Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"What are you doing here?" She asked softly, reaching to touch his hair. She blushