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Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Let's go, you sons of bitches!"
"Aniki!" Motochika and his men rushed in with wild abandon, Motochika knocking people down easily with his impressive strength. Shingen led in his forces after Motochika's, giving everyone covering fire.
“Three minutes until I have her location.”
“One minute.”
“Thirty seconds.”

Forty seconds passed and Jin said nothing, then she spoke up over the radio, just barely able to be heard over the gun fire and chaos.
“The streams feed has been pinpointed. She’s not here.” Jin sounded deeply upset, her own cursing coming over the radio, not bothering to mute her end as she slammed her fist into the keyboard.
"Not..." Masamune's whole body tensed up before he loaded his shotgun again and started blasting people back.
"Masamune!" Kojurou tried to grab him but the warlord broke his nose with the end of his gun.
Jin was able to pull herself together to speak over the radio again, barely able to be composed.
“She’s a seven minute ride from here if you gun it. I’m sending the coordinates to your phone now.”
"Chosokabe, you take care of this facility!" Masamune barked.
"Hai, Ryuunii-san!" Motochika replied. Masamune started stalking off.
"Let's go, Kojurou." He said. Kojurou had to fix his nose before following quickly.
From the time Masamune left the fight, to when he was pulling out of the lot- only about a minute- Jin already had an update. “Shit, he’s cut the live feed, I don’t have eyes on Megohime anymore.”
"Goddammit." Masamune hissed and jumped in the car, Kojurou barely making it in in time, "Drive!" Masamune hissed and the driver stomped on it after releasing the brake.
It seemed like it took hours to reach the next location, but after only a few minutes, they were there.
Masamune jumped out of the car and rushed through, shooting anyone who got in his way. "Where exactly is she, did you get that or do I have to torch the whole building?"
“The back trace only tracked the location of the upload feed itself, not what floor and room it’s located in. And I’d advise against torching the building since Megohime is still inside.”
Jin responded, then something caught Masamune’s eye, movement above him.
He glanced up at it but missed what it was, "Fine, fine. Make everything harder for me." He huffed and headed up the stairs, shooting more Deviants as he approached. More.movement caught his peripheral view and he turned sharply, stopping when he saw it was a woman and two kids. He scowled and nudged his head, signalling them to leave.
The woman and children weren’t the only ones fleeing from the building, several men as well as the elderly were all leaving in hordes as Masamune made his way up each level. No Megohime, he saw not a single hair of Megohime along the way. Some tried to attack, some out of fear as they tried to protect their group, and some out of sheer bloodlust.
Anyone who came at him to attack was immediately dealt with. He ignored the cries of anguish as many lost loved ones to his rampage. They knew this would happen, he told himself. He went through each room on each floor until he finally found the one he needed. Tenkai had Megohime at the edge of the balcony, she swayed weakly back and forth in his grasp. "Mego!!"
"How kind of you to unravel all that I've worked hard to create." Tenkai said. Masamune was shaking.
"You did that yourself when you decided to livestream your pigs raping my mate for a week straight."
Megohime looked worse in person than she did on screen, covered in filth, bruises and bite marks covering every inch of her. She still had that dead look in her eyes, which still appeared black rather than red, and even from the distance he was at now, he couldn’t tell if she was breathing or not.
"And to reward you for all your hard work, you get to say goodbye~" Tenkai cackled before pushing Megohime over the edge. Masamune shot forward but his body suddenly froze, Tenkai's shadow had stretched out to catch him and hold him in place. Masamune screamed, fire sputtering from his mouth as he watched helplessly.
"I'll kill you!! You son of a bitch, I'll have your head on a pike!!"
"We shall see, won't we~?" Tenkai purred before walking out of the room. After a while, Masamune could move again and he rushed to the balcony. He wanted to see for himself Megohime's fate. But instead of seeing mangled mush, he saw Kojurou had caught her; both of them on the hard cement but very much ok.
"We need to get her home, Masamune-sama!" Kojurou called. Masamune gripped the railing tight.
"I'll be right down!" He called and rushed out.
Megohime lay limp in Kojurou’s arms, a soft wheezing coming from her as she lay against his chest. Her mouth was still forced open by the gag, and she still had the metal cuff and part of the chain around her ankle, but she was certainly alive.
As Masamune made his way down, Kojurou carefully removed the gag and the chain, trying to make her as presentable as possible. When Masamune approached, he could hardly contain himself. He was so scared to evsn touch her.
"Let's go, Masamune-sama. She needs help." Kojurou said. Masamune nodded numbly and they all returned to the cars.
It was worrying that Megohime didn’t call out to Masamune, didn’t utter a single word, didn’t even flinch as she was picked up and moved. She had multiple needle marks in her arm, which might have explained why she was so spaced out, but she didn’t even look at Masamune, not once.
He sat with her in the car, had her head in his lap as they drove and gently pet the tangled mess that was her hair. He breathed slowly so no one would hear him sniffle, so no one would catch him crying over her. His heart broke more and more the more he looked at her.
In the week that she was gone, she seemed to have grown smaller, she had been thin before, but now she just seemed frail. Kojurou had used his coat to cover her, but her exposed shoulders showed bite marks that broke the skin and bruised deeply, and handmarks around her neck.
"God, Mego, I'm so sorry..." He muttered weakly, "Fuck, I'm so sorry..." His voice was threatening to crack as he tried to keep it level, "This never should have happened..."
She didn’t respond, he didn’t expect her to even if that’s all he wanted. The ride to the estate felt like it took hours, but once they did arrive, Masamune’s own medical staff rushed Megohime off, already standing by thanks to Jin. Kojurou was also urged to stop for a moment to be looked at, face full of blood from his broken nose.
Chosokabe’s men and Takeda’s men slowly trickled back to the estate, along with Masamune’s own men.
"A lot of the people that were there were just those seeking refuge. We have taken them into our care to find them safer places to live." Motochika said. Masamune only nodded, sitting numbly in his office chair.
"Are you alright, Date?" Shingen asked. Masamune said nothing, only grabbed his pipe and stuffed tobacco in it before lighting it.
"How's Megohime?" Motochika asked. Masamune gripped his pipe so tightly that the wood audibly groaned.
"I don't know..." He muttered numbly, "They wanna...wanna get her stable first before they'll let me in there..."
It would be hours before Masamune got any word about Megohime, and it wasn’t at all anything good.
“I’ll be honest Masamune-sama, the girls in poor shape.” The old doctor grunted. “Fractured ribs and orbital bones, severe dehydration, vaginal and anal fissures; for now I’ve induced a coma, her organs are at the beginning stages of shutting down. The coma will help take any stress off of them. I’ve also of course started her on intravenous fluids and oxygen.” He looked up at Masamune with tired eyes. “You can see her now, but she’s not gonna be awake for a while.”
Masamune set his pipe aside and stood, moving over to Megohime's room, stopping at the door and hesitating before forcing himself to step inside.
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