Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Jin would take hours to work the anesthetics from her system, and when she finally did regain consciousness, she said and did nothing. She stared dead-eyed up at the ceiling, her remaining eye completely lifeless.
Jin didn’t say anything, face expressionless, and eye glassy, but she did move. Her movements were slow and jerky, which was understandable, but what she did broke Kojurou’s heart even more. She carefully moved the blanket off of her, spread her legs, and pulled her gown up.
He didn't stop his tears as he tried to carefully close her legs, blubbering softly about how she didn't need to do that any more. He pulled her gown back down and pulled the blanket back over her, choking on quiet sobs.
Jin didn’t fight to keep her legs open, allowing him to move her like a doll, gaze still focused on the ceiling. Whatever Matsunaga had done to her in the year she was missing, it was enough to completely shatter her mind.
He sat beside her and tried not to cry any more than he already was, his chest aching more and more the longer he thought about the horrors she must have endured.
Most days would go by the same; Jin would remain where she was in bed, mute and unresponsive, even her eye didn’t follow people around, it was like she wasn’t even aware of her surroundings. She only had the same reaction from before when Kojurou entered, but after he continued to simply refuse her and cover her up, she stopped. Was that a sign she was regaining awareness? She still had to have a feeding tube, but at the least, she wasn’t strapped down and mounted. Her hair was still cut short, falling just passed her shoulders.
Kojurou visited her every chance he got, Masamune was trying to keep him busy to keep him from getting really depressed. Kojurou had hoped that the more Jin saw him, the more she would start to regain herself. It looked like it was working, but he couldn't be sure.
Jin seemed to improve daily, and soon, her eye regained some life, and actually started to follow people around a bit. She no longer needed her feeding tube, but she still needed help, having to be fed. She was still on liquid food only. After four weeks of being in the Date estate, she finally spoke. “Kojurou..” Her raspy voice brought him away from his Sudoko, looking at him with the same blank expression, but she was clearly looking at him.
Jin stayed in bed, heavy bags under her eyes. “Am I dead...?” Her voice was raspy from the feeding tube, as well as her throat being dry.
He shook his head, "No, no, one of the gang found you and took you to the hospital...we had you transferred here so we fould keep an eye on you. I thought I lost you..."
She stared at him, then slowly turned and looked toward her hand. Tears fell down her face when she saw the condition it was in. She said nothing however, trying to sit up to look at her hand better, only moving made her newly operated on knee hurt bad enough to make her cry out.
He braced her before gently laying her back down, "Easy, you shouldn't be moving so much, they had to preform a lot to get your legs into proper healing positions."
More tears flooded down her cheeks, and she bit her lip so hard it bled. “I can’t feel my hand, and I can’t move my legs..!” She sounded panicked, and had every right to. “I can’t move my legs!”
He pet her hair gently and squeezed her arm soothingly, "I know...I know, and you won't for a while, but you'll heal and then you'll be ok. They were left in such a horrible state that we're surprised they were even fixed at all.."
The strong, beautiful woman Kojurou once knew was gone, replaced by someone frail. Matsunaga had broken her, he had wiggled away her soul but by bit until there was barely anything left. She shook in his arms as she sobbed, from both pain and fear, able to feel her legs, but unable to move them.

((Wanna have the plan with Gotou~? Or not yet~?))

The next grocery run Hidemune had, Minehime decided she wanted to tag along, following him closely as they walked through the market, holding his hand with one, and carrying grocery bags in the other.
She smiled more and nodded. “I like putting pickled plum on them.” She said, swinging his hand with hers.
He laughed, squeezing her hand affectionately, "That's a bit odd, but I suppose if you enjoy it." He didn't want her to know they were being followed, but if she was anything like him then she would pick up on it soon. This odd man had been dragging himself behind them since they left the store; he kept a fairly good distance from them but Hidemune had been trained to be dangerously aware of everything that happened around him.
The young girl must’ve been too excited to be out to notice him right away, but she did notice the same scent following them as they went. Her nose wiggled a few times, then she looked up at Hidemune again, only now her smile was gone, a confused expression on her face.
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