Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

“Oh, forgive my poor manners.” She frowned softly, bowing her head once more to him. “My name is Jin.”
She stared at Kojurou for a moment, then the door clicked open behind him, opening slowly as if someone were showing him out, but they were the only two there. “Send my regards to Masamune-sama.”
He bowed respectfully before heading out of the estate. Perhaps she didn't have a name? Unfortunate, he would have liked to know what she was called.
It was unfortunate to hear of the previous head of the Family, but this woman, this new Jin, she was quite similar to the old. Perhaps he’d have to search for more information on her, perhaps she did have a name.
Kojurou returned to the Date estate and went looking for Masamune. He was in his lounge, sharing his pipe with Megohime. "Everything up to date?"
"Hai. Though, the old man has passed."
"Bummer." Masamune said, "New old guy?"
"Ah, was a woman."
"Oh wow, big step there, letting a woman take over." Masamune mused. Kojurou made a noise.
"It isn't that uncommon, Masamune-sama..."
Megohime listened silently, snatching the pipe from Masamune while he spoke and putting on the pipe. She sat leaning against him, long hair piled in Masamune’s lap.
"Well thanks, Kojurou, you can go so whatever now." Masamune said. Kojurou nodded and went back to his sudoku book. Masamune played with Megohime's hair gently and made a small noise.
Megohime held out the pipe for Masamune, blowing smoke out of her nose. “What?” She asked, laying her head on his lap.
“Not a chance.” She muttered, closing her eyes to relax. “Think of something to do, you always do.”
“I’m quite comfortable here. There’s drink and comfort here.” She said.

((Wanna move to Nana’s pregnancy~?))
Nana spent her time back at the Toyotomi estate passing her time tinkering with small projects and reading. Her stomach grew larger as the weeks went by, and she’d birth her child soon. She was told it would be a boy, but if she was honest, she didn’t truly care.
It had been so long since she had heard anything about Motochika and his crew. Maybe he had washed his hands of her, she wasn't worth the effort to get back. No, that didn't seem like Motochika. He was so kind to her, he offered her an escape. So where was he?
Nana figured he simply did not want to risk his life for her own, it stung, but it was fair. She had been nothing but trouble for him, and in fact, she didn’t hate him for abandoning her. She was due any week now, she could feel it, and only three days ago did her contractions start.
Mitsunari would constantly come and check on her, worried for his Lord's heir. Yoshitsugu would bring her tea when he had the strength, probably monitoring her for Hanbei when he was too busy to do so himself.
Nana allowed all of them to fret over her, accepting Yoshitsugu’s tea and confirming her safety with Mitsunari. Still, she yearned for the ocean once more, wanting to feel the cool sea mist on her skin, to watch the crashing waves. She felt alone again.
"Pssst..." A soft sound came from behind Nana. It was Akihime, and she was making her way to her allotted time outdoors, peeking into the room Nana was in.
Nana looked up from her tinker toy, glancing around before spotting Akihime. “Oh, Akihime-dono.” She set her tools aside and wiped her hands with a nearby cloth. “What can I do for you?” She asked.
Akihime peeked behind her before moving over quickly, "I've been using a pidgeon to speak with Motochika-san...he wants to bring you back with him after you have your child..."
Nana’s heart nearly stopped right then in her chest; standing up so fast she almost knocked her chair over, she stared wide-eyed at Akihime. “Motochika... Said that?” She whispered.
Akihime smiled and nodded, "Yes. I told him everything and he's waiting just off shore. When they take you back to the beach estate, Motochika will be there to save you." She whispered.
Nana rested a hand on her swollen stomach, looking to the floor in thought. Would the beach estate be finished yet? She hadn’t been there in so long, she assumed they had just abandon the project all together. She looked up at Akihime and nodded. “Thank you, Akihime-dono, truly.” She said softly.
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