Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin laid back against the matress, gently rubbing her aching hand. “Yes, that would be nice.” She said softly.
Kojurou could tell her pain medication was starting to kick in, her pupils were dilated and she was no longer shaking from pain. She shook her head. “I’m alright.... Thank you for this, for everything.”
Jin’s eye snapped open and she looked horrified, looking up to see Matsunaga standing beside her. She tried to sit up, to bolt away from him, but her wrists and ankles were restrained to the bed, making her start to shake in terror. “No..!” She had finally gotten free of Hisehide, she had finally been returned to Kojurou.
"You didn't think I wouldn't finish the job, did you?" Matsunaga pulled his pistol from his jacket and aimed at her head, "You've gone softer than I thought."
Jin let out a horrified scream, thrashing as hard as she could against her restraints to try and free herself. Tears flooded her eye and fell down her face, panick completely blinding her to the fact that she wasn’t strapped down, and that Matsunaga wasn’t actually there.
"Jin! Jin!' Kojurou's voice grabbed her as well as his hands; he held her steady with a worried look on his face, "You're safe! It's ok! It's alright.."
Jin finally registered she was looking up at Kojurou, breathing hard and sobbing still. “He’s here! He’s back and he’s going to kill me!” She cried, completely hysterical; she never lost herself this badly.
It took Jin a few minutes, but she was finally able to calm down, resting once more as she held Kojurou’s hand.

((Wanna do the next part~?))

Kojurou could do nothing as he watched her hallucinations worsen and worsen, it broke his heart to see her in such distress. He didn't know what to do and the doctor only prescribed more pills which she slowly began to refuse. He tried to keep high spirits for her recovery but it was hard.
Her hallucinations progressed to night terrors, which often meant Kojurou finding her in the corner of her room in the morning, too petrified to even look away from whatever she saw before her.
Three weeks into her hallucinations, and she ceased taking any and all of her pain meds at all, which made physical therapy excruciating for her, but it was either pain or never ending torment. She began to withdrawal, but the progress with her hand was showing; she could use it more, though it still shook quite badly.
"Jin..." Kojurou looked tired, depressed even. He had her pain killers in hand, hopeful but knew it was in vain, "You'll continue to be in pain if you don't start taking your pills again.."
Jin shook her head as she continued to work on training her hand to write again, the letter sloppy and barely legible, and he could see how upset it made her. “I won’t take them.” Her hand was shaking, either from effort of trying to keep it still, or pain- but probably both. “The hallucinations are getting worse.. I can feel his hands...” she stopped writing, tears coming to her eyes. “He’s becoming real.” She said quietly.
"If Hisahide cared enough that you were still alive, he would have tried getting into the estate by now. But he hasn't. They're hallucinations, that's all they will be. Please, seeing you in pain hurts me as well." He told her.
“I won’t take them anymore.” She said softly, picking up her pen once more, not looking at him as she started to write again.
“My doctor brought my food in not too long ago, I just haven’t gotten a chance to eat it yet.” She said.
She looked up from her writing, but nodded, setting her pen down and moving her wheelchair the best she could with only one good hand and one recovering hand.
He helped move her to the small table where her food was waiting - simple proteins and carbs and vegetables. He sat away from her to give her peace, knowing she didn't really like people watching her eat.
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