Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nana only gave Motochika a glance at Masamune’s curt attitude, looking to Kojurou and nodding. “Of course, but I do want to make myself clear that I’ve never tried something like this; from the information the damage that’s causing your friends inability to walk isn’t her bone structure, it’s her muscular- her nerves, ligaments and tendons.” She started to explain, Ren finally coming back with Nana’s equipment, wheeling in the large boxes and setting them along the wall.
Masamune watched Ren wheel everything in, his scales itching as he tapped his nails slowly one by one against the table. He wasn't listening to anything Nana or Kojurou were saying, just watching Nana like a hawk.
Nana continued to talk with Kojurou, discussing the details in which he also heard none of; this was all too happy, this woman claimed she might be able to fix Kojurou’s lover? Not likely, she was probably only trying to get closer to Kojurou, or through Kojurou to Masamune- what was her end game?
“Ah, Ren, will you bring out my latest model of prosthesis?”
The kid opened up one of the large trunks, pulling out a sleek look prosthetic leg.
“I know amputation is probably the fatherest from you mind, especially when the leg itself isn’t dead or gone, but from what you’re discribing, her problem isn’t one that can be fixed by me.” She said softly, carefully laying the leg out on the table.
“I’d be able to create braces that can be fitted on the outside of the body and worn, but that too is only a temporary fix, the moment she takes them off, her legs are back to being crippled.” She told Kojurou.
"I see..." This didn't seem to sit very well with him, but seeing Jin bound to a wheelchair broke his heart more, "Would we be able to apply a type of synthetic to make it look more real...?"
Masamune was getting angrier the more he thought about her being here. She was playing Motochika; he knew the Ogre wasn't an idiot but she had him coiled so tight it was sick.
“I’m still working on creating a synthetic skin right now, but bioengineering isn’t exactly my field, so progress is slow. Ren however does have more expertise in that field, so we’re collaborating, but still we’re months away from a perfected product.” She said.
She was pregnant, was it Hideyoshi’s kid? No, it had to be amotochika’s, that was probably just another book she had in him to keep close to him; how much of his movements were her whispering in his ear, simply a mouthpiece of Toyotomi? It was disgusting really.
Masamune stood quickly and pointed his gun at Nana, causing Motochika to stand up quickly and try to shield her.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" Motochika snarled.
"Masamune-sama!" Kojurou reached for the gun but Masamune only moved away.
"I won't have any spies in my home, pregnant or otherwise."
Nana stared at Masamune with wide eyes, putting a hand over her stomach and trying to stand quickly to back away, wanting no hard to come to her child.
“She ain’t a spy!!” Ren moved and pushed Nana behind himself, a scowl on his face.
"A whore of Hideyoshi has you brainwashed to shit and I won't ha-!" Masamune didn't get to finish, Motochika punched him so hard that he was sent flying.
"Don't you dare..." Motochika growled, "Don't you dare call Nana a whore ever again!!"
“Motochika!” It was Nana, Ren keeping her where she was. “It’s ok, I’m ok..!” She said, trying to calm the Ogre. “They’re just words, I’ve heard worse..!”
"Disrespectful is what they are!" He said. Masamune came storming back, pupil a thin line. Kojurou tried to stop him but Masamune was much stronger with his adrenalin punping.
The door opened and the familiar sound of the soft squeak of wheels drew everyone’s attention to the door. “What’s going on?” Jin looked to Kojurou, frowning softly before looking to Masamune and Motochika, one eye hidden behind an eyepatch.
“I’m a cripple, not an idiot, Kojurou, don’t patronize me.” Jin said, resting her badly scarred hand on her lap. “Everyone can hear the yelling in here, so what? Is that the techie that’s going to tell you the same thing I told you? My legs can’t be saved.” She seemed indifferent to Masamune and Motochika, one of the bad habits she had acquired after her accident; allowing or putting herself to remain in dangerous situations.
"Would alright of we amputated them to replace them...?" He asked. Masamune stormed out of the room, if he continued then the estate would get destroyed.
Jin stared at Kojurou with dawning horror, which quickly turned into anger. “So you just want me to be crippled further?” She asked lowly.
Ren helped Nana sit back down on the couch, insisting that she stay regardless of how Masamune acted to finish with her client.
Kojurou shook his head, "Not at all. It would be a complete cybernetic replacement, much like Chosokabe's arm. You would be able to walk again...I just want to see you happy..." He told her.
Motochika looked Nana over to make sure she was ok, he didn't want her or the baby too stressed.
Jin gripped the arms of her wheelchair so hard her knuckles turned white, glaring down at her lap. “I need some time to think.” Was all she muttered before turning her chair and leaving the room.
His shoulders sank slightly and he let out a sigh before turning to Nana. "Please forgive me if this turns out to be a wasted trip....I will still compensate you for your time regardless."
"And make Ryuunii-san apologize." Motochika huffed. Kojurou frowned.
"I will do my best..."
“I won’t say I’ll forgive Masamune-dono’s actions, because I can’t- pointing his weapon at my child is an act too dastardly even for me.” Nana said firmly, letting out a small sigh to settle her nerves. “But that doesn’t change who my client is, and that is you Katakura-dono. We can remain here for three days to think over the offer- but that’s all the time we can afford- I’m sorry, I know such a thing requires more time to think, so I apologize.”
"I will do my best to have Jin decide quickly.." He said, "Please allow me to show you to where you will stay. no longer feel safe here?"
She shook her head. “Motochika already booked us a hotel nearby before we even arrived, we wouldn’t want to impose on our clients.”
Ren gave a nod and helped Nana to her feet, and out the door, leaving Kojurou on his own; would Jin agree to the surgery? She did seem to be hitting a plateau with her physical therapy, leaving her in her wheel chair most days.
Jin was in her room sitting at the window to smoke- even though the entire building pretty much deemed of cigarettes regardless, watching the busy street below.
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