Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Minehime whimpered and pulled him close to her, pulling up his shirt and examining his wound. She sniffed it, and noticed it smelled sour, making tears leak down her face. “Hide..! Hide!” She called, shaking him.
He groaned loudly and forced his eyes open, "Mini...? Daijoubu...?" He asked weakly. He felt way colder than he needed to be, his scales losing a bit of color as well as his skin.
Her tears came faster, and she looked around the dark room, spitting a door and moving over to it. She banged on the door, stomach dropping when she felt a metal door. She started to cry harder, banging on the door over and over. “Help! Please help Hide! He’s hurt!”
Minehime couldn’t hear anything, not even the blood pounding in her ears as she slammed on the door and cried, hitting the door until her hands hurt.
The door opened roughly, knocking Minehime backward. Goto and a couple of his men stepped in, both of them looking just as scared as Hidemune and Minehime did.
Minehime scrambled back, moving away from Gotō and to Hidemune. “Please help him..!” She pleaded. “He’s really hurt.. He’s gonna die..!”
Minehime felt her heart sink when she saw what he said, looking down at the floor and watched her tears fall.
Goto walked over to Hidemune and stepped on his wound, causing him to cry out and try pushing off his foot.
"Don't you want to die for Date, little brat?" Goto asked. Hidemune felt like he was going to vomit from the pain.
"Fuck you." He snarled weakly. Goto looked beyond offended and applied more pressure, making Hidemune scream.
Goto felt something sharp sink into his leg when he pressed harder on Hidemune’s wound. Minehime was biting him, biting him as hard as she could, digging her nails into his leg as well.
Minehime grunted with every hit, but only clamped down harder, yanking back to get him away from Hidemune; Mitsunari hit far harder that this man.
He other two men finally got up the courage to approach Gotō and pulled Minehime off his leg, making her kick and scream, trying to punch and bite them as well.
"She bit my leg!" Goto whined loudly before taking one of his men's guns and pointing it at her. Hidemune jerked up, adrenalin pumping and allowing him to ignore the pain.
"No! Don't hurt her!" Hidemune begged. Goto was shaking but didn't move, almost like he didn't hear Hidemune.
Minehime sneered at Goto, letting out another scream of anger as she kicked and squirmed. Her kicks only caused her more pain though, fresh blood dripping from her torn up boots.
Minehime stopped moving, staring back at him with no expression on her face, but her pupils quickly turned to slits.
"You get that out of her mouth right now." Hidemune growled. Goto looked back at him before returning his attention to Minehime. He removed the gun but pointed it at Hidemune instead.
"Chew off your tongue or he dies."
"Don't do it, Minehime!" Hidemune yelled firmly.
Minehime’s entire expression changed once the gun was pointed at Hidemune. Chew off her tongue? Why? She looked to Hidemune, then back to Goto before biting down hard on her tongue. Blood gushed from her mouth as she chewwed hard on her tongue, ignoring the pain as she cut through her tongue easily with her sharp teeth, then spit it out at Goto’s feet.
Goto smirked darkly and his finger twitched over the trigger before something hard and solid slammed into him. It was Hidemune, and he was beyond livid. His pupils were thin lines, eyes glowing with rage as he beat hard on Goto, liquid fire dripping from his mouth.
The two men holding Minehime watched in horror as Hidemune attacked, he truly looked like a monster, angry glowing eyes and lava dripping from his mouth. Minehime sat still, head spinning from the pain of chewing her tongue off, watching Hidemune with a dazed sort of look.
"Shoot him, shoot him, get him off of me!!" Goto yelled in a panic. The men dropped Minehime and reached for their guns, only to have Hidemune breathe a thick burst of flame at them. They screamed in agony as they were roasted alive, Hidemune's breathing heavy as he sat over Goto.
Minehime spit out the blood that was pooling in her mouth, looking at Hidemune. “Aah..!” She tried to call to him, but without her tongue, she couldn’t form words. She started to crawl toward him, blood dripping freely from her mouth.
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