Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“And what do you think we’re doing here?” She stood with a soft grunt. “We aren’t leaving her behind, we are going to get her back, but we aren’t going to rush in there without a plan. So? What are you going to do? Run in there and get the both of you killed? Or are you going to help us?”
Jin didn’t have to be told that, immediately going back to work bringing her men back home and working on a plan to save Megohime.
Hours would go by, the entire estate almost entirely silent, Shingen, Akihime, Kojurou, and Jin all still in the meeting room when the burner phone they were using to speak with Megohime chimed, alerting them of an incoming message. Jin was quick to pick up the phone and check, but the only thing that had been sent was a link. “It’s a hyperlink.” She said, looking at the url with a soft noise. “Tell Masamune we have an update.” She ordered one of the men waiting at the door, who nodded and immediately hurried off to find Masamune.
Jin started to type in the link finding the website it went to was a private client streaming site, and the video had already begun, but it only showed a black screen.
“What is this?” She muttered.
The page showed a viewer count, and a comment section, which was empty, but currently thirty five people were watching, then the screen came to life.
The screen hadn’t been off, but simply the room had been dark, now completely lit up with spot lamps, all directed at what the camera was focused on.
On the screen sat a woman on a dirty mattress on the floor, looking dazed and confused, squinting from the sudden harsh light. It was Megohime, having been stripped down to her bra and underwear, with a heavy chain around her ankle that was locked to the floor. She was bruised and battered, but other than the mild confusion, looked fine.
Akihime gasped loudly and her hands shot to her mouth in a feeble attempt to stop her audible surprise. That's when Masamune came in. His whole body froze at the door when he saw the screen.
"Wh...What the fuck...?"
"Gentlemen, the woman you see before you is known as Megohime. She is Date's whore, and she thought that she could sneak in here and destroy the utopia I worked so hard to create. We will show her the err of her ways." Tenkai's voice sounded from off screen.
Megohime seemed to notice something the viewers couldn’t see, something off screen, slowly crawling backward off the bed, stumbling and tripping over the heavy chain, which was still quite long. She didn’t seem to notice the camera however, but that didn’t seem to matter much, as three men moved into the shot, moving toward Megohime.
"Oh my God." Akihime muttered weakly, her whole body shaking. Masamune's eye widened slowly as he watched.
"Masamune-sama, maybe you should-"
"Shut up, Kojurou." Masamune hissed lowly.
Ringing slowly started up in Masamune’s ears as the three men descended upon Megohime like wolves, two of them grabbing her arms and hoisting her back onto the mattress as the third yanked the chain attached to her leg, pulling her closer.
The ringing only grew louder, the taste of bile rising in his throat as the third man tried to climb on top of Megohime, but she fought back with everything she had. She kicked the man in the face, sending him back; she bit hard into the second mans hand, the man letting out a cry of pain as she bit deep into his flesh, letting go of her arm and letting her swing at the first man, who let go to dodge her hit. Megohime tried to scramble away once more, but the chain suddenly went taught, yanking her off her feet, the third man recovering quickly.
No one in the room moved, didn’t breathe as they watched Megohime fight and struggle with every ounce pf rage she could muster, but she suddenly let out a pained cry, stiffened and then fell limp against the mattress. The men let out a soft grumble of annoyance at Megohime’s fuss, setting the tazer they had used to subdue her to the side. The woman laying face down on the dirty mattress as the third man climbed back on top of her, pulling out a knife, and cutting the underwear from her body.
"Turn it off." Masamune growled, body shaking. He didn't even let them reach for the remote to the smart tv, "TURN IT OFF!!" He yelled and fire shot from his mouth, consuming the tv and melting it down into nothing as the electronics popped and fizzled in protest. He screamed in anger and stormed out, going through and breaking every tv in the estate, the other members not daring to protest what he was doing. Akihime had her fists clenched tightly, tears pouring down her emotionless face as she was forced into horrible flashbacks and relivings of her own abuse.
Jin scowled softly, the stream still broadcasting on the laptop in front of her, which she muted as the men started their abuse of Megohime. “She shouldn’t be in here anymore, she did her part, take her down to some of the spare beds for rest.” Jin said softly to Kojurou, motioning to Akihime. “I’ll see what there is that can be done.” Jin’s clenched fists shook as well, not able to look at the screen beside her.
Kojurou nodded and moved to Akihime, gently taking her wrists to guide her. She jumped and flinched but didn't stop him as he pulled her away.
"I will meet with my security team and see if they can offer any assistance." Shingen said, arms folded tight over his chest.
Jin closed the laptop and picked it up. “I’ll have my men join yours, they aren’t a large enough group to go at it on their own.” She limped to the door, frowning. “We’ll have to keep an eye on Megohime-dono, make sure they don’t kill her, I’ll work on tracing the feed.” She said and moved across the hallway to the smaller meeting room so no one else had to see the video.

