Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

His eyes shot to her and he started shaking, huffing lowly as he watched her. Goto watched in a panic before pointing his gun back at Hidemune and screaming. Hidemune broke Goto's hand and snarled loudly down at him, slowly taking in as much air as he could as fire started to build up in his throat.
A small hand grabbed Hidemune’s arm before he could release his fire, bringing his attention away from Goto. It was Minehime, tears running down her cheeks, and blood dripping steadily down her chin, but she smiled still.
She shook her head, holding his hand gently, hands trembling as she held his. Her scales were started to lose their color, and all Hidemune could smell now was her blood; she was still bleeding from her ankles as well, and soon she would lose consciousness.
Hidemune was shaking again, and looked up quickly when the door opened. It was Masamune, staring down at them with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, what happened in here?" He asked. Hidemune hissed and pulled Minehime to the far corner, protecting her. Kojurou made a noise.
"He must have lost his self control..." He noted. Masamune made a noise.
"She's dying." He said.
Minehime was breathing heavily now, staring blankly at Masamune and Kojurou, the blood flow had started to slow, but it wasn’t a good thing. It became hard to keep her eyes open, and soon, she let them close.
Kojurou moved and slammed his boot into Goto's ribcage, knocking the wind out of him and crushing a couple ribs. Masamune moved slowly to Hidemune and the boy held Minehime tighter, snarling lowly.
"Look, kid, she's gonna die if you don't get her home." He stated. Hidemune didn't seem to be listening and it irritated Masamune, "Kojurou." The Right Eye moved over and waited for Hidemune to attack first; which he did, launching himself at Kojurou. The commander grabbed him and forced him to the ground, giving him a large enough shock to render him unconscious. Masamune moved and picked up Minehime carefully, carrying her out as Kojurou followed with Hidemune.
Minehime was light in Masamune’s arms, head resting against his chest as he carried her. Her breathing was shallow, but she was still alive.
They got into the car and Kojurou drove like a bat out of hell back to the estate to get Minehime to the in-house surgeon. Masamune sat in the back with both Minehime and Hidemune, wondering what had caused Hidemune to lose himself like that.
Masamune could easily see Minehime’s mouth was a bloody mess, but she had all of her teeth, and the only external wound was the ones on her legs- what had happened?
When they arrived at the estate, Kojurou took Minehime from Masamune and brought her inside to the surgeon. Masamune took Hidemune and locked him in the brood room, the only area in the whole estate that would contain him.
Minehime went into surgery immediately, the doctors sewing up what was left of her tongue and giving her a blood transfusion; repairing her legs would come last.
Jin was resting, having surgery again to fix a small complication in her hand.
Minehime would spend hours in surgery, but all of her problems were easy fixes, though her recovery would be a long one; at least that’s what the doctor told Masamune.
Masamune sighed softly and took it as the best possible outcome.
As Hidemune laid in the brood room, he twitched and grunted as he dreamed horrible things. Minehime had her finger nails removed, her arms and legs mangled, ribs broken, things that only seemed to drive Hidemune's stress levels even further off the charts.
“Hey.” It was Megohime, coming to see how everything was going. “Heard you got the kids back, how are they?” She asked softly.
Masamune made a noise, "Minehime is missing her tongue and her heels were slashed. Hidemune was in a feral state when we got there...Kojurou had to knock him out..."
Megohime sat beside him in silence, a deep frown on her face. “Shit.” She said softly, rubbing the back of her neck.
"Yeah...I'm not sure if he's gonna be ok by the time he wakes up. Mine will be ok, though. Probably not gonna be able to walk for a while." He said.
“If he’s anything like you, I’m sure he’ll be fine.” She said gently, putting her hand over his.
He squeezed her hand, "I mean, I know I had a shitty temper when I was a teen...but for him to be almost a literal animal bothers me. What the hell did Hanbei do to them?"
She shook her head. “If it was anything as bad as what he did to me, it’s bad.” She said softly.

((Want to do freaked out Hide then Jin~?))
A few of Masamune’s men checked in on him, but didn’t dare open the door. They informed the gang lord, but did nothing else.
Minehime was sleeping peacefully, all of her operations going quite smoothly.
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