Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

The men did as ordered, but it was too late, whatever it was slammed into the ship, and it groaned to a stop, one of the main engines freezing over.
“We’ve lost an engine!” Called some of the crew below the deck, the ships speed decreasing and the Toyotomi ship approaching quickly.
Motochika scowled and looked over to see what it was. Pure ice wrapped around the Fugaku and held her in place. "Dammit." He muttered before marching to his cabin, "Prepare to be boarded, men! Defend the Fugaku with everything you have!"
They had only been frozen in place for what seemed to be mere moments, and then Toyotomi’s men were upon them, guns blazing.
Motochika’s men fought back with firepower of their own, trying to keep themselves from being bombarded.
Mitsunari made his way onto the ship after they were close and the planks were laid across the ships. Toyotomi's men fought against Motochika's, some even going against the Dark King himself only to lose their lives. Motochika was too busy to notice Mitsunari had even boarded and was walking around looking for something.
The moment the medical bay door slammed open, Nana’s heart fell into her stomach. Both her and Ren looked to the open door. Nana’s eyes widened as she saw Mitsunari himself, and Ren quickly moved into action. He grabbed his club from the corner and moved to stand between Mitsunari and Nana, who had healing cuts and bruises down the side of her face.
Nana stared back, at a loss for words. “Mitsunari..”
“I won’t let you take her!” Ren cut in, face set with determination. “Cap’n set me in charge of keepin’ her safe!”
Mitsunari didn't appear to hear him as he moved toward Nana, "Let's get you back to Hideyoshi-sama, he'll be happy to know you're alive."
Nana stood, giving a small nod and a quiet answer. “H-Hai..”
the heavy club Ren had swung quickly in an arch toward Mitaunari’s head, a grunt of effort from the younging as he attempted to bash Mitsunari’s head in.
Ren’s eyes widened as half of his club fell to the floor, and Mitsunari moved passed him, when had he drawn his sword?
Nana felt the same chill she felt when she had first met Mitsunari, and once he approached her, she stepped closer to him without hesitation.
Ren wasn’t finished though, in fact, he jumped onto Mitsunari’s back, arm wrapped around his throat as he began to squeeze hard.
Mitsunari smashed his elbow into Ren's ribs, using an inhuman strength to pull Ren's arms off his neck and threw him across the medical bay.
Ren slammed into the wall hard and hit the floor like a sac of potatoes, dazed and in pain, he laid on the ground with a weak groan.
“Y-Yes.” She glanced to Ren, whom laid unmoving on the floor, then moved closer to Mitsunari, following him out of the medical bay.
Mitsunari guided her through the chaos, and no one noticed until they were already on board the Toyotomi vessel and retreating. "Cap'n! They got Nana!" One of the men yelled. Motochika looked and rushed over, gripping his anchor tight in his hand.
Nana turned to look over her shoulder, her eyes meeting Motochika’s. She looked deathly terrified, mouthing something before she was pulled inside, and the ship door closed behind her. The words she had mouthed to him? Help me.
"Nana!" Motochika swung his anchor and hooked it onto the edge of the Toyotomi ship, running and jumping over board so he could climb up to save Nana. His men all rushed to watch him, calling for him and calling for him to come back. Some of Toyotomi's men tried to dislodge the anchor before Motochika could climb aboard, succeeding just as he was about to reach the edge. Motochika was sent falling into the sea, his crew screaming and some diving after him.
Nana could hear the screams of Motochika’s crew from inside the Toyotomi ship, blood rushing innher ears and standing on wobbly legs. Had she just gotten Motochika killed?
"Come, I'll have a room prepared for you." Mitsunari said as he led Nana along. The ship began to pull away from the Fugaku, the ice still keeping her in place.
“Yes..” She answered, slowly following after him, her legs feeling heavy with dread.

“Captain!” One of Motochika’s crew came rushing over from the side of the ship where the engine froze. “We found a woman! I think she’s under Toyotomi’s banner!”
Amaya had been drug from the water and cornered durning the fight, having just enough strength to keep the men at bay, but not enough to fight them off and escape.
The man gave a stern nod, and led his captain to the woman, who was busy trying to throw a couple of the men holding her off her arms, soaking wet, with ice in her hair.
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