Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime wanted to say more, but bit her tongue and looked away, glaring at the far wall angrily.
“Though that may be the truth of the matter, there’s nothing that can come from further dwelling in such a negative manner- tell us about Tenkai’s objectives, what he plans.” Jin asked softly as she rubbed her aching leg.
Akihime nodded, "I don't know very much, only what I have seen and experienced for myself. He plans to use the Deviants he has brought to his cause to overtake the area and preform a sort of...culling...of innocent people."
"Jesus." Masamune muttered.
Jin didn’t seem bothered by this news, in fact, her tired expression remained the same the entire time Akihime talked. “And what does he plan to do with the Deviants who disagree with him?” She asked, tone firm, yet gentle at the same time.
She shook her head, frowning, "That, I do not know...he only said that in time they would learn...I can only imagine that he plans to kill them - us - as well..."
"I'd like to see him try." Masamune said gruffly.
Jin nodded and exhaled through her nose, sitting back in her chair and looking to Masamune. “So? What do you think of this situation? What shall we do?”
"Butcher him in his own home." Masamune answered, "What else are we gonna do?"
"We can't do this on our own, we'll be slaughtered." Kojurou stated.
"Why not ask those who oppose him to join us?" Shingen suggested. Masamune groaned.
"I can take him on my own." He huffed.
“Well we can’t just march up to his front door without a real, solid plan. We need more information on this man, his schedules, his subordinates, their schedules- someone on the inside to get all of this.”
Megohime perked and looked to Shingen in shock; had she heard him right?
“It’s true that this man, Tenkai, is looking for deviants, but he knows all of us; no one here in this room would be able to go in without him immediately noticing.”
“I...” Megohime wasn’t sure what to think, what to do.
“I’ll do it.” Megohime said firmly, looking Shingen in the eyes, then turning to look at Masamune. “I’ll do it.” She said again, more gently this time. “If it means I can help you bring this guy down, I’ll do it.”
"No! What part of that is so hard to fucking understand?!" He yelled.
"Masamune-sama, we need her - otherwise we won't know how to stop Tenkai." Kojurou said. Masamune screamed angrily, fire jetting out of his mouth and gliding along the fire resistant desk.
Masamune felt something against him, Megohime having moved from her chair and over to him to hold him tightly. “Please,” She spoke once his flames died down. “What would if I do if something happens to you and I could’ve done something to prevent it?” She held him tightly to her chest, frowning softly.
His breathing was labored, still furious beyond belief.
"We will make sure every precaution is taken to keep her from harm. Akihime will guide her and help her get what we need." Shingen said. Akihime frowned faintly.
"This would be easier if Sasuke-san was still around..." She muttered.
Megohime pet Masamune’s hair and cooed gentle words of reassurance to him. “Masamune, I’ll be fine, nothings gonna happen to me. I know how to talk to people to get them to tell me what I want, that’s what I’m good at, you know that.” She said softly. “I’ll be careful.”
“If we are going to send in Megohime-dono, I do have some equipment that can be used to keep in touch without giving her away.” Jin offered.
“Is that the wise thing to do?” Jin spoke up again, looking at Masamune with a soft frown. “Sure there are a lot of bad people in this organization, but what if there are innocents too? People who are scared and felt they had no other choice? Families, mothers, children? Would you still be willing to slaughter everyone then?”
"Anyone willing to join up with a maniac like that deserves what's coming to them." Masamune hissed. Akihime shot up and bit her lip.
"Please excuse me...." She muttered and walked out briskly. Kojurou exhaled in annoyance and glared sternly at Masamune.
"If you're done throwing your temper-tantrum and are ready to act appropriately, we can properly prepare Megohime-dono for what she needs to do." He scolded. Masamune let out a small puff of flame.
The group headed down the stairs so Megohime could first change into some street clothes, then be set up by Jin and Kojurou with a few things that would help her in her investigation.
“These earrings work as a one way radio, you’ll be able to hear us, we won’t be able to hear you, Akihime will be on the other end of these. They’ll also help us keep track of your location so cameras won’t have to be tapped.” Jin said, holding out a pair of earrings, which looked like a simple pair of silver studs.
"I promise to do my best to keep you from all harm, Megohime-dono." Akihime said softly, "I won't let you down."
"You better not." Masamune grumbled. Akihime lowered her gaze.
"I promise, Masamune-sama..."
Megohime only gave a nod, clearly nervous as she took the earrings and put them in her ears.
“Unfortunately we aren’t going to arm you, it might raise suspicion if you came fully armed.”
“That’s ok..” Megohime said.
Megohime nodded again, taking Masamune’s hand and holding it tightly. It was painfully apparent just how scared she was, but Megohime refused to back out now.
“This is how you’ll communicate to us from your end, it’s a burner phone, pretty basic. I’ve already entered in a few false contacts, but you’ll mostly be sending the information to ‘Mother’. Send a few regular messages like you’re actually speaking with your mother, keep those, and while you’re at it, send the info in a separate message, then delete it. We’ll be on the other end of ‘Mother’.”
Megohime gave another nod and let out a shaky breath.
Megohime only muttered a thanks.
“I’ll do some digging of my own on your friend, but I doubt there are any physical logs of this woman; for the brief time I interacted with Tenkai, I got the impression he wasn’t one to keep a journal of things.”
The operation started that night, Megohime taking the train out to the city the hideout was, using the directions Akihime had provided, and reaching the facility just before midnight.
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