Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“I want to come inside, for one, it’s fucking cold out here.” Megohime said, shivering, but not just from the cold. “I heard this was a safe haven for Deviants.”
Megohime let out an annoyed noise, digging through her coat pockets before pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, lighting up a cigarette before placing the glowing end to the back of her hand. She held it there for a moment before pulling it away and putting the cigarette in her mouth, holding her hand up to the camera, not a single mark on her hand. “I can do it again if you want, but I’d rather not waste my cigarettes if I can help it.”
Megohime made a noise and headed Inside, pocketing her hands to keep them warm as she walked down the long sidewalk toward the front doors, puffing on her cigarette to keep calm.
Megohime blew smoke out of her nose, chewing a bit on her cigarette. “This is the place? Where Deviants are safe to exist?”
"Indeed it is~ we are so glad to have you here. As you know, I am Tenkai. Please, allow us to show you to your new room." Tenkai said.
"You're doing great, Megohime-dono. He usually has rather lax security inside the compound." Akihime buzzed gently in her ear.
Megohime gave a small nod and followed Tenkai inside. Looking around the large building as they walked, puffing on her cigarette. “This is a big place you’ve got here, I’m surprised it’s so hard to find, took me a few days.”
"I do apologize for being so far. This was the only area I found that had the space I needed to build." He replied as he guided her up the stairs, "But everyone seems to find their way easily enough~"
“Hm.” Megohime blinked, there were quite a few people milling around just in the entrance alone. “There’s more people than I expected. I heard there were a lot, but this is something else.”
"Is that a concern?" Tenkai asked, glancing back at her.
"Yes, he has garnered quite a lot of sympathy from many Deviants. I don't know how many joined after I left but there was already well over one hundred when I was there." Akihime said, "I pity them, really...if only they could see the truth..."
Megohime took her attention away from those on the floor below them and looked back to Tenkai. “Not really, just didn’t expect so many Deviants in one city is all.” She said with a nonchalant shrug; for someone as terrified as they were, Megohime put on quite the performance.
"That's a fair statement." He said before pushing open a door and gesturing inside, "Here is your room. I hope it is to your liking, we try to keep things simple."
“It’s great, better than what I had back in the city.” She said, walking passed Tenkai into the room, then turning to look over at him. “I’m not really much or fighter you know; strength just isn’t really my strong suit.” She held his gaze, somehow managing to hide her fear. “Ah, not saying that I won’t help out, I’m just no good in a fight is all.”
Megohime didn’t miss a beat when it came to replying. “All the forums I read online about this place said only the strong were welcome, I guess I just assumed it was people who were already here saying it, sorry. It was probably nothing more than internet trolls.” She said. “You can’t really trust anyone you meet online these days anyway.”
"This is true indeed. I tend not to advertise much over the internet unless I must." He replied before moving to leave, "Rest. You must have had a long night."
Megohime said nothing, only watching him leave, closing the door behind her. She took off her jacket and hung it up in the closet, removing her shoes and socks as well before turning the light off and climbing under the covers, sending a text off to Mother.
”Inside, all seems fine, a lot of Deviants here, low security like Akihime said.”
Then she wrote up another text, deleting the first after it had been delivered.
”Just got home safe, glad you came out to visit, love you.”
She closed the phone and laid in the dark, a dull ache in her chest. She was scared, scared and for the first time in a long time, she felt alone.
This about made Megohime cry, but she simply nodded and whispered. “Night.”
The next day progressed rather uneventfully, Megohime simply hanging around the public areas she had been introduced to, watched people come and go and did her best to count the numbers of those dwelling there. She hadn’t actually seen Tenkai since yesterday, but hadn’t seen him leave either, had he left durning the night?
Megohime glanced around to make sure both no one was near or that anyone was looking at her. “No.” She said lowly and softly. “He’s not around either.” She pushed her hands in her jean pockets and headed down the hall, a soft frown on her face.
"Hhmm. He might just be hiding in his office. Or...oh dear...this will be a very bold question...but on the lower level in the very back of the compound, there's a stairwell that leads to a sort of basement. It's his holding cells. Can you...can you see if Amaya is still there...? If she...if she's still alive...?" She requested, "Tenkai only kept her alive because I was there...but with me gone, she's in so much danger..."
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