Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya grunted and stayed where she was on the floor. “I’m very sorry, my lord, it won’t happen again, I’ll see to it.” She said, her side aching dully.
Amaya didn’t move at all from her spot on the floor, waiting to be dismissed, even if it meant sitting there all night.
“My lord!” It was one of Toyotomi’s men- a messenger - and he looked rather scared. “Your sea-side manor, it was leveled by pirates!” He seemed to pale even more. “Lady Nana was slain by the pirates. We’re still searching for her remains in the ashes.”
Hideyoshi waved his hand, "It doesn't matter. See if you can have the manor rebuilt." He said. Mitsunari looked shocked and Yoshitsugu shooed Amaya away while he was distracted.
"But...Hideyoshi-sama...your wife, she-"
"Is irrelevant to our plans." Hideyoshi stated and Mitsunari humbled himself, though his hand gripped his sword tightly.
"Of course..."
Amaya took the chance and left quickly, going to return to Akihime’s side for the time being.

Hanbei made a noise, but cared little for the death of a concubine, Hideyoshi had many, and losing one would mean nothing, especially one that hadn’t bore Hideyoshi any children.
Amaya knocked softly on the door, then entered, smiling softly once she saw Akihime. She bowed her head and moved over. “How are you feeling?” She asked.

Nana spent most of her time in Motochika’s cabin, and out of the way of the busy crew of the Fugaku. She busied herself by tinkering, having asked Motochika for certain mechanical parts; her project was coming along nicely. She always hid it when Motochika entered however, covering it with a cloth until he left, what could it be?
"Ama!" Akihime shot up and hugged her, "Oh, I was so worried!" She looked her over for any bruises, brows furrowed in worry.

Motochika didn't really bother Nana too much about her project; it wasn't any of his business anyway what she did.
Amaya grunted when she was hugged tightly, hugging Akihime in return. “I’m alright.” She said, then frowned softly. “But terrible news has come, Lady Nana has perished, by Chosokabe’s hand, no less.”

Nana was polite, only ever requesting mechanical parts when she needed them, but she did seem a bit reserved around the crew when she was out on deck, tending to stay close to Motochika when she could.
Akihime covered her mouth, eyes wide, "Nana? Oh Gods..."

Motochika kept an eye on everyone, making sure the work was done and the ship was running smoothly.
Amaya nodded, frowning softly. “The news is quite trubbling.. Hideyoshi-sama however...” She trailed off, then quickly shook her head. “Pay it no mind, we’re safe here; you’re safe here.”

“Ano..” Nana spoke over the loud sounds of the Fugaku, and he men working full steam, looking up at Motochika. “Chosokabe-san? May I ask something of you?”
"Hideyoshi-sama what...? Doesn't care...?" Akihime asked softly, "I already know that, Ama..." She sighed and sat on her bed, "I'm safe where ever you are.."

He turned toward her and nodded, "Of course, Nana, my ears are open." He said as he moved over.
Amaya moved her gaze to the floor. “Of course... You can always depend on me, Akihime-sama.” She said softly, bowing to her.

Nana blushed a bit, but cleared her throat. “May I take measurements of your arm?” She asked, holding a cloth measure in one hand, and a pad of paper and pen in the other.
"I'm sorry if that sounded mean. I know you'll always be there for me, Ama." She smiled, "I trust you with my life."

"My arm?" He asked curiously, "Uh...sure." He replied before turning a bit and presenting his arm to her, "May I ask why?"
Amaya shook her head, smiling again. “Think nothing of it, my lady.” She said softly.

Nana went to work taking the measurements of his arm, first measuring the length. “I figured since I’m not good at any of the work you needed done around here, that I could try pitching in somewhere else.” She wrote down a couple of things before measuring the bicep and then the forearm. “I wanted to give back the arm you lost because of me,” She looked up at him. “If it isn’t too bold?”
Nana hardly noticed Motochika’s red face, focusing on her work- and admittedly his arm. He was muscular, but unlike Hideyoshi, it wasn’t grotesquely so; it made her heart race. She finished measuring his arm and gathered up her notes. “I won’t be able to give you a flesh and blood arm... But hopefully mechanical will suffice.” She said softly.
A sheepish smile came onto her face, it being one of the very few times she actually did smile, it was refreshing. “I don’t mind, really. I missed building things anyway, it’s fun.”
Nana shuffled her feet a bit and nodded. “Yes, before I was Hideyoshi’s wife, I worked as an engineer.” She said, then smiled sadly. “I quite enjoyed it.”
"Well, if you ever want to tinker around or make small repairs, I can point you toward the engines." He told her, "If you ever get bored, I mean.." He added, cheeks flushing
Nana’s eyes widened in surprise, and her face flushed in excitement. “Really?” She even sounded excited. “You’d let me see the engines?”
“Would you?” She asked, looking up at him expectantly, like a child waiting for a present they knew they’d be getting.
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