Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

When Masamune could be contained in one place for long enough to tell him of the plans, he nearly started fights there too. Kojurou was in the middle of said briefing, Jin across the hall keeping an eye on the stream when the two men suddenly heard the most blood curdling screams they’d heard in their life. It wasn’t Jin though, the screams were undeniably from Megohime, anguished and fearful. Jin was horrified by what she was seeing, but knew Masamune would be even more so; standing quickly and ignoring the pain in her legs as she rushed to the door, hoping to block Masamune before he came in.
He was already there, nearly slamming into her when she blocked the door. "Move." He snarled, "What are they doing? Why is she screaming? Why haven't you let me save her yet? Do you like watching her suffer?!"
Jin put her arm out to stop him, looking ashamed and pale. “This isn’t something you need to see.” Was all she said, trying her best to keep her tone even.
Jin didn’t budge, frowning more. “Masamune-dono, Don’t do this, seeing what they’re doing won’t help you.” She said softly, not moving.
He shoved her aside roughly and stormed into the room to see why Megohime was screaming.
"Jin!" Kojurou moved to try and soften her fall, not wanting her still pained legs to hurt more.
Jin stumbled, but was caught by Kojurou. “I’m fine..!” She said, glad he was there to catch her.
On the screen was a sight no person should have to see. Megohime wasn’t being violated, but rather tortured, a single man doing the evil acts. Already several spots over her body could be seen adorned by medal rods and bars; he was piercing her. He was piercing every inch, from her eyebrows down to her womanhood, he left nothing untouched.
Masamune had to cover his mouth to keep from vomiting, his body shaking so hard it was almost like he was vibrating in place. "Where are they? You've wasted enough of my fucking time and now this is happening; WHERE IS MEGOHIME?!" He shouted at Jin
Jin didn’t have an answer for Masamune, the stream was harder to trace than she had expected. “I don’t know.” She admitted. “I don’t know where she is.” Jin had a hunch that Megohime wasn’t at the main facility, but she couldn’t be for certain.
Masamune flew over the handle. He launched at her, ready to snap her neck like a branch in his hands, but Kojurou managed to catch him and wrestle him to the ground.
"Find her!! Find her, goddammit!! Look at what they're doing to her!! It's all your fucking fault!! I told you all no but you wouldn't fucking listen!!"
Jin scowled and turned her head away, guilt weighing heavily on her. “I’ll contact Takeda, tell him we’re moving in.” Was all she said before limping out of the room.
"Go to the Brood Room and settle down." Kojurou ordered, "I'll get you when we're ready." Masamune shoved Kojurou away as best as he could before pushing himself up and storming off.
Megohime barely felt conscious at this point, barely getting any water or rest in the days that had passed. She had been used far too many times to count, in every way physically possible. At one point, the men even started to administer drugs to her- what she was given she didn’t know, but she felt good -and ever since then her head had been swimming. She hardly felt anything anymore, or rather she wasn’t in the state of mind to be aware enough to register such things as touch.
She had been gagged as well, mouth kept open by the medal rings forced into her mouth so she could make use of her mouth. She looked dead though, red eyes unfocused and black, staring blankly at the camera as she was mounted again and again.
"Jin.." Kojurou approached Jin as she continued to plan the raid, "I just got off the phone with Chosokabe, he's coming to help retrieve Megohime-dono.."
Jin gave a solemn nod, frowning deeply. “I’ll contact Takeda to communicate efforts between the two, but all that’s left is to get into place and move in.”
Jin nodded and stood, taking her laptop with her as she followed Kojurou out. “We’ll be ready to go in as soon as Chosokabe arrives with his men, but we should brief them first.”
Getting Masamune and heading out to the facility Tenkai was at wasn’t something that took long, everyone was ready to go, armed to the teeth and ready for blood.
The combined three groups had brought nearly their entire arsenal, trucks and vans parked outside full of both more weapons and surveillance and communication teams.
“Masamune, the streams still live, Megohime should be inside somewhere. I’ll have her exact location in five minutes.” Jin buzzed in Masamune’s ear, everyone also armed with two-way radios.
“There are elderly and children inside, but I’m sure Megohime wouldn’t mind being saved by a monster at this point.” Jin’s curt response sounded in his ear. “Gate security is down, you have about thirty seconds to force it open.”
"Done." He snarled and pushed out of the van. He wasn't wearing any of his protective gear, he didn't need to. His scales were itching as they hardened to a titanium like durability. He wore a simple button up, tie and vest; he had to look his best for Megohime after all. He took his shotgun and emptied each slug into the gate so he could pry it open. "Alright, let's get this party started, gentlemen."
Deviants swarmed our of the facility seconds after Masamune had shot the gate and tore it open, swarming him like angry hornets. Masamune wasn’t alone though, Takeda’s men, Chosokabe’s men, and his own men were all right behind him, meeting the opposing force before they could overtake Masamune.
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