Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

He took her hand gently and guided her to the kitchen where he spent a good portion of time making green tea, cherry blossom, and vanilla dango skewers by the bulk, his feathers covered in rice flour before he was done. He gave her a small platter piled with cherry blossom and nudged his head, "Let's go find dana."
Sayuri nodded, following Sasuke and licking some of the sticky sweet from her fingers, balancing the tray in her other hand.
Yukimura, like he had promised, wasn’t training, but he did have his twin pistols by his side where he sat on the deck and ate, looking over the rolling hills that made up the estate.
Yukimura looked up from his food, an meal consisting of a balanced diet, only the vegetable went untouched. “Dango?” He seemed better than before, regaining some of his color, but he still looked tired.
Yukimura’s eyes lit up, and he smiled, taking a stick of dango and taking a bite. “Arigatou.. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed food.” He said through a mouthful of dango.
"Eat only as much as you can, I'll save the rest.." He smiled before peeking at Sayuri, who had eaten half her platter and had syrup all over her cheeks.
Sayuri was wiping the syrup from her face with the wet cloth she had brought along, catching a glance at Sasuke watching her and going red in the face.

“Of course, thank you, Sasuke.” He nodded, then looked to Sayuri. “Thank you as well, Sayuri-dono.”
Again, Sayuri’s face flushed and her feathers puffed up, nodding and looking away.
Sasuke chuckled and ate silently, enjoying some of the green tea dango and a couple sesame seed ones. He wasn't huge on sweets but enjoyed these small treats with Yukimura and Sayuri when he could.
"Kojurou." Kojurou looked up at Masamune as the Dokuganryu approached him. His cheek was burning red, probably from Megohime slapping him after another sex proposal.
"Yes, Masamune-sama?"
"That meeting we had with that Jin person, could you go without me?"
"I've almost got Mego willing to have some fun and I don't wanna miss it." Masamune answered. Kojurou sighed and set his Sudoku book aside.
"As you wish, Masamune-sama..."
It was probably far from the truth; for a prostitute, Megohime seemed quite prude. No matter, meetings with the arms dealer leader, Jin, was never a difficult task. Jin was a fair man, always had been, even if his prices were a bit steep, but the old man kept his word and sold quality guns, so no one could really complain.
Kojurou made sure he looked his best, as was required of him, before grabbing his katanas and heading out to meet with the gun leader.
One often thinks of obscure, abondon warehouses when meeting with gun runners, but the Family actually had a set location, where clients would come to them. It was a grand building, surrounded by fences and heavily armed.
Kojurou showed his id to the guards and they confirmed his appointment before letting him in. He had done enough of these with Masamune to know the drill; no hidden weapons or guns, any personal weapons worn by bodyguards had to be checked and remain in their holsters or sheaths. But since it was just Kojurou, he had to relinquish his katanas to the guards before going into the meeting room.
The meeting room was, as always, immaculate and smelled faintly of gunpowder, like the rest of the facility. He wasn’t kept waiting long before the door to the room opened, and a small woman with long, golden hair entered the room, closing the door behind her, and moving to take a seat across from Kojurou. “Welcome, Katakura-sama.” She bowed her head, where was old man Jin?
She paused for a moment before answering, more than likely to think of wait she’d say next. “He’s dead.” She said simply, then placed a piece of paper on the table; the contract no doubt.
She set a pen down on the table for him, giving a small nod of acknowledgment. “We are willing- I am willing to keep our current contract, and I will also extend an invitation to change any current standing arrangements.”
"I'm not sure if Masamune-sama would want me to change anything without him present." He answered politely, signing the contract as indicated.
She nodded. “Understandable.” Once Kojurou had finished signing the papers, she collected them, scanning over them before tucking them away. “A pleasure, Katakura-sama.”
"If it doesn't seem too forward or rude...may I know your name?" He asked gently. He would be lying if he didn't find her attractive, knowing her name wouldn't be so wrong would it?
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