Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"It'll take some gettin' used to, obviously.." Motochika said, "Depending on how numb ya feel, basic things like eating and writing will take a while to do normally.."
"So no gunpla...?" She asked. Motochika had no idea what that was.
"No, no gunpla..."
Amaya put a hand on Akihime’s good shoulder. “I’ll help you build them, though I may need some assistance.” She said softly; the thought of Amaya sitting hunched over while trying to put together tiny plastic pieces was almost comical.
Akihime smiled and nodded, "I'll teach you all that I know..."
"If ye still wanna stay a couple days, feel free. We ain't shovin' off for a bit." Motochika said. Akihime nodded, her smile now sad.
"Thank you...I would love to stay just a bit longer.." She said.
Amaya gave a small nod, then bowed to Nana in thanks, then to Motochika. “Thank you, for returning her arm, for allowing her to stay here- for everything.”
“Really, it was no problem!” Nana waved her hand, plus how could she possibly say no when Shingen himself had come to her about a job?
"If he hasn't already, I'm sure Shingen-sama will pay you when I return." Akihime said. Motochika waved his hand.
"We're in no rush for funds." He replied.
Nana nodded in agreement with Motochika. “I honestly just had fun making your arm, it’s leagues better than what I first gave Motochika.” She said, looking a little embarrassed.
Akihime smiled as they bickered playfully together and she didn't notice she was crying until she felt her lip tremble.
"Aki?" Motochika frowned and she quickly dried her eyes.
"Daijoubu! Daijoubu da!" She sputtered
Amaya looked concerned, knowing Akihime had been this way for a while, even before she had lost her arm, but she still refused to tell her what was wrong.
“I’m sorry, she must be tired and in pain, if I may, I’ll take her back to her room for now.”
Nana blinked, a bit stunned, but nodded.
“Y-Yeah.. Her arm should be fine as long as she doesn’t lift anything heavy.”
“Don’t worry at all..!” Nana waved her hand, giving her a warm smile.

((Wanna have Aki there when she finds out Nana’s pregnant~?))
Akihime planned to stay a week longer, understandably worried about her new arm and if it would function properly, which Nana understood and welcomed her to stay as long as she wished.
One day however, Motochika got an urgent call from Ren in the infirmary, something had happened with Nana, but the young man was too frantic to understand over the radio.
"Alright, alright! I'm comin'!" Motochika barked and shut off the radio, stalking to the infirmary. Akihime looked over from watching the sea and frowned.
"Somethin's wrong with Nana." He said and Akihime quickly followed.
It didn’t take the two long to reach the infirmary, and when they did, Ren was waiting outside, tears in his eyes. “Cap’n, it’s Nana-!” He choked up again, looking like he’d start bawling at any second. When Motochika opened the door however, he didn’t find Nana laying on one of the cots injured badly, in fact she was simply sitting on the stool by the desk, holding something small, tears in her own eyes. She didn’t look sad though, in fact, she looked beyond happy; in her hand a pregnancy test.
Motochika stared at the test for a long while, as if processing what was happening. Akihime tried to peek in while holding Ren to calm the poor boy.
"What? What's wrong? Is she ok?" She asked, trying to find a good spot to look passed Motochika's large frame. Motochika didn't say a word before moving over quickly and scooping up Nana easily in his arms, laughing joyously as he spun her around.
Nana wrapped her arms around Motochika’s neck, laughing with him as she held him tightly, a look of pure joy on her face.
“She’s pregnant..!” Ren finally managed out through his tears, the lad too was excited for Nana and Motochika.
Akihime gasped, holding Ren tight to her bossom, "Oh my Gosh!! That's so great, congratulations!!" She cheered. Motochika set Nana down and kissed her before cupping her cheeks and peppering her face in more kisses, saying over and over that he loved her.
Ren’s face went red, but he didn’t try to push away.
Nana placed her hands over Motochika’s unable to stop her tears. “Any more and you’re going to smother me.” She teased, moving to wipe her tears away.
Nana nodded her thanks to Akihime, at a loss for words, hearing about this pregnancy didn’t invoke fear, but joy; she was having the child of a man whom she loved, not one where it was her job to produce children for him.
“Let’s give ‘em a minute.” Ren suggested to Akihime in a soft whisper, nodding his head toward the door.
Nana sat down once they were alone, looking down at the pregnancy test still in her hands. “I’m so happy..” She said softly. “I couldn’t be more happy, but...” She frowned softly. “I’m also scared.”
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