Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Thanks for your vote of confidence." He jeered playfully before moving to the brood room. Hidemune was still throwing a fit and a half, screaming and beating against the metal. "Open it." Masamune ordered and the men looked horrified before one brave soul did as asked, pulling open the brood room door. Hidemune shot out of the room but Masamune snagged him and dragged him back into the room, "Shut the door!" He called and the men obeyed, sealing their boss inside with Hidemune.
Megohime had wandered over to the Brood Room, standing across from it and listening carefully as Masamune struggled with Hidemune inside.
It took a bit but the ruckus and fighting soon quieted down. Hesitantly, the door was pulled open and everyone peeked inside. Masamune had Hidemune pressed against the wall, his eyes no longer slits but he was breathing heavily.
Megohime watched from behind Masamune’s men, frowning softly. “You sure you don’t need me to get Kojurou?” She called in to Masamune.
"Nah, he's good now." Masamune called back. Hidemune looked agitated, his eyes scanning al the faces he could see.
"Where's Mini?"
"Resting. Healing. You can see her when you chill out."
Minehime was ok? So him watching her have her teeth and nails pulled one by one wasn’t real? Had it been real? How badly had Minehime been injured?
"Her nails. Teeth. They're all there?"
"Uh...yeah, as far as I know." Masamune answered. Hidemune relaxed a bit and Masamune let him go.
"Arigatou...Date-sama..." Hidemune strained to say. Masamune merely nodded and gestured that he could leave, in which everyone took a large step back.
Megohime waited where she was, waited for Masamune that was, watching as Hidemune left to see Minehime.
Weeks would become months, and Jin’s recovery was slow and painful. She was still confined to a wheelchair, but she worked everyday on physical therapy for her hand; she could barely move it. Every day for hours she would work on strengthening her hand to try and regain the mobility and motor function of her hand, but progress was slow.
She took a low grade painkiller daily for her legs as well as her hand, which left her groggy, but mostly coherent.
Kojurou still continued to help care for her, feeding her and helping her bathe when she needed to. It was stressful only because seeing her in such a state made him feel guilty. It was his fault she was like this. Indirectly or otherwise.
Jin was grateful for his help, finding the entire ordeal to be rather frustrating; her hand never moved how she wanted it to, and when it did actually move, it was excruciating.
Jin would always nod, take her pain meds and continue to strengthen her hand. Some times she would have fits of pain before her meds kicked in fully, leaving her in agony; shaking, breaking out in a cold sweat, and nausea.
She was dealing with one such fit, needing Kojurou’s help out of her wheelchair so she could vomit into the toilet, pale and shaking violently.
“The doctor said this would be normal... You don’t have to stay..” She said, breathing shakily as she started to retch again.
Jin finally stopped vommiting, having nothing left to expel from her body. She got back into her wheelchair with the help of Kojurou, finished with her physical therapy for the day.
The mere thought of anyone seeing her in such a pitiful state made her want to throw up again. “No... I think I’ll rest..” She said softly, looking down at her mangled and scarred hand.
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