Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She mustered up another smile, but it looked worried. “Weird smell.” She said softly, squeezing his hand nervously.
His expression grew serious, and she had only seen him look so scary once and that was with Mitsunari trying to pull them apart. He looked ahead, brows knit tight together.
"You finally noticed...?" He asked quietly, "He's been following us since we left the store..."
She nodded, keeping her gaze on him, not daring to peek behind her. They had their hoods up, they always did whenever they went out- a safety precaution. “Why is he following?”
"I don't know." He muttered before he suddenly dropped the groceries he had and pushed Minehime away as hard as he could. He just barely dodged the crescent blade as it aimed for his spine, instead it dug into his hoodie and ripped it open.
Minehime dropped her own groceries and rolled, bouncing back onto her feet. She spun around to look at the man who had thrown the blade, then looked to Hidemune for instruction, keeping an eye on the stranger as well.
"Ke ke ke ke ke." The man laughed under his breath as he moved toward them, "What could I expect from his brats."
"What are you talking about?" Hidemune demanded. The man moved closer, gripping his blade tight.
"Him. Date Masamune. That bastard."
“Nii-chan..” She whispered softly, taking a step back. Should they run? Would running work out, or should they fight?
Hidemune looked to her before his eyes darted back to the man, "Go, Minehime. I'll distract him. Get back to the estate!" He ordered before swallowing a huge breath of air and exhaling a massive blast of flame at the man.
It went against everything Minehime wanted, but she obeyed, turning and sprinting down the street as he had ordered.
When the flames cleared, the man was gone and Hidemune grew rather fearful of where he could have gone.
"Ke ke ke." Hidemune's eyes widened as the crescent blade dug into his abdomen, the man suddenly in front of him again with a wicked grin on his face. The blade was ripped from his belly and he dropped, watching helplessly as the man trudged away toward where Minehime had gone before bursting into a full-on sprint after her.
The smell of Hidemune’s blood hit her nose and she started to cry immediately, but she only pushed on, not wanting to disappoint Hidemune by disobeying him. Every fiber of her being screamed to turn back, to go to Hidemune and help him, to attack the man who had hurt him; but he had taught her better. He had made her soft.
There was sharp, burning, unyielding pain in her legs that shot up from her ankles to her hips. She fell forward and skidded for a bit before stopping. This man, this evil being who hurt Hidemune, had cleanly sliced her Achilles tendon - both of them - to keep her from running away.
"That wasn't very nice, running off like that." The man said as he hobbled over.
Minehime let out a strangled cry of pain as it registered, trying to stand, only to fall back to the ground, making her resort to crawling. She clenched her teeth as she crawled, dragging herself and leaving a trail of blood behind her. She had to do as Hidemune said, she needed to get back to the estate, she couldn’t let him down. She didn’t say anything, and she certainly didn’t look at the man, not hearing a word he said.
He moved over to her and stood over her before he kicked her in the head as hard as he could. Then it was dark and quiet.

"Hitto!" Masamune was getting really annoyed with all these interruptions, he just wanted to hang out and watch tv with Megohime.
"What?" He snarled and the lounge door opened, one of the gang bowing hurriedly before holding out a letter.
"It's addressed to you, hitto!'s got blood on it..."
"Blood?" Masamune held out his hand and took the letter. Sure enough, there were bloody finger prints all over it, "What the fuck?"
Megohime looked at the letter in disgust, then looked to Masamune. “Secret admirer?” She asked, sitting up so she could get a better look.
"I hope not." He said before opening it up to read it. The hand writing was sloppy, hurried to the point he almost couldn't read it. But he recognized it right away.
"Fuck, it's Goto..." He muttered, squinting to see if he could read it any better that way.
“Gotō?” She repeated, peering over his shoulder to try and read it. “Who the hell is that?” She muttered.
"A psychopath I kicked into the dirt when I escaped from Toyotomi's labs. Hasn't dropped it in over ten years. His scribblings say that he has something of mine..." He tried to read through the slop, "My children...?" He looked confused, "I don't have kids..."
"H-Hitto!!" The gang member looked panicked, "Hidemune and Minehime! They went out to the store, remember?!"
"Oh...Oh shit." Masamune clued it together and stood, chanting swears like an incantation as he headed quickly to his room.
Megohime stood and followed him, frowning softly. “Are you sure he isn’t just blowing steam? You said those kids could take care of themselves.”
"The blood smells like mine.." He said, moving to change out of his yukata and started getting ready to go confront Goto, "Even if they could take care of themselves, they're unarmed..." If she didn't know any better she would think he actually cared about them.
Megohime frowned, watching him as he changed into his street gear. “Have Kojurou go with you.” She said softly.

Minehime finally stirred from unconsciousness, head throbbing as she opened her eyes, pain still shooting through her legs.
"If I can pull him away from Jin, sure." He said, tightening his kevlar vest once he was changed.

She could smell blood, maybe it was hers but she couldn't tell. Once her eyes focused and she took a good look around, she saw Hidemune motionless on the ground a few feet away.
Megohime moved over and cupped his cheeks, kissing him softly. “Just be safe, yeah?” She said gently. “Come home in one piece.”

Minehime rolled onto her stomach when she saw Hidemune, carefully dragging herself over to him, clenching her teeth to not let out any noises of pain.
He grinned, "Naturally." He replied before grabbing his shot gun and headed off to see if he could get Kojurou. The Right Eye was glued to Jin's side as always, helping her eat slowly. "Kojurou." Katakura looked up at Masamune and nodded to him. Masamune nudged his head, "Kids are in trouble, we gotta go."
"Hai." Kojurou said and apologized to Jin before moving to get ready.

There wasn't any blood that she could see but she could smell it. His wound was getting worse. She could barely hear him breathing.
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