Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"A woman?"
"Yeah, it was really weird, I didn't understand why some no name gang would wanna kill a foreigner..." Hidemune said. Masamune looked as confused as Hidemune sounded.
"A foreigner?"
"Mhm. Blonde hair, kinda tall from the likes of it. She was missing an eye, kind of an odd thing to take a trophy of."
"Oh shit." Masamune muttered before he left, making Hidemune blink in confusion.
Minehime looked over to Hidemune, cheeks stuffed full of rice crackers, looking just as confused as Hidemune.
((Praise the Lord!))

Masamune moved to Kojurou's room and threw the door open. Kojurou looked up at him over his reading glasses.
"Can I help you?"
"Jin is in the hospital. That's the chick Hidemune found." Masamune said. Kojurou's eyes widened and he stood up quickly as he headed for the door.
"What are we waiting for?!"
(( ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ))

Minehime looked to Hidemune, swallowing her snacks. “What’s a foreigner?” She asked, staring at him curiously.
Hidemune smiled as he kept an eye on dinner, "A foreigner is someone not native to our home! So she isn't native to Japan, she is a foreigner...! Just like if we went to say...Germany, we would be foreigners there cuz we aren't native to that country...!"
“Oh.” She sat at the table and continued to munch on her snacks.

((Wanna have them bring Jin home~?))
((Fair enough!)

Once Masamune and Kojurou got to the hospital - Masamune demanded that he change first, he had to look presentable, so he put on a nice blue suit - Kojurou ordered they release Jin into the Date's care. The nurse looked confused.
"J...Jin?" She asked. Kojurou nodded, looking furious.
"The Jane Doe that came in."
"She lost a lot of blood, Katakura-sama, we need to make sure leaving doesn't cause any risk." She said.
((Beep bep, nothin rn cuz I'm a fukken loser!))

Masamune pulled a lot of strings but was able to get Jin out and to the estate to have her care continued. Kojurou couldn't believe it was actually her, he cried silently the whole drive home.
Jin would be unconscious the entire ride, hooked up to several iv drips, an oxygen mask, as well as her legs having been wrapped up. Masamune’s surgeons would operate in house to fix her legs, which had been broken still all these months, as well as her crushed hand. Her eye had been wrapped up to save it from infection, but that would need to be operated on as well. As for the bullets, one had gone straight through and the other had lodged itself in her pelvis.
Kojurou sat outside the surgeon's designated operating room as he waited for any word. He would be there a while, he knew that, but he wanted to be the first to receive any word on Jin's condition.
Jin would be in surgery for nineteen hours, and even then, they only managed to reset her leg, and reconstruct her hand the best that they could. Steel pins had to be inserted into her hands to keep it stable, a horrid looking metal contraption keeping her hand stable for healing. Most of the bones in her hand had to be broken again, having healed incorrectly. As for her knee, the entire knee cap would have to be replaced. Her empty eye socket had been recleaned, but other than her eye missing, it was well taken care of.
"How is she doin'?" Masamune asked as he approached. Kojurou looked up before shaking his head.
"I'm not sure, I haven't been told anything yet..."
“Masamune-sama? Katakura-dono?” One of the nurses assisting in the surgery came out. “Jin-dono is stable, but a few concerning aspects did come to light when we removed the bullet lodged in her pelvis.” He frowned softly and looked at his charts. “She had both recently given birth, as well as been sterilized- was she brought in with a child?”
“From what we can conclude, the last month, narrowing down any further would need a few more tests.” He said.
“We’ve finished operating on her for today, her knee replacement will be scheduled two weeks from now so we can get the parts.” He said. “But other than that, you should be able to visit her freely once she wakes up.”
"Thanks." Masamune nodded and looked to Kojurou, who had been sitting and listening with a deathly silence the whole time, "Kojurou?"
"She...had a child..." He muttered, "He forced bear him an heir."
"I'm sorry, Kojurou..." Masamune said.
After a few minutes, Jin was cleaned up and taken to a room to recuperate, she was still under anesthesia, but even then, it was easy to see the wear on her face, as well as the new scars. She had grown so terribly thin as well, losing quite a bit of her muscle mass as well, but she wasn’t malnourished.
Jin’s face had more cuts than before, more than likely caused by Matsunaga; her upper lip and brow had been cut deeply, leaving thick scars. Her right leg was in a cast and her other leg still wrapped. Her hand looked like it had been put in a blender with metal rods, and her arms had heavy track marks.
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