person grab her, her entire body going rigid as electricity corsed through her, making her drop her gun.
Deviants from each room flooded out to see what was going on, and when Tenkai approached, the Deviant holding Amaya pushed her forward.
"A human broke into the compound!"
"Well, that's definitely a first~" Tenkai mused, "How did such a bland human climb my wall~?"
Amaya wasn’t unconscious, but she was stunned and couldn’t move. She let out a weak groan, looking up at Tenkai with unfocused eyes, and her anger slowly returned to her. Slamming her foot down on the man’s foot who held her, she lunged for Tenkai, eyes wide with rage.
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