Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Amaya looked up at the looming captain before her, trying to yank free once more before spitting at Motochika’s feet, sneering at him.
Amaya grunted hard as she hit the deck, head slamming against the solid steel. Her vision was speckled with white spots, but she managed to look back up at Motochika, only spitting at his feet once more.
Amaya was quite sure he had broken more than a few ribs with his kick, wincing and grinding her teeth when she was yanked to her feet, and dragged off to the brig below deck.
They locked her up tight for a day or two before Motochika came down to speak with her, "Where have they taken Nana?" He sounded like a broken record.
The brig was quite awful, as to be expected; cold, dark, and damp. When Motochika came down to speak with her again, she scowled back at him. “And What makes you think I’d tell you?” God that sounded so cliche, but she said how she felt; why would she tell him?
"That collar round your neck means you belong to someone, yeah? You ain't got no bruises or marks on you, so you're very well cared for." He mused as he looked her over, "Tell me where Nana is and I won't raid the Toyotomi estate and butcher everyone in the place." Leaving Akihime so vulnerable seemed like a terrible idea now. Sure, Mitsunari was at the estate, so was Hanbei and Hideyoshi - three of the most powerful people in Japan - but could they stop an endless swarm of bodies?
She ground her teeth, but kept her expression calm, she had to trust in the power of the Toyotomi army. “She’s safe from you, that’s all that matters.” She sneered at him; there was no way a gang of pirates would be able to take the main estate. Right?
"Oh, she?" He asked, "Why don' I just go marchin' on down right now and ask for the owner of the pretty little ice witch, hm? I'm sure someone will poke their head up. And when she does, I'll crush it."
Amaya was at the cell door in the blink of an eye, arm through the bars and gripping Motochika’s throat. Rage burning in her blue eyes as ice started to creep over the captains flesh. “You do that, and Toyotomi’s wife or not, I’ll have her strung up for you to watch her face turn purple.” She hissed.
"Then tell me where they're taking her and every woman will be spared when I go to get her." He said, "How important is your master, anyway? Perhaps I can trade you for Nana."
Amaya scowled darkly, she had let her emotions get the better of her. Yanking her hand back through the bars, she moved back to the far corner, leaning against the wall and closing her eyes. “You’ll get no such trade.”
"We'll see, won't we?" He asked before leaving her on her own. He went to see Ren, glad to see he wasn't too badly hurt, "How ya holdin' up, lad?"
Ren had only been a little roughed up during the fight, but his pride had taken a massive blow. “I’m fine cap’n!” He did his best to sound cheery, but Motochika could see it in his eyes; Ren blaned himself for letting Nana be taken.
He moved and pat Ren on the shoulder, "You did your best, lad. We all did. I know it ain't no comfort but we'll get her back. And next time, we won't even give them the chance to even board us." He stated.
Ren’s face flushed a bit out of embarrassment, but he gave a small nod. “Aye.” He agreed.

Back at the main Toyotomi estate, nana had been returned safely by Mitsunari, and after a thorough exam by Hanbei, she was allowed back to her room for some much needed rest. She did little sleeping however, sitting at the desk by the grand window, she looked down at the bright city lights below them.
She had been informed by Hanbei that she was pregnant- about two months -and after a few DNA tests, it was confirmed it was indeed Hideyoshi’s. That wasn’t all too suprising to Nana however, but she still felt quite shocked.

“I’ve just received the results back on Lady Nana, and she is indeed with your child. Congratulations, Hideyoshi-sama.” Hanbei bowed his head to Hideyoshi, having reported his findings after treating Nana’s minor wounds.
“Approximately two months, Hideyoshi-sama.” He said, straightening up. “She returned with little harm done to her, only minor wounds, and as of now, she is resting.”
Amaya was kept in almost complete darkness for nearly three days after her second time speaking with Motochika, sitting in the far corner and going into a meditative state to conserve enegery and require little food, her thirst however had to simply be ignored.
The door to the brig opened and Motochika approached, "You probably don't care, but I have had a trade proposal sent out to have you traded for Nana. Your owner will be more than willing to make the trade, I'm sure."
He bowed to him once more, turning and leaving back to his lab, but stopped, glancing to Mitsunari. “Oh, that reminds me, Mitsunari, you haven’t seen dear Amaya yet today, have you?”
"No sir, not today." Mitsunari answered, "Akihime claims that she is missing."
"She is!" Akihime stated, being stopped at the door not only by guards but by Yoshitsugu, "It's been days and I haven't seen Amaya since you all went on that nonsensical journey to rescue Nana-dono!"
"Akihime, get back to your room." Yoshitsugu stated firmly.
“I see..” Hanbei said curiously, only mildly interested.
“My lord!” It seemed to be a messenger boy, letter in hand. “Lord Mitsunari, I have a letter addressed for you!”
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