Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya let out a soft wheeze of a laugh, but didn’t open her eyes- one being swollen shut- nor did she get up either. “You’re no better than humans..” She lisped.
“Like you’re really going to stop at just one..” She shot back. “You’ll find some way to justify it, call it compensation or divine will or something like that, but either way it’s all the same.”
“And if I wasn’t the only one to have gotten in here?” She rasped, keeping her eyes locked with his. “You think I was the first and only human to get in here?”
Morning came and Amaya hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Akihime since their first encounter at the facility, which only angered Amaya more.
The men who beat on her were the ones who took her behind the compound where a giant thick wood pole stood in wait as well as Tenkai and the Deviants that lived there. They tied her to the pole as the Deviants booed and cursed her.
"My comrades," Tenkai began, "this human entered our home with the intent to do harm. To show we will not tolerate such things, she will be killed." Everyone cheered loudly, ready to watch Amaya be butchered.
"No!!" It was drowned out heavily by the noise, "Please don't do this!!"
Amaya only laughed softly to herself at Tenkai’s words; all of these people were being decieved, each and every one of them, yet they all followed him still. She lifted her head when she heard Akihime cry out, locking eyes with her as if to prove she had been right.
Akihime was sobbing, trying to push through to get to Amaya, her power not working if no one could hear her.
"Please, she's all I have!! Don't take her from me!!" She begged, "Please, Tenkai-sama!!"
Amaya only watched Akihime before closing her good eye and hanging her head, as if she had given up and was waiting for her fate.
"I'm sorry, Amaya! I'm so sorry! I was stupid again! Please don't do this, I learned my lesson! Don't die and leave me alone!" She sobbed, "Tenkai-sama, please spare her, she's not human, she's a Deviant! Have mercy on her please!" Tenkai gave Akihime a passing glance before raising his hand. Four Deviants, all with the ability to control flame, stood before Amaya and prepared themselves. Akihime tried to push through even harder, now panicking to get to Amaya.
Amaya simply stood tied to the pole as the four Deviants used their fire to engulf her, the flames swallowing her up without a single scream. Akihime’s heart stopped and the only thing she heard was the cheers of the people around her and the fire hissing, eyes glued to where Amaya had been before the fire engulfed her.
Then the air around them plummeted in temperature, and the cheers died down, the sound of crackling heard before ice swallowed up the flames around Amaya.
The four Deviants all stopped and stood back in shock, looking around for the Deviant who had tried to save Amaya, only she was in front of them. Her hair and clothes were singed slightly, but otherwise she was unharmed. She let out a breath, steam rolling off of her and frost covering her skin slowly, the entire crowd silent now.
With everyone in shock, Akihime was able to get through; moving over quickly and hugging Amaya tightly.
"I'm sorry...! I'm so sorry...! I messed up again, please forgive me, Ama! I'll do better and I'll explain everything, I swear!" She sputtered.
“You’re coming home, Akihime.” Amaya didn’t hug back, didn’t pet Akihime’s hair and tell her she was going to be alright.
"I can't...! I'm not abandoning my child because Shingen-sama is angry with Yukimura...! That's not fair...! What did my son do to deserve such cruelty...?!" She wept
“And you’d rather stay with these people where they are so eager to kill?!” She snapped, brows furrowed. “I’ve talked with Shingen, he will let you keep the baby, but Yukimura is out of the question.”
“See, Akihime, these people are no better than Hideyoshi!” Ice formed a shield around the two, for privacy and protection. “They only want to use you!”
Akihime frowned softly, "I...I don't want to be used to cause harm...not again..." She whispered, "But...But I can't leave now...not yet...they'll surely put us to death if we leave...and my son.." She hid her face in Amaya's chest, "We'll go when things settle down, I promise...and I'll take all the scolding and punishment you and Shingen-sama have planned.."
“We’re leaving now,” She said firmly, standing and pulling Akihime up with her, the two still incased in the ice. “I won’t let them harm you or your child, I promise.”
Amaya scowled and quickly grabbed Akihime, blasting Tenkai with ice before also letting ice build beneath her feet, propelling the two away from Tenkai.
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