Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“You seemed to dress me just fine, what else did you help yourself to?” Megohime asked, only poking fun.
“So you’re telling me you never laid a finger on me in any other way than to strip me down out of my clothes and dress me as you pleased?” She asked coyly.
“Oh so I’m akin to a dead fish now~?” She ran her well-manicured nails over his scales slowly, smirking softly. “How cruel~”
His eye became half lidded under her pets and scratches, "Only when you don't do anything but sit there...any other time you're a real party girl...~"
After fitting Jin with her prosthetic legs and helping with the initial start of her physical therapy, Nana and Motochika returned to the ship, life resuming as normal- mostly. Nana couldn’t work down in the engine room any longer seeing as how far along she was with her child, but still did small repairs around the ship Motochika cleared her on, but she wasn’t too upset over it.
Nana was working on repairs to the motion sensor lights on the ship, about the only thing Motochika would let her work on. “Oh, of course not.” She smiled as she worked on the wires in front of her. “I’ve been resting all afternoon.”
“Ah just a little rust, sea waters have been particularly harsh on them, that’s all.” She said. “Just have to replace some wires and readers.”
He nodded and pet her head gently, "Well, hop to it then." He chastised teasingly.
"Aniki! We got boats gaining on us!" One of the crew shouted from the crow's nest.
“Gaining on us?” Nana echoed, confused and impressed that other ships could gain on the Fugaku so easily.
"What in the god damn?" Motochika scowled, using the robotic eye Nana had made him to see out into the distance. Sure enough, half a dozen ships were behind them and advancing with record speeds. "Nana, get somewhere safe." Motochika ordered before moving to sound the alarm, "All hands, man your stations! We got company!!"
Nana nodded and headed for the infirmary, it being structurally reenforced. Ren was inside helping a few of the mildly injured men, a slight worried look on his face.
Where in the world had this fleet come from? Was it Toyotomi? Nana chewed on her lip as she watched the men in the infirmary flood out to help defend their ship, leaving just her and Ren.
“Jus’ relax, cap’n will take care of everything..!” Ren said, trying to confort Nana.
It didn't seem like very long before an unsettling calm filled the whole of the ship, the sounds of fighting stopping dead silent. The door opened and a Deviant with porcupine like spikes in his back looked alarmed, "There's two in here, Tenkai-sama!"
Nana stood quickly and Ren moved to stand in front of her, the both of them staring wide-eyed; there was no way Motochika had been defeated.
They were grabbed and dragged onto the deck. The men hadn't been killed or really even terribly harmed, just subdued. A tall lanky man in all white looked over and Nana and Ren. "Ah, you two missed out on all the fun~"
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