Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Her heart ached to ease his pain, his suffering, she hated seeing anyone so unhappy. "Hey," She said gently, "We all have a purpose in this world, Yukimura-san...though your path now has been paved unjustly, I know that one day you will find the peace you deserve.." She told him soothingly.

"She's outside the compound, two hundred yards out. Can't miss her." He stated before taking Sayuri's hand and vanishing before this weird woman could try anything else.
Yukimura gave her a sad smile, wishing for her words to be true, but a part of him told him it would never happen. “Thank you, Akihime-dono..” He said softly, perking up when a thick black mist appeared suddenly in the middle of the room, Sasuke has returned.
"Ready to go home, dana? Lord Shingen has been worrying himself ill over you." Sasuke said, keeping Sayuri close. Akihime smiled sadly and lowered her gaze,
"I hope to one day see you again, Yukimura-san..." She said. Sasuke scowled.
"Not likely."
Yukimura stood, moving over to Sasuke and sending Akihime a soft smile. “I’m sure our paths will cross again.” He almost believed himself, almost.
The air temperature began to drop rapidly inside the hideout, the air cold enough to see each breath; the strange woman from before was already upon them, likely there for her master.
Sasuke took Yukimura's hand and suddenly vanished, leaving behind the inky black mist. Akihime slouched and hugged her arms, waiting for the sound scolding Amaya was bound to give her.
“Akihime-sama!” Warm arms wrapped around Akihime and she was held in a tight embrace. Amaya held Akihime tightly. “Are you hurt?” She asked softly.
She smiled softly and hugged her friend in return, "No, Ama, no, I'm alright. I'm sorry if I worried you, I didn't mean to get swept up with that man.."
Amaya cupped Akihime’s cheeks, looking her over for any cuts or bruises. “Please, think nothing of it, my lady. As long as you’re alright, that’s all that matters.” She pet Akihime’s hair, relieved she was ok.
She blushed and smiled softly, "You worry too much, Ama..." She whispered, "Does Mitsunari-sama know I'm missing?" She suddenly grew very afraid, reaching to grab Amaya's hand.
Amaya grabbed Akihime’s hand, smiling sadly. “Yes. I had to inform him that you were taken by the intruders.” She said softly, standing up and helping Akihime stand. “Think nothing of it, my lady.”
She shook her head, "N-No...No, that means you'll be punished too...! M-Maybe I can talk him out of it! It's my fault!" She seemed incredibly distressed by this; the very thought of any harm befalling Amaya seemed to tear her into pieces.
She placed a hand over Akihime’s cheek, skin soft and warm. “Silence, for now, my only priority is to get you back safely.” She said, taking her by the hand and leading her from the small hideout and back toward the towering estate.
“No.” She said sternly. “I was the one who allowed for you to be taken, there is nothing to discuss.” She didn’t sound angry, at least, not at Akihime.
Amaya squeezed Akihime’s hand, smiling back at her. “I’ll be fine.” She said, then pushed open the front doors of the estate. She handed Akihime over to a couple of guards, requesting they make sure she made it to the infirmary safety to be checked over, then headed to report Akihime’s safe return.
Amaya entered the great hall, where all were gathered upon the alarm sounding; Hanbei, Mitsunari, Yoshitsugu, and even Hideyoshi. She didn’t dare address Hideyoshi directly, bowing before Mitsunari. “My lord, Akihime-sama has returned unharmed, but I’ve sent her to be under observation for the night.”
Amaya looked petrified to be addressed directly by Hideyoshi, lowering her gaze even further.
“I-I do not, my lord. It is likely they took her as a hostage.”
“And Sanada?” Hanbei chimed in, not looking happy at all.
“He is gone as well.”
Hanbei sighed. “And the only one we have is the young girl caught in the lab..” he sounded disappointed.
“She is gone as well, sir.”
"Well, you have returned her. That is enough." He stated. Mitsunari finally exploded.
"Where were you when she was taken?! Why would you allow something to happen in the first place?!" He snapped.
Amaya bowed deeper to Mitsunari, her stomach in knots. “Forgive me, Mitsunari-sama, I was under the impression she was asleep, and I did not find reason to stand over her bed.” Her voice quivered, her terror clear.
"You were put in charge to guard her, when does that ever imply you should leave her side?!" He snapped before kicking her hard in the side.
Amaya wheezed in pain, being knocked onto her side by the force of the kick, but she quickly returned herself to a bowing position. “Please forgive my ignorance, Mitsunari-sama.. I was not thinking.” She kept her forehead pressed to the cold stone floors, bowed lowly at his feet.
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