Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She didn't even hide in her room, just sat against the door crying, "It isn't fair, Ama..." She whimpered, "He did so much for me and I can't repay him..."
Amaya moved over, crouching in front of Akihime. “What do you mean? Akihime what happened? Is it Yukimura?”
She nodded, "I thought...maybe I could try one last time to help finally pay him back for his kindness...but he..." She bit her lip, "He's only pushing me away...I don't know what to do.."
“Akihime... He’s sick, you know that.. Somethings can’t be fixed as easily as others..” Akihime knew of Amaya’s distaste of Yukimura after his violent outbusrt with Akihime, but she was doing her best to comfort Akihime.
Amaya put her hand on Akihime’s head. “He just needs to want the help... Right now he doesn’t.. Please don’t sink with him Akihime.”
Amaya nodded, holding onto Akihime’s hand firmly as she stood, pulling her to her feet. “Of course, we can go as far as you’d like.”
She smiled sadly and laced her fingers with Amaya's, "Arigatou.." She muttered.
Time passed and Akihime seemed to isolate herself a little less. She was researching day and night about Tenkai's utopia, even expressing her interest in joining his cause. Her depression seemed to worsen as she opted now for loose clothing now over her nicer outfits, but she insisted that she would be ok and she was merely fretting over if she should really join Tenkai or not.
Akihime was still giving Amaya no information on what was going on to cause her to act so strangely, but no matter how much Amaya pestered her, Akihime refused to tell her what was on her mind.
Amaya was growing more and more frustrated, frustrated Akihime refused to tell her what was going on, but continued to deteriorate in front of Amaya.
One morning, while Amaya was doing her usual morning patrol, she heard odd gagging and coughing coming from the kitchen; upon investigation it revealed to be Akihime gasping over the kitchen sink. It looked like she was trying to make something to eat when she was suddenly overcome with nausea.
“Akihime?” She could bear her friends worried voice behind her, a gentle hand on her back. “What happened? Was the food no good?”
“Akihime what are you talking...” Amaya trailed off and her eyes widened. “Akihime, you aren’t sick, are you?” She sounded scared herself- did she know?
Amaya stared frozen for a moment longer before turning and storming up the stairs to the bedrooms, rage burning in her eyes.
"Ama...!" Akihime called and rushed after her, stopping only briefly when another wave of nausea hit her before she caught back up and grabbed her friend's hand, "You said he wasn't worth it anymore, don't do anything brash!"
“He got you pregnant Akihime!” Amaya snapped, spinning around and grabbing her shoulders. “Are you telling me the two of you have been having sex while he’s blacked out..!?”
She couldn't look at Amaya after that, her shoulders shaking, "He..." She couldn't even bring herself to say it, "He was could I tell him no...?"
“What do you mean how could you say no!?” She was angry, beyond angry, but mostly at Yukimura.
“We’re telling Shingen- you’re telling Shingen.” She said, grabbing her wrist and marching down the hall to his office.
Akihime stumbled after her, crying silently as they entered Shingen's office. The head of the Takeda looked up in confusion.
"Amaya...? What's going on?" He asked.
Amaya moved Akihime in front of her. “You’re young cub has been busy.” She hissed out. “Akihime is pregnant, and she’s telling me it wasn’t consensual.”
Shingen's eyes widened and he slowly stood, "How far along." He demanded. Akihime hung her head in shame.
"Three months..." She whispered, "I...I want to keep it..."
"Absolutely not!!" Shingen boomed and Akihime shrunk in fear, "That idiot boy has the nerve to abuse you in my own home and get you pregnant- why didn't you get Plan B pills?!"
"I...I couldn't afford them...everyday..." Akihime admitted. This only sent Shingen into an even deeper fury.
"Amaya. Get that disgraceful piece of filth out of my home. I don't care how you do it, but make him leave."
"No, please, Shingen-sama, he isn't in his right mi-!"
"SILENCE!!" Shingen yelled and Akihime wailed loudly, covering her mouth to keep quiet.
“With pleasure.” Amaya left, closing the door behind her, but only to return moments later, looking even angrier. “He’s gone, so is one of the cars.” She growled. “He’s probably at the bar already.” Her tone dripped with disgust.
"Change the locks. All of them. I do not want him back here."
"Shingen-sama, please, Yukimura doesn't know what he's doing, he's self destructing, he needs help, not to be shunned!" Akihime pleaded. Shingen glared down at her and she started shaking.
"So that gives him the right to take you against your will, give you a child you cannot support and he is unwilling to take responsibility for - and you expect me to disregard all the abhorrent things he has done because he isn't man enough to face his own problems?" He growled. She whimpered softly.
"I love him, Shingen-sama...he deserves a chance to redeem himself..." She said.
"Then you are a bigger fool than I thought you were, Akihime. Leave, I need to think about what to do next." He stated.
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