It was blindingly bright, the sound of flesh against flesh and chains being the only noises in the room other than the occasional chatter and grunting. Megohime had already been tasered four times, and every time she was able to move her limbs again, she would only continue her struggle, but that didn’t stop them. The man behind her moved roughly, gripping her so tightly his nails dug into her flesh, grunting as he thrust into her. She still was twitching slightly from the last time she was shocked, unable to move, but she felt everything.
Shingen moved to go find Akihime, wanting to take her home to rest. She was in one of the guest rooms with Kojurou, staring at the wall with a thousand yard gaze as Kojurou tried talking to her to get her to snap out of it. She didn't really respond, only muttered Yukimura's name numbly under her breath. Kojurou looked to Shingen and frowned.
"I'll have our doctor look her over, see if he can get her to come back."
"That's fine. I leave her in your care for now, I'll return in a few hours." Shingen said. Kojurou bowed and Shingen headed back to the estate.
After Masamune had gone on his rampage, destroying every tv in the estate, things seemed to settle down for a bit, but no one knew what to do. Masamune was no where to be found, and there were no orders given; had that really been Megohime on the video they had seen? Night would fall and things would remain the same, the Date coordinating with the Takeda to make a rescue effort for Megohime, as well as an attack plan.
Jin was still upstairs in the smaller of the two meeting rooms, sitting in a chair beside the laptop, but only giving it a glance every now and again. She couldn’t watch directly, it made her want to be sick, but the few glances she got were more than enough to make her need a couple drinks.
Jin looked up from the glass of whiskey she had been nursing slowly. “Yeah... I think I might go rest my eyes in the next room...” She said softly, computer still on mute, and Megohime’s nightmare still continuing.
He nodded, "Go lie down, eat something, I'll handle it for now.."

Motochika was walking around the deck of the Fugaku making sure everything was tip top. Since Tenkai's attack he's been having everyone upgrade the Fugaku's defenses. Everyone except Nana, that is. She was due any day now and he couldn't afford to have her working and then go into labor. He noticed a rather large lack of people working however and went to hunt the men down. He caught them below deck watching a God awful porn and flew over the handle.
"What the fuck are you idiots doing?!" He snapped, making them jump and scramble away.
"I-It's a live stream what got sent to the business email! We wanted to make sure Onee-sama didn't see it!!"
"A-Aniki, it''s Ryuunii-san's woman...they're doin' awful things to her..."
"What?" Motochika moved closer, "Who sent it?"
On the screen was an awful sight, Megohime forced onto her knees and bent over, face and chest pushed against the mattress as she was raped by yet another man. The man grabbed a handful of her tangled hair and yanked her head up again, forcing her to look into the camera. Tears stained her face, and fresh ones poured down her cheeks, she was suffering physically and mentally and it showed from the anguish in her eyes. Her face was flushed and as the camera zomed out, it showed the other dozen or so men in the room, waiting their turn.
"T...Tenkai sent it, Aniki..." One said weakly. Motochika fumed and closed the internet window.
"Get the men ready, we're making port and heading to see Ryuunii-san." He ordered and they agreed before hurrying off.

Kojurou tried not to watch as best as he could; seeing Megohime like this was like a nightmare no one could wake from. He saw one of the men come over and force her to blow him and he felt his throat tighten to stifle the bile that wanted to come up.
The viewer count steadily increased, going into the hundreds, then the thousands as the night went on.
Megohime tried to push away the man in front of her, choking and gagging as he forced himself inside her mouth. Finally she had enough, biting down hard until she tasted blood.
This only earned Megohime a hard punch in the ribs, being shoved forward onto the mattress as a few of the men moved to help their comrade out.
Megohime lay on her side, exhausted and disgusted. She had cane several times that night, and her juices still rolled down her trembling thighs, but as for that moment the men left her alone, their mood ruined by Megohime’s attack.
Everyone worked through the night, and when Jin wasn’t working on confirming the signal from the stream, which for a few hours was dead, Megohime laying unmoving on the bed, she switched out with Kojurou to monitor the feed. The chat was going strong though, people complaining about it being boring now, how the whole thing had to be fake, others disputing that it wasn’t, some people even made demands of what to do next with Megohime.
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