Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“It actually has no electronic parts- well except for the nerve receiver. I modeled the arm after a mechanical watch, so you’ll need to wind a mechanism every two weeks, but other than that, you won’t need to worry about short-outs.” She grinned as she led her to her workshop.
“I could never turn away someone who helped me so much.” She said, moving over to her desk and picking up a slender metal object turning to show Akihime. The arm was beautiful, looking more like a metal art piece rather than a fully functional arm.
Nana let out a breath she had been holding in. “Oh I’m so glad!” She looked completely relieved. “I was worried you would find it a bit too fancy.” She admitted. “It’s low tech, so it only functions as an arm, but I can modify it if needed!”
"If it can let me function wholly again, I would be glad if only the fingers worked." She said with a small laugh, "I don't know how to repay you for this kindness."
Nana shook her head. “This is actually my way of repaying you for contacting Motochika.” She smiled softly and looked down at the prosthetic. “Without him, I would be dead. I’m truly grateful for you allowing me another chance with him.”
"Everyone deserves happiness, Nana-dono...we experience joy so we may glimpse Paradise and know peace. Chosokabe-sama makes you happy, I saw it the moment he took you away. All your troubles and worries melted as soon as he embraced you..." She said gently, "That was the only reward I would ever ask from the both of you."
Nana laughed again. “Look at me, being all sappy, forgive me.” She moved and gently set the arm down. “Let’s get you into a warm bed, ne?”
When Akihime entered her cabin, she sighed softly and moved to her duffel bag to grab her pajamas to change. She stood there for a moment, staring at the bundle of fabric before sitting on her bed quietly.
Nana returned to the cabin she shared with Motochika, letting out a soft sigh as she sat on the bed, kicking off her boots.
“Aye, she’s better, but there’s something wrong, something she isn’t sharing.” Nana said, pulling off her work overalls.
"Yeah, I noticed as well. It's quite concerning. Though it isn't really our place to pry..." He said, moving to sit on the bed, "We could ask, but I'm sure she won't be keen to share.."
She rubbed her neck, sitting in her tank top and underwear. “Whatever it is, it’s weighing heavily on her, I’m worried about her.
Nana put her hand on Motochika’s, squeezing his hand gently. “Aye.” She whispered softly.
In the morning, Akihime and only a few of the crew were up eating breakfast. She had another night terror about Yukimura and thus was left up all might without any real sleep. She looked exhausted.
Amaya was back at her side, making sure she was eating properly at least; she had grilled Akihime to the third degree, but got nothing out of her, so opted to simply stand by her until she was ready to speak about what was troubling her.
"Really, Ama, I just had a really bad night terror...I didn't want to go back to sleep. And I didn't want to wake you so I just...stayed up..." Akihime said, looking up at Amaya, "I think I need to request stronger antidepressants...mine aren't working anymore..."
This only made Amaya look more worried. “Akihime, you know that you can tell me Whatever is troubling you..” She said gently.
Akihime gripped her chopsticks tightly, "I can't..." She whispered, "It's my burden to bear...I would love nothing more than to pour out my problems to you like I have in the past but I just can't this time...please forgive me..."
Amaya frowned deeply, giving her a nod before turning to her food. “If ever the day comes when you can share your burden with me, know that I will always be here.”
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