Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Get off my ship." Motochika hissed, "You won't find anyone here willing to join you."
"How unfortunate that you all would refuse. I hate to have to kill all of you." Tenkai replied. Motochika glared and moved to let the scythe pierce through his palm solely so he could grab it by the shaft and hurl Tenkai over the side of the Fugaku.
A few of Tenkai’s men hurried over the edge of the ship after him out of concern, and a few fled in fear. Nana and Ren were released and Nana rushed to Motochika’s side.
“Motochika! Are you alright?”
"It's just my palm." Motochike muttered, "Please, we should care for Ren first."
"You may have won this time, Ogre." Tenkai called from a little motor boat on the side of the ship, "But we will meet again."
"And I'll snap you in half like I promised." Motochika hissed down at him.
Nana held tight to Motochika’s arm as more and more of the enemy abandon the Fugaku, a few of Motochika’s men helping Ren to the infirmary.
"Are you alright, Nana?" Motochika asked, "They didn't hurt you too bad...?"

In the semi dark of the holding cells under Tenkai's compound, Akihime woddled quickly down the steps to Amaya's cell. She scrambled with the keys to unlock the door, "There's nothing I can say to make you less angry so we're just going to leave. We're going back to Shingen-sama and we're going to figure out how to stop Tenkai.."
Nana shook her head, only light bruising on her wrists. “I’m fine, but you and Ren- you should go to the infirmary with him.”
Soft wheezing came from within the dark cell, a slumped figure in the far corner.
“I don’t think I’ll even be able to get mad at you if I tried.. let alone tried to walk out of here..”
Amaya rasped, bloodied and bruised.
Motochika nodded and headed off to the infirmary to get his hand looked at as well as to check on Ren.

Akihime's heart tore in two as she moved to her friend, "God, what did they do to you...?" She said softly, "I'm not leaving without I call Shingen?"
“No... Don’t start anything... Just go back to him, he’ll keep you safe..” Amaya said and winced, groaning softly from her fractured ribs.
Both of her legs had been removed, the robotic parts severed cleanly leaving her unable to stand, let alone walk. “I can’t go with you... you’ll have to go alone..”
Amaya let out a soft laugh. “I’ll do my best.” She said softly. “Just... Get out of here.”
She hesitated before taking the key to the cell and placing it in Amaya's hand; she didn't know what she could do with it at this point but she knew she would need it eventually. She pushed herself up and waddled out of the prisons, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible as she fled the compound. With Tenkai still overseas, patrols were a little short staffed. Unless she banged pots and pans, no one would notice her slip out.
((∠( ᐛ」∠)_ Let’s start off the whole thing with a bang))

Meetings were always boring- well mostly -political meetings, meetings on territory, weapons and ammunition, drugs and drug lords that were popping up in and out of his terf, affecting all of those involved and uninvolved, prostitution- anything and everything, and yet all of them still managed to somehow be dreadfully boring to Masamune. However, a recent gift from Megohime had made his meetings a little less boring.
A tablet, just a simple tablet she had gotten- with one of the many credit cards he had given her -as well as a few preloaded apps onto the tablet. One seemed to be a remote to some sort of device, and the other was a live feed to Masamune’s very own bedroom, which whenever he turned on, he would always find Megohime in various states of undress, pleasuring herself.
Because of this, he always seemed to center it as his main focus, which caused a lot of important information to escape him. Luckily, Kojurou was always there taking notes. Always one step ahead, that Right Eye of his.
Of course the video feed was always muted, leaving Masamune as the sole audience member to witness what Megohime was doing on the other side of the camera, but he didn’t need to hear a single noise from the tablet to know that it was his name Megohime was gasping out with her hand between her legs, lacy underwear around one ankle.
The current topic- something that had recently been brought to Masamune’s attention by Megohime- was about a cult suddenly popping up out of no where, Deviant gathering in hordes to the propaganda, but it seemed to be of little interest to Masamune, rather his attention on Megohime using tongue to clean her own juices from her fingers, face flushed and still trembling.
"Masamune-sama." Kojurou scolded lightly and the Dragon Boss glanced up.
"Hm? What's up?" He asked blandly. Kojurou exhaled.
"We were discussing the situation with Tenkai."
Oh right, that minor inconvenience. The one that only threatened the way of life as they knew it. The possible extermination of all humans. That one. That minor one.
On the screen, Megohime continued on with her risqué show, touching herself and occasionally using toys, and in the room several pairs of eyes were trained on Masamune.
Sometimes work sucked.
The two clients nodded, a grim look still on both of their faces. “And might we ask who exactly this person is?”
The both of them seemed satisfied with Masamune’s answer, Takeda Shingen held the respect of all gangs, regardless of their stand point on deviants.
The meeting went rather smoothly after that, leaving little guess work of what had to be done next to stop the looming threat.
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