Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime pulled away slightly, breathing hard and leaving a saliva trail between the two. “I love you.” She muttered, then leaned up to kiss him again. “I love you .”
Megohime gripped the headboard tightly, letting herself be loud, not caring at all who heard, she was in bliss, both body and soul. It wasn’t long before she too started to become more desperate, mouth hung open as she gasped with each thrust, toes curled and vision blurry. Her inner walls tightened and relaxed around his cock as he hurried himself deep inside her, close to climax.
Masamune hissed softly, muttering something about being close as his movements became almost deaperate, his cock throbbing more and more inside her.
Megohime let out soft grunts and gasps, head spinning with pleasure, then a knock came at the door to their bedroom, interrupting their moment together.
“Big Boss, Karakura-sama sent me- I’m sorry to interrupt- but Takeda has arrived.” One of Masamune’s men called from behind the door.
Megohime tried to calm her breathing, looking to the door before looking to Masamune, thighs still twitching, still at the edge of her climax.
"I'll be there in a second, have one of the girls prepare tea." He ordered before he started moving his hips again, "Sorry bout that, Mego." He huffed under his breath
“You have to go already?” She sounded disappointed, and looked even more so. “Can’t you make him wait?”
She leaned up and kissed him again, gently this time. “Good.” She said softly, kissing him again. “Don’t you ever leave me.”
“That’s not what I meant, dumbass..” She said softly, giving him another gentle kiss “Don’t you go dying on me, don’t leave me alone in this world..”
"It'll take a lot to get rid of me, Mego. There's nothing in this world that can pierce my hide." He told her, "I don't plan on leaving anytime soon anyway~"
She nodded and kissed him again, holding the kiss as he brought her to climax, her entire body trembling.
He had to build back up again - being interrupted wasn't the sexiest thing in the world - but when he finally came it left him gasping. After he collected himself, he untied her and gently rubbed the indents left by the rope before cleaning up.
The two had kept Shingen waiting long enough, but he hadn’t exactly given them time to prepare for his arrival, no matter. Megohime accompanied Masamune up to the meeting rooms, having rinsed off in the shower quickly and throwing on one of her simple silk robes.
Shingen was sitting patiently, enjoying the tea that was prepared for him and Akihime. The young woman was struggling to sit comfortably with her swollen belly but she seemed to be fairing well. When Masamune and Megohime entered, both stood and bowed - Akihime did her very best at least.
"Whoa, who knocked you up?" Masamune asked. Shingen exhaled angrily and Akihime lowered her gaze.
"With all due respect, Masamune-sama...I-I don't want to talk about it..."
Megohime stood off to the side only glancing up from her nails every so often with a bored look on her face, slightly irritated she didn’t get to spent more time with Masamune.
The door opened and Jin and Kojurou entered, finally allowing the meeting to start.
“Sorry for the wait, stairs aren’t exactly the easiest thing to climb anymore.” Jin said as she limped over to the nearest chair, clearly in pain. She sat down and let her cane rest against the table, rubbing her legs were the prosthetic met flesh.
Once everyone was settled in, it was quite easy to feel the tension in the air, dead silent in the room.
"So, we are here to discuss the issue of this Tenkai character." Shingen began. Masamune nodded.
"Yeah, he's been gathering together as many Deviants as he can get his weird hands on. I'm trying to band together as many as I can to stop him." Masamune replied. Akihime hesitated before raising her hand.
"I...I know how the compound is built...I know where to get people in and out..." She said.
"Yeah, I figured." Masamune jeered.
“I don’t know why we’re even letting this bitch breathe.” Megohime growled out, glaring death at Akihime. “She’s the reason so many Deviants are on that freaks side anyway.”
"Mego, I'll handle this." Masamune said firmly. Akihime lowered her gaze.
", she's right.." She said, "I doomed so many people because I was selfish and best friend is still trapped in there. I just want to make things right..."
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