Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Mitsunari took it and read it over. "The pirate Chosokabe Motochika, who took Nana-dono originally, wants to trade her for Amaya."
"He has Amaya?!" Akihime pushed passed Yoshitsugu and rushed to Mitsunari, "My Lord, please, I beg you, you have to get Amaya back!"
"Not if it means losing Nana-dono again." Mitsunari stated firmly.
Hanbei faded little for either woman- well, actually now that Nana was pregnant, she held some importance, but the day she birthed Hideyoshi’s heir, she meant nothing once more.
"Please? Please, Mitsunari-sama?" Akihime begged. Mitsunari shook his head.
"No. I will not risk such a thing. She is with child." He stated. Akihime glowered, tears filling her eyes.
"You will trade her for Amaya even if you have to drown in the sea for it." She hissed, her voice - though strained - was irrefusable. Mitsunari exhaled softly, expression relaxing faintly.
"Of course..." He answered.
“Akihime.” Hanbei stared at Akihime through his thin glasses, a soft frown on his face. “Committing such an act is considered treason.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “You are aware of this, yes?”
She looked over and bit her lip, "Hanbei-sama, please, there must be something, anything we can do? Amaya has done no wrong and does her duties to the letter, you must save her...!" She pleaded weakly.
“You wish to rescue a recycled corpse?” He mused, but he had to admit, he had made quite a bit of medical progress due to Amaya. He sighed softly through his nose, looking to Mitsunari.
“Meet Chosokabe for the trade, take Akihime with you and see what she can get from him.” He turned to go, then stopped and looked at Mitsunari again. “I’m assuming I don’t have to tell you not to take Lady Nana with you?”
"Of course, Hanbei-sama." Mitsunari bowed and Yoshitsugu snatched Akihime's wrist, hobbling out of the room and dragging her with him.
Four days passed and the day of the meet up came, and both Mitsunari and Akihime waited for Motochika at the location he gave for the rendezvous. There was no sign of Amaya or Chosokabe, but surely they’d come.
Akihime stood anxiously, fidgeting as she scanned the horizon for any sign of them. Soon, the Fugaku approached their ship, stopping only a few yards away.
"Do you have Nana?" Motochika hollared. Mitsunari folded his arms gently.
"Show me you have the girl." He demanded. Motochika scowled and lifted Amaya up by her hair. Akihime screamed in horror, immediately brought to tears.
Amaya looked quite dead, battered and broken, her face was swollen and bloody, one eye swollen completely shut, and the other closed. Her nose was broken and lip busted, worst of all, she was missing an arm; it wasn’t blood and gore that was found where her missing arm should’ve been, but wires and metal.
"You give her back right now, you monster!!"
"Akihime," Mitsunari growled, "Be still."
"But, Mitsunari-!"
"Be. Still." Mitsunari repeated firmly. Akihime bit her lip hard and bowed her head in shame.
One couldn’t be sure if Amaya was actually still alive or not, it was too far to see if she was still breathing, and the way she slumped like a rag doll as Motochika held her upright, further pointed to her demise.
"Where's Nana?" Motochika demanded. Mitsunari narrowed his eyes.
"Safe at Hideyoshi-sama's estate."
"You didn't bring her?!" Motochika snapped before tossing Amaya aside, making Akihime scream again, "Then there is no trade!"
"Motochika-san, wait, please!" Akihime about threw herself over the edge, "You have my friend, she is there only because she was following orders, she meant no wrong, please, give her back!"
"The deal was you would get her for Nana. Nana is not with you."
"Please, I beg you, Motochika-san, Amaya is all I have!" She sobbed.
Amaya hit the deck and remained where she was, but she did stir when Akihime’s voice finally reached her ears. “Akihime...sama..” She groaned out, tears leaking from her swollen shut eye only. She was in too much pain to move, and even if she wasn’t, her head was so foggy, she’d probably vomit if she even tried.
"What can we give you in return?" Akihime asked and Mitsunari shot her a glare.
"You are not the one to be making demands."
"Shut up, Mitsunari." Akihime hissed and Mitsunari relaxed slightly, falling silent. Motochika scowled softly.
"Trade routes. Charters. Anything Toyotomi does in my waters, I want word of it."
"Done." Akihime replied in a heart beat, "Now return Amaya...!"
“Akihime... No..” Amaya could hear the entire conversation. Trade Toyotomi’s information? Was she crazy, that was full out treason. She’d be executed on the spot if they found out.
“No.. I won’t... “ She grunted as she pushed herself to sit up. “I won’t let you trade for that...”
"This is your owner then? She is very willing to give up anything to have you back." He said, glancing down at Amaya, "She cares deeply for you."
"Do I have your word, Motochika-san?" Akihime asked desperately. Motochika held up his hand and she shifted anxiously.
“I won’t let her trade her life... for mine.” She struggled to say, her broken ribs made every breath painful, and as of current, she was blind; her right robotic eye had been removed, and with her other organic eye swollen shut, she couldn’t see a thing. “She’s a good person, I won’t let you take advantage of her..”
"She doesn't seem to be super thrilled should I propose your death instead." He told her. He rubbed his chin, thinking it through, before looking to Akihime, "Take your pet, I'll be in touch." He stated. Akihime looked like she was going to vomit she was so overwhelmed. The Fugaku urged closer and Motochika tossed Amaya over. Akihime squeaked and caught her friend with her body, both falling over.
"Ama, are you ok? Are you in pain?" She asked weakly, ignoring Motochika as he left.
Amaya frowned weakly, head killing to the side; she must’ve been at her limit, she was no longer conscious.
She pet Amaya's hair gently as they sailed home. Yoshitsugu was going to punish her for sure; but so long as no one told him, it would be fine, right?
"Mitsunari," She began and he looked over almost too willingly, "You and your men will not mention a word of what happened to my father. If he asks, tell him Motochika didn't want her any more and went on his way. Understand?"
"Of course..." He answered softly.
Amaya was treated with first aid for her more immediate injuries, but none were life threatening, she would require quite a few repairs however.
When they returned to the estate, Yoshitsugu took Amaya to repair her missing parts. Mitsunari returned to Hideyoshi and Hanbei, bowing deeply, "We have returned with Amaya, my Lords."
Hanbei turned to look to Mitsunari, then at Akihime. “And? Chosokabe just handed her back?”
Mitsunari seemed to hesitate for a moment. Akihime didn't say not to tell Hanbei. "Chosokabe Motochika stated he would remain in touch with Akihime after she agreed to hand him our charters and trade routes." He answered. Akihime gasped sharply before turning to bolt, only to collide with some of the guards.
"I just wanted Amaya back, I wasn't really going to give him anything!" She puttered in a panick, "I swear, Hanbei-sama!"
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