Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

He smiled softly and nodded, leading her below deck a few floors before taking her to the very back of the Fugaku. The engines were massive, towering over them and roaring loudly as they powered the entirety of the ship.
Nana stood before the four massive engines, eyes wide with amazement. “Magnificent..” She moved closer to them to inspect them, turning over her shoulder to look at Motochika. “Did you build them yourself?” She managed to call over the roaring of the engines.
“It’s amazing.” She smiled widely, then something caught her attention. A knob on one of the steam compressors was rattling, it was probably loose. She took off the coat she was given- not having any other clothes other than the night gown she wore onto the ship- and used it as a hot mitt of sorts. Draping the cloth over the knob to protect her hand from the heat, she tightened it, stopping the rattling. Without her coat, Nana looked even smaller, but she certainly was no brittle woman. As expected of someone who built things for a profession, she had quite toned muscles, and the strength to go with them. “There.” She removed her coat from the knob and folded it over her arm, looking back up at Motochika.
“Thank you for letting me see the engines, Motochika.” She said, a smile softening her features. “I should get back to my work..”
Nana nodded, then bowed to Motochika before heading off to his cabin to continue on her project, whatever it was.
Megohime had been with Masamune no longer than a week, and already she was starting to get on his nerves. She smoked his tobacco and drank his liquor, but still refused all of his demands for any sexual favors. She was more stubborn than a mule. Sitting in the lounge like she usually did, she puffed on her pipe, enjoying the small snippets of conversation that she would catch every now and again.
A lot of it was angry gang members shouting about being cheated but it never escalated any higher than that. They were all very loyal and caring of each other, even when being robbed. Masamune didn't really appreciate having all his liquor and tobacco taken with no repayment from her, but he was slowly learning to deal with it. Slowly.
It was almost becoming a full time job avoiding Masamune’s advances; not that he wasn’t appealing, but somehow making him jump through hoops made it all the more better. She glanced over at the boss as he lounged with his gang members, blowing smoke through her nose.
Masamune was playing shogi with Kojurou, brows furrowed as he focused on trying to beat his retainer - it didn't look as though the odds were in his favor.
Megohime made a soft noise, watching the two with an amused smirk. They were like polar opposites; Kojurou was calm and collected, he looked like he knew the exact plan of action he’d be taking, Masamune- though having a plan- seemed to not b able to keep toe to toe with Kojurou, no matter what he did. He was getting frustrated and it showed. Personally Megohime had never played Shogi, she knew nothing of the game and had little interest for it.
Standing up, she moved over to the two, but passed by Masamune, instead moving to sit beside Kojurou, nibbling on her pipe.
Kojurou paid her a passing glance before returning to the game. Maybe she was observing the game more closely? He didn't want to believe that his boss's woman had any other intention besides that.
Well this wasn’t any fun, Masamune was paying absolutely no attention to her, perhaps one more little push?
She made a soft noise, setting her pipe aside, then standing once more. Slowly and carefully, Megohime moved over to Kojurou and sat in his lap, straddling his hips and gently cupping his cheek. She was close to his face, thumb tracing over his bottom lip as she gazed into his eyes.
His face turned a deep red and his eyes widened, "Megohime-dono, please don't.." He said, voice wavering. Masamune glared.
"Hey, hey, get out of his lap!" He snapped.
Megohime glanced behind her, a neutral expression on her face. “Why?” She asked softly, staring down Masamune as she stayed where she was in Kojurou’s lap. She felt a bit of giddy excitement rise in her chest, she liked watching Masamune get worked up, it excited her.
"Why?! Because you're mine, that's why! You can't just go sitting in some other guy's lap! Especially Kojurou's!" Masamune snapped, "Now get over here!"
Megohime smirked softly and turned her head away, slowly climbing out of Kojurou’s lap and moving over to Masamune. She climbed into his lap, straddling his hips and cupping his cheeks. “Better?”
"Much, thank you.." He said, holding her waist gently, "You can't trick me into giving you attention if you won't even do me any favors."
She scowled softly, looking away to avoid his gaze, then glancing back. “I want you to play with my hair.” She demanded. “In return, I’ll suck you off.” She said begrudgingly, but it was a bit obvious she was yearning for some sort of attention.
"You could do something other than that if you don't want to." He said, running his fingers slowly through her hair, "I don't give a shit.."
Megohime seemed to relax a little as he played with her hair, leaning against him a bit. “Like?” She asked softly; she didn’t care that Kojurou was still there, or that she had interrupted their game of Shogi, Masamune was losing anyway.
"Sitting beside me is nice...I like my scales scratched sometimes...sharing your pipe..." He said gently, moving a piece as he continued his game, "We don't need to fuck, it's cool if you aren't in the mood."
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