Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The two fought their captors, Nana looking around franticly for Motochika, but saw no sign of him.
“A pregnan’ woman ain’t gonna be in battle.” Ren hissed out at the man.
Tenkai's eyes moved to him and he made a noise, "I suppose that's a good excuse. Wouldn't want any harm to befall the baby."
"What have ye done with Aniki?!" One of the crew shouted. Tenkai looked over before gesturing to a small group of Deviants. They moved to reveal Motochika held down by a deviant with a rather large ice spike pointed at the captain's head. He wasn't harmed though, at least.
“Motochika!” Nana started to try and break free from the man holding her, but had no such luck. “Please, don’t hurt him!” Nana begged
Tenkai turned toward her before making his way to stand before her. "Is he your lover? I don't see a ring, so you aren't married~ and yet here you are, already sprouting life within you~"
“You don’t need a material object to make a marriage true.” She hissed out in embarrassment, face flushed. True, they weren’t married, but what did it matter to him?
He looked her over carefully before making a curious noise. "You're human." He stated lowly, "Everyone here is a Deviant. Except you." A small compact tube came out of his wrist band as he extended his hand and once his boney fingers curled around it, it transformed into a rather menacing scythe.
Nana’s eyes widened and she tried to back up, only to be pushed forward once more. “Please- don’t, don’t hurt my baby.” Nana pleases with him, tears brimming in her eyes.
“Don’t touch her you filth!” Ren snapped, trying to break free.
"Make him watch." Tenkai ordered and they forced Motochika's head up.
"Don't touch her! I'll snap you in half, you albino twig!" Motochika snarled. Tenkai smirked under his mask before bringing his scythe over Nana.
"No!! Don't hurt her!! Nana!!"
The blade seemed to fall in slow motion, biting into Nana’s shoulder first, and cutting easily through her chest and down to her belly. She sank to her knees, blood pouring from her wounds as she let out a horrible scream- a mix between anguish and pain.

“You don’t need a material object to make a marriage true.” Nana was there standing before him again, completely unharmed, glaring at Tenkai, who no longer had his scythe out.
Wait. What just happened? Didn't he just watch them cut her down?
"Wh-What...?" Motochika looked around. Was this his hell? Did they kill him and he had to relive Nana's death?
No one else seemed to be aware of this change, almost like everyone but him had been reset completely.
Nana still squirmed against the man holding her arms, glancing to Motochika in fear. This couldn’t be a dream, could it?
He wasn't going to pass up this opportunity he was given to save Nana. He used all his strength to snap the rope that bound his hands and slammed his fist into the deviant's femur, feeling it break under his knuckles. In the confusion, many tried to stop him, only to be thrown over into the sea. When he turned to snap Tenkai in half like he promised, Tenkai's scythe dug deep into Motochika's chest - all the way to the base of the blade.
Nana’s screams filled Motochika’s ears, only to be slowly drowned out by the ringing that came afterward, then he was back on the ground.
“You don’t need a material object to make a marriage true.”
Nana and the rest stood around like they had been seconds before he had made his escape, again, no one seeming to notice the change; all except for one difference. Ren slumped in the mans grasp, collapsing to his knees as his nose gushed blood, the boy looking pale as he breathed raggedly, but no one had touched him.
Ren wheezed and struggled to keep his head up and his gaze on Tenkai. “N-None of your business...”
Tenkai made a low noise, "It is entirely my business. You're bleeding after all." Motochika looked distraught; was Ren really rewinding time to help him get everyone out of this safely? He was killing himself. He couldn't let this go on for much longer. He wasn't going to lose anyone if he could help it.
“Maybe ya should tell your men to not be so rough then..” He muttered, spitting at Tenkai’s feet; his entire body ached, his head pounded, and he could taste blood.
"Ren ain't no woman!"
"You leave him alone, you branchy freak!" The crew yelled. Tenkai moved and lifted up Ren's head by his chin before gently petting his throat.
"No Adam's Apple~"
"Don't touch him!!" Motochika snarled.
Ren thrashed the best he could manage in his weakened and restrained state, cheeks flushed. “Don’t touch me you scum!”
"Such vulgar mannerisms." Tenkai chastised, "We should bring you back just to teach you manners."
"Over our dead bodies!" The crew started an uproar to get to Ren, struggling against the deviants who held them back.
Tenkai felt a sharp pressure on his hand, feeling the cartilage in his hand crunch lightly as Ren bit hard into his hand.
Tenkai didn't even flinch. Only smirked under his mask.
"You will die first." He said. The crew yelled in alarm and Motochika had had enough. He broke the deviant's femur once again, rushing up and at Tenkai. He was ready for the scythe this time; catching the blade between his hands with a grunt. He felt it bite into his palms but he ignored it, focused wholly on breaking this asshole who controlled his ship.
In the chaos a few men managed to break free, and Ren was shoved away from his captor so he could help reign in Motochika’s men. Ren took the chance and grabbed right to Tenkai’s shirt, helping Motochika by holding him in place.
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