Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime bit her lip, pausing for a moment. “I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything.” She said quietly before heading off down the hall again, taking a bit to find the staircase down the stairs to the basement Akihime had described. It was dark and cold, but there were dim red lights on, which made it all that much more eerie. “I’m down here, but I don’t see anything.” She whispered. “Where do I look?”
"She's at the very end! Last cell, you can't miss her, she has beautiful white hair a-and she might be a little mangled but it's ok because she's a cyborg and she promised me she wouldn't die until I got her home!" She sounded panicked, desperate even. This Amaya must have meant a lot to her.
Megohime gave one more quick glance around before heading down to the end. Megohime had to squint a bit, but sure enough she could see the outline of a person in the corner, and white hair. “I see someone, but it’s really dark down here.” She whispered. The person inside the cell didn’t react to megohimes presence at all, even when Megohime called out to her.
“They aren’t responding, I can’t get in either- I-I don’t know, I shouldn’t be down here much longer.”
Megohime frowned, but didn’t have anymore time to sit around. Hurrying back up the stairs, she went on her way as if nothing happened, chatting with others at the facility and learning anything she could get her hands on.
It would be a few days longer before Tenkai finally showed his face again. He had called a few Deviants to meet him in private before heading off into the compound
Megohime watched as they disappeared into the massive building, waiting two minutes before casually heading down the hallway. “Akihime.” She whispered. “Tell me about his office, what security measures does it have?”
"I know he has a camera in the corner pointed at the door to see who comes and goes." Akihime answered, "It might be maintenance day for the security system, gives you maybe 45 minutes to get in and get out.."
“Ok, perfect.” She said and headed down the hall; with the information she had gathered so far, she had located his office location, but still not a single plan of his.
She tried the doorknob, finding it unlocked surprisingly and glanced around before quickly slipping inside. She closed the door behind her, looking around the empty office for a moment before moving over to the desk and starting to go through the papers sitting on top of the desk.
“What the hell..?” She felt like her stomach was going to jump out of her throat when she saw something horrible. “He’s got files on every deviant in here; lists of powers, even people I haven’t seen here.” She did more digging, falling silent over the radio for a moment.
“Holy shit.” Came her voice, sounding terrified. “He’s trying to resurrect someone- an Oda Nobunaga, but for what reason?”
“Yeah, it does, she isn’t here though.” Megohime’s voice came through the radio into the meeting room everyone was sat in. “Why, who are they?” Of course Megohime wouldn’t know, she wasn’t involved in such things, there was no way she would’ve known, especially since Toyotomi industries did everything in their power to cover up any trace of Nobunaga.
Megohime frowned. “I’m gonna send you pictures of the files, neither one says anything about where they are or anything, but it’s better to be safe.” She said, using her phone to snap pictures and send them in to them. She put the files back in the stack she found them, and started to rummage through the desk itself.
"What is he planning to do with resurrecting Nobunaga?" Akihime mused.
"And just what is it you plan to find in here?" Tenkai's voice sounded from the door.
Megohime felt like ice water had just been dumped over her head, not wanting to even look up as her entire body froze.
Jin sat up in her chair, eyes widening at the sound of the other voice coming from Megohime’s radio.
“Shit, she’s been found.” She hissed.
Megohime wanted to scream, wanted to run, but there was no where for her to go, for the office had no windows. “I-I..” She stammered as she managed out, somehow able to stand and back away.
"Get out of there, Megohime!!" She could hear Masamune's voice screaming from the other end.
"Just stay calm, Megohime-dono, it'll be alright..." Akihime assured shakily. She knew this was bad. Tenkai tilted his head as he waited for a response.
"Normally I wouldn't really entertain the idea of a traitor in my ranks. I have many who come here looking for answers. Maybe try and figure out the type of person I am. But you seem to be digging in most concerning places."
Megohime was cornered, literally and figuratively, she had little options left. “... How could I not be suspicious..?” She had to try something, even if it had little chance of actually succeeding. She slowly moved out from behind the desk, moving toward him. “Some guy just pops up out of no where, claiming he wants to help Deviants,” She moves closer even though every cell in her body told her to run. “Has us prove ourselves as Deviants... But how are we supposed to trust you...? You’ve never showed us you’re a Deviant before, what if you’re just a human trying to heard us all together and kill us all in one go?”
"He controls shadows, Megohime-dono, you have to leave!" Akihime panicked.
Tenkai stayed in his place but his shadow seemed to crawl across the room along the floor before shooting out and wrapping tightly around her.
The radio started to only emit static, cracking and popping like something was interfering with them, and in between the static, Megohime’s voice could be heard; noises of a struggle, screaming, and them nothing. The radio died and so did the gps in her other earring, leaving the team and the room they were in in complete silence.
Jin was already typing, trying to do something to revive the signal, not like they needed to know where she was though, they knew where the compound was.
Akihime was shaking, eyes wide in raw terror. She started to wheeze before covering her mouth to muffle her panicked scream; Shingen moving to pull her away as she clung to him desperately. Masamune was glaring from the other end of the room.
"What happened." He demanded shortly.
Jin only glanced at him. “We’ve lost connection with Megohime-dono.” She said just as shortly. “I’m trying to reconnect now, but it’s likely he’s destroyed the transmitter. I have a team on standby, but I’m pulling them back.”
“They’re an extraction team, six men, yes.” She said, giving a retreat order into her own personal phone. “They aren’t equipped for a raid, and even if they went in, they’d all die before they even saw a glimpse of Megohime-dono. I’m not sending my men in on a suicide mission.” She said firmly. “We need to regroup, find another way that has a higher chance of us being successful.”
“And what do you plan to do?” She called after him. “Storm in and kill everyone there like you did last time? And if she’s not there anymore? Just keep going from building to building killing everyone until you find her? And if they retaliate and kill her first? What then?”
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