Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Sayuri’s eyes seemed just as cloudy on the surface as the last time Sasuke had checked them a few days ago, only now he could see in her left eye, a cloudy mass was spotted in the pupil of her left eye.
His thumb ghosted gently under her left eye and he frowned, "Yuri, how's your sight been doing?" He asked gently, "Has it been getting worse...?"
Sayuri looked away from Sasuke, frowning softly. “It’s been a little bad on the left side.” She said quietly, almost like she thought she was in trouble.
She gave a small nod. “Yeah.” She looked up at him again. “I’m sorry.” She said quietly, tears in her eyes.
"Hey, no, it's ok...don't could have told me sooner, though.." He said before taking her hand, "Come on, let's go take some medicine..."
She gave a small nod, holding onto his hand tightly like a scared child would, and she still was. Sayuri was only twelve, yet she was one of Sasuke’s most trusted agents.
Sasuke brought her to his room and set her in his nest before moving to make a liquid out of herbs he knew helped with eyesight. It smelled and tasted disgusting but Sayuri could always see a little better afterwards.
Sayuri sat in his room, picking through her feathers as she waited for Sasuke to finish brewing the potion. She always hated the bitterness of the potions, but it always brought some ease to her being able to regain a small amount of eyesight.
Sayuri took the medicine, scrunching her nose at the smell before quickly drinking it all. She made a sour face and stuck her tongue out in disgust, handing the cup back to Sasuke.
Sayuri shook her head. “It’s ok, it helps.” She said, rubbing her eyes and laying back in Sasuke’s nest.
Sayuri closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of him brush her hair. “How’s Yukimura-sama..? He seems... Different.”
"He's still recovering. They kept him asleep for a long time so he's gathering himself." He replied, "He should be back to his usual chipper self in no time."
Sayuri made a soft noise, Yukimura was never truly chipper. He was kind and would extend his kindness to others, but he always seemed sad. It was his eyes, they always looked heavy and tired, but he did often try to keep an upbeat attitude.
She nodded, looking down at her feathers. “He was in that lab for so long... I could smell all of the fear in there... They had others.. What if they changed him?” She asked quietly, looking up at Sasuke.
He stopped brushing her hair for a moment and held her, hugging her to his chest, "Dana will be ok...I don't think they would do anything to him, they took immaculate care of him as much as I hate to say that..."
Sayuri nodded, muffled sniffles sounding against his chest. “They just hurt so many people..” She said.
"I know..." He muttered, "Lord Shingen will figure it out...don't you worry. If you worry, you'll molt, remember? As much as I love your feathers, they're prettier on you instead of the floor..."
He pet her head gently and sat with her for a bit, "You wanna go see if dana wants to share some dango with us? I can make the cherry blossom ones you like.."
She nodded, sitting up. “Please?” She said softly, climbing out of bed and ruffling her feathers.
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