Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

A black and green formless mass swarmed up from Tenkai's shadow and incased her, wrapping tightly around her and immobilizing her.
"A well trained human indeed. What is your reason for being here?"
Amaya trembled as she tried to break free, but was unsuccessful. “Fuck you.” She hissed, then spit a wad of saliva on his shoe.
Amaya struggled and spat profanities at him the entire time he dragged her further into the building, ignoring the jeers from the other deviants around her.
He took her down to what appeared to be holding cells, the mass dropping her into one as Tenkai locked the door.
"I'll be back later to deal with you." He said before turning and walking out.
Amaya got to her feet, scowling the entire time he left.
Using her mechanical eye, she used her infrared scanner to see just how many people were inside the building, frowning softly.
Amaya did her best to try and find Akihime through her thermal scans and an audio tracking device in her ear, but was still unsuccessful.
There were so many Deviants that it was hard to pin down.
Amaya sat there for a very long time before anyone came down to see her. It was Tenkai with a couple of his followers.
"So tell me, what reason does a human have to enter our home?" He asked.
Amaya looked up from her spot leaning against the far wall, bringing her attention from listening for Akihime’s voice. She only looked at Tenkai, scoffing softly before turning her head away.
“It isn’t your business what a human does.” She spat out. “Especially if it’s this easy to get into your little club house.”
Amaya did her best to put up a fight, but was quickly overwhelmed by the number of Tenkai’s followers, being knocked to the ground and pummeled.
They kicked her in the head and the ribs, trying to break her arm but found it was mechanical. So they stuck to what they knew was flesh and blood. But after a while they suddenly stopped, as if hyponitized.
"Move away from her." They obeyed, and behind them stood Akihime. She looked upset seeing Amaya on the ground.
"Daijoubu, Ama...?" She asked softly as she moved closer.
Amaya spat up blood, face bruised and quickly swelling. She looked up and scowled deeply, her anger burning in her eyes. “I’m sorry, do I know you?” She lisped over her split lip.
"Don't talk like that, I know you're upset with me...but I had to! I had to leave!" She said.
"You know this human?"
"Human? No, Ama is a Deviant.." Akihime frowned.
“Again, I don’t know you.” She didn’t try to get up, keeping her gaze glued to Akihime. “And I’m a human.”
Amaya said nothing, only stared back at Akihime; this was the only way she would learn her lesson- if coddling her and being her friend wasn’t going to work then she would have to be more stern with her.
"She a human or a Deviant?"
"Didn't Tenkai send you to make her talk, Aki?" They all watched her and she lowered her gaze.
"I won't make her talk...not if she doesn't want to..." She said, "I would never betray anyone's trust like that...even if...even if they were someone I didn't know." She placed her hand on her stomach and gave a shaky sigh.
"Let Tenkai-sama deal with her then...I can't stress my child any more than I already have..." She muttered and left quietly.
Amaya stared in disappointment as Akihime left, closing her eyes and allowing her beating to continue without putting up a fight.
After a while, they grew tired and bored and left her broken on the ground. Akihime did not return, she knew Amaya was punishing her for being selfish and so she accepted it.
Amaya laid on the floor in the cell, eyes closed but not unconscious, simply thinking and gathering her thoughts. She was right on this cults stance towards humans, intruding or not, they would more than likely do the same to all other humans in time.
"So I have decided that we cannot allow your transgressions to be forgiven and you refuse to tell us your reason for being here, we will have you executed in the morning." Tenkai's voice came out of no where, the albino standing before her.
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