Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya hissed in annoyance and created a spear of ice in one hand, holding tightly to Akihime with the other, then aiming at Tenkai. Before she could throw it however, a gunshot ran out and Amaya jerked, going stiff as her ice cracked in her hand. It wasn’t the ice spear that had been shot however, a warm liquid seeping from Amaya’s side and dripping onto Akihime.
Akihime gasped in horror as they started to drop back to the compound.
"Ama! No, please don't die!" She begged. Tenkai's abysal mass cradled them both gently to the ground.
"She won't die, I made sure they missed the important things~" He said. Akihime looked over, tears alreasy falling down her cheeks.
"Please, Tenkai-sama, don't take her from me..."
"We can discuss this later, Aki-chan~ for now, she will be cared for and returned to hed cell~"
Amaya’s face was twisted with pain, holding a hand over her stomach where she had been shot, the bullet going clean through her body. Her face was pale and skin clammy, but she still managed a glare. “Akihime...” She croaked in pain, wincing and drawing in a breath sharply.
"I'll fix this, Ama, I promise...I won't disappoint you anymore...!" She said before looking back at Tenkai, "Please let me go with her to the infirmary...!"
"Oh, alright~ I can't say no to you, Aki-chan~" Tenkai replied. She scowled weakly, instantly hating his pun about her ability.
Amaya glared up at Tenkai, but when he looked away to call for someone to take her away to the cells, she looked to Akihime, mouthing: Shingen.
Amaya had been handcuffed to the bed, and a sedative used on her to keep her from using her powers and to keep her still while they closed her up.
When Amaya realized she was conscious next, She was back in the cell, laying on a cot with her side patched up.
Amaya turned her head to look at Akihime, a soft frown on her face. “You have to contact Shingen... Have you done that yet..?”
“You need to leave this place, it isn’t safe; you’ll do better with Shingen than here.” Amaya said firmly.
"I can't just leave you here, Amaya..." She muttered, "You were imprisoned because of me once before and I'm disgusted that I allowed it to happen again..."
“Tough.” Amaya said gruffly, clenching her fists. “Actions have consiquences, Akihime, it’s time you learn that. I’m not going to coddle you, not anymore, if I do, you will end up killing your child. So choose. Your child or me. Which one are you willing to throw away?”
"Neither!" She snapped, "I won't lose either of you if I can help it! You say you don't want to coddle me, well, here you are - only you're just being a bitch about it...! I know what I'm doing, I'm a big girl!" She was frustrated and angry, clenching her fists, "How dare you assume I would work so hard to keep my child only to let him slip away from me. If you don't want to be here with me then leave and don't come back..."
“You know what you’re doing?” Amaya forced herself to sit up, grunting in pain. “Leave? Are you really that dumb, or are you just that far entranced by Tenkai?” She growled out. “You’ve run head first into a cult that’s made it more than clear their only objective is to kill off humans, and yet you choose to stay, and now you’re telling me to get lost?” She scoffed and put her hand over her eyes. “No, you’re right, I’m the idiot who’s been coddling you- I constantly throw myself under the bus for you, only for you to go running back into traffic once again; I’m the one locked in a cage again not you- why don’t you get lost?”
"I told you when I saved your life that I would go home with you once things settled down! I spent hours talking Tenkai down from taking you from me! Taking you from my son! You're always telling me to grow up and the moment I do, I get my nose rubbed into the dirt!" She strained to fight her tears, "I came here because it was a safe place...somewhere I could just hide until Shingen-sama cooled off...I didn't know what Tenkai wanted to do, I still don't...he's a cruel man but he offered me a haven for a time...that was all I wanted..."
At the Date estate, Megohime had been spending more and more time on her phone, always with her headphones in watching videos or reading long blog postings; she was distracted by them and was hardly paying attention to Masamune- it just wasn’t like her.
Megohime was too distracted with her phone, sure she liked to take pictures of herself and browse the web, but it was almost like she couldn’t physically put her phone down- it wasn’t usual for her; she had even started to look like she was dazed by what she was reading.
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