Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

She hummed softly as she continued to play and pet Amaya's silken white hair even as she drifted to sleep. She looked when the door opened not much later and she carefully left Amaya to sleep as she went to her punishment.
Amaya would sleep for days, running a high fever the entire time, this however, was normal. Her body temperate usually ran a degree or two hotter naturally, but when repairs were made, her temperate could spike anywhere up to seven degrees higher.
After her punishment and she was brought back drained and exhausted from the pain, Akihime laid beside Amaya and faded in and out constantly.

"Are you feeling any better, dana? Are your dizzy spells gone?" Sasuke asked, standing outside Yukimura's room.
Yukimura has done nothing but rest ever since he arrived back at the Takeda estate, suprisingly enough, even after being unconscious for weeks, he only had strength to sleep and eat on occasion. “Yeah.” He muttered, sitting up in bed and rubbing his face. He sill felt empty inside somehow, but couldn’t place why.
"Is something wrong?" Sasuke moved over and started to fuss, his talons raking against the polished wood floor, "Your hair is a mess." He muttered and started to brush it out.
Yukimura allowed for Sasuke to fix his long, wild hair, it was comforting. Finally a touch that wasn’t painful, it made him relax; he thought back to the woman who had sat with him while he woke from his medically induced coma, she too was kind.
Yukimura was pulled from his thoughts, nodding and turning his head to look at Sasuke. “Sasuke... Do you know anything of that girl, Akihime?” He asked softly.
Yukimura made a soft noise, looking down at his heavily scarred hands. “Can you get more information on her for me?” He looked up to him once more. “Please?”
Yukimura still looked quite calm, shaking his head. “She isn’t, not her.” He said, sounding so sure of himself.
"What makes you so sure, hm? Cuz she set you free? What if it was a trap? Who knows what they were planning!" He huffed, feathers ruffling.
“All I ask is for more information on her, nothing more.” He stood slowly, moving to his dresser to get into some fresh clothes. “You don’t need to make contact.”
Yukimura dressed himself and smiled softly. “Thank you.” He said, then moved to the door.
Yukimura agreed, heading down to the kitchens to get something to eat.

Sayuri popped her head into the room, looking at Sasuke with big clouded eyes. “You worry too nigh, all of your feathers are gonna fall out.”
He looked over and smiled softly, moving over, "I worry plenty.." He said, moving to check her feathers, "What about you, hm? You worry about me, are you missing any feathers?"
Sayuri fluffed up her feathers, lightly swatting his hands away. “My feathers are always fine.” She said softly.
Sayuri squirmed away, laughter being forced from her as she trotted away from Sasuke, all fluffed up. “Stop..!”
Sayuri giggled and trotted faster, only to stumble over Yukimura’s discarded shirt on the floor, falling to her knees. Her cheeks flushed and she quickly got back to her feet. “I’m ok!” How had she not seen his bright red t-shirt?
He frowned and moved over, "Hang on, hang on.." He moved around to the front of her and gently cupped her face, looking her eyes over, "How has your sight been lately? Don't lie to me.."
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