Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Megohime rested her chin on his shoulder, her expression soft as she held onto the front of his shirt gently. She seemed less prickly as he spoke, even going so far as to gently stroke some of the scales on the back of his neck. “Ok.” She agreed, voice gentle.
Masamune curled her hair around his finger gently as he moved his piece. Kojurou smirked as his General captured Masamune's King, "Another loss, Masamune-sama."
"Goddammit..." Masamune muttered, "I hate this game."
"Only when you lose." Kojurou pointed out.
She was actually quite comfortable, enjoying how warm Masamune’s body was; he seemed to run hotter than most humans, it felt good. She relaxed against him completely, closing her eyes and running her fingers over his scales, tracing along the edges of them with careful fingers.
Masamune leaned back a bit to get more comfortable, enjoying her nails against his scales, "I could get used to this..." He muttered. Kojurou cleaned up the shogi board and put it away before leaving them in peace.
Megohime seemed to doze a bit, but still pet Masamune’s scales lazily as she did so; Masamune wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought he would be, perhaps she could even fall for him.
They stayed like that for a long while, both pretty comfortable amongst his pillows. He started dozing off, too, relaxed for the first time in a few weeks.
Nana was enjoying her new life on the open sea with Motochika and his men, and her project making a new arm for Motochika was nearly complete, she simply had to fix it to his arm and see if it functioned properly. With the aid of Motochika’s medic, Ren, Nana worked on connecting the machine to Motochika’s arm.
Tightening the leather strap that would keep the arm on, Nana went about activating the prosthetic limb, using a small screw driver to make a few adjustments.
“Can you feel anything yet?” She looked up at him, grabbing an oil can and greasing a few inner parts.
"Other than each nerve screaming bloody murder, I can feel a small buzzing. Is it supposed to buzz like an angry hive of bees?" Motochika asked curiously.
Nana gave a small, but sheepish smile. “Unfortunately, yes.” She continued to tinker on his arm. “It’s stimulating the nerves in your arm, trying to get a reading from them; essentially, it’s trying to jumpstart the connection, the feeling should die off completely in about a five days or so.” She wiped of her hands and closed the metal covering over his arm that protected the inner workings. “Try to move your fingers.”
He looked down at his hand and slowly, one by one, each digit moved on their own before slowly closing into a fist, "Incredible..." He muttered.
Nana looked estatic, smiling proudly and looking to Motochika. “How does it feel?” She asked, excitement sparkling in her eyes.
“Cap’n!” Ren grinned like an idiot. “This is so cool!” The young man looked giddy as all hell, excited for his captain to regain his lost arm.
"Aside from the annoying buzzing, it's almost like I never lost my arm.." He answered, "I can't begin to show you how absolutely grateful I am."
Nana shook her head, still smiling softly as she looked down at her tools. “Think of it as me thanking you.” She said softly. “I don’t know how much longer I would’ve lasted if you hadn’t offered me a new life.”
She stared at her tools intently, feeling a pit open up in her stomach. “One would think.” She said softly, but shook her head. “Never mind it, I’m simply glad to be here.”
“Captain!” A voice called from outside the medical bay, one of Motochika’s crew. “Toyotomi’s banner has been seen just now, they seem to be heading for our vessel, your orders?”
Nana paled, lookin quite nervous as she looked to Motochika.
"Ring the bell, man your stations! I want those cannons ready to fire now!" Motochika barked, standing up quickly, "Nana, stay in here with Ren." He said firmly before rushing out.
“Ah, wait..!” Nana tried to call after him, but he was already gone.

“Mitsunari-sama, Chosokabe’s ship is in sight.” A soldier of Toyotomi said, reporting to Mitsunari his findings. After a brief investigation it was concluded that he was the pirate that had destroyed the estate and killed Nana.
“Of course.” He bowed his head to Mitsunari and returned to give his orders, the ship engines roaring louder as it sped up.

“Captain!” The man in the crows nest called. “She’s gaining on us!” He pointed to he Toyotomi ship, scowl on his face. “Open fire?”
The cannon fire the Fugaku was deafening, the projectiles slamming into the Toyotomi ship with ease, and immediately they fired back.
“Mitsunari-sama.” Amaya stood behind Mitsunari, head bowed to him. “I’m ready when you need me.” She said, frost rolling off of her; freezing an engine of that size would take considerable amount of energy, but she could pull it off.
“Of course.” She nodded, then easily hoisted herself over the edge of the ship. It didn’t take long for one to see the ice forming on the water, and it headed toward the Fugaku like a sentient snake.

“Captain! Somethings in the water!” The lookout called. “Heading straight for us!”
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