Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime sat frozen for a moment before suddenly becoming animated. “What the hell?!” She turned to look at Masamune, eyes no longer glassy. “You broke my phone!” She stood up and moved to her phone to retrieve it, but didn’t put the headphones back in, more concerned over the cracked screen- this was more like Megohime.
"Damn right I broke your fucking phone! What the hell is up with you, you've been sitting like a statue over that damn thing for a week! I haven't gotten a peep out of you since!" He snapped
“Oh don’t be so dramatic, it’s only been what, two hours at most!” She checked her badly cracked screen before stopping, looking dumb-struck. “What the fuck..?” She muttered; the color draining from her face. She stared at the date on the screen before looking up at Masamune. “Did you mess with my phone?” There was no way a week had gone by, no friggin’ way. “It’s only been two hours.”
"It's been a week, Megohime. I don't even know how to work a phone, why would I fuck with it? How could I with you constantly gluing it to your face?!" He fumed angrily.
“Masamune, I swear to you, I’ve only been listening to this podcast for two hours!” Megohime said, shaking her phone for emphasis. “Are you seriously trying to say I e been spaced out for a week? That’s ridiculous!”
"I've had to dress you myself! Look!" He said and grabbed the hand mirror she kept in the lounge. Sure enough, she wasn't in the same kimono she remembered being in, "I've had to leave you in here cuz you wouldn't move to come to bed!"
Megohime quickly pushed the mirror away. “I told you, I don’t remember the week going by!” She put her head in her hands, scared now, had a week truly passed by without her noticing. “I don’t remember... I don’t, all I remember is the podcast..” She sounded like she was telling the truth, in fact she sounded terrified.
"What podcast...?" He asked, sounding more annoyed than angry now, "Kojurou! Grab the laptop!" Kojurou came in after a bit with the laptop turned on and set it on the side table before stepping to stand by the door. Masamune pointed to the keys. "Pull up this podcast thing." He demanded Megohime.
Megohime frowned and set her phone down, moving to the laptop and typing a few things before pulling up the broadcast and hitting play, the sound of a woman’s voice coming through the speakers, overwhelmingly calm.
"If you seek freedom and peace from humanity, freedom from bigotry and hatred, we will provide you the home and shelter you desire. All Deviants are welcome, there is no judgement in the home of our guardian, Tenk-" Masamune shut the laptop forcefully, brows furrowed in annoyance.
"What a load of shit." He snarled.
Megohime sat on the floor with a red face, shaking her head. “I don’t know what made it so appealing- I-I mean now it’s obviously bullshit, but when I first started listening- I don’t know... I agreed with it?”
“Who?” Of course Megohime wouldn’t be keeping up with anything political, she had only just been brought out of a brothel not a year ago, and Masamune had only just gotten her a cellphone a few months ago.
"Right, fuck, sorry...Akihime is Otani's daughter, she has the ability to manipulate people who hear her voice. She was stupid little when I was still in the labs. She was there when I escaped and she was there when I took you back from Hanbei a while back." He said, "I guess she's dumber than I thought."
"Or desperate." Kojurou added, "She's only known a life of people telling her what to do."
“So have I.” Megohime muttered, still mourning her broken phone as she moved to sit on the couch beside Masamune.
"I'll buy you a new one. Sorry, Mego.." He said and kissed her head, "No more podcasts. You don't need any of that utopia shit, you're good and safe here."
“I know.” Megohime muttered as she leaned against Masamune, glancing up at him. “What about it though? Should we do something?”
Megohime made a noise, frowning softly. “But why would they use her- that Akihime woman- if they didn’t have bad intentions?”
"I imagine there are people out there who share the same sentiment I have - this utopia thing is bullshit and I'm perfectly fine where I am. Ya hypnotize people and they won't argue, they'll just herd over like sheep." He answered
“That’s the problem, what are they gonna do? Round up everyone that listens then what?” Megohime huffed.
He mused, "Iunno...maybe they're massing an army." He said dismissively.
"I wouldn't put it passed a power hungry Deviant to try, Masamune-sama." Kojurou remarked, "An army of Deviants would be unstoppable."
“If that’s true, should we really just sit by and let that happen?” Megohime muttered, looking up to Masamune again.
Megohime rested her head against his chest and only have a small nod. “Ok..” She sighed softly. “I’ll trust you..”
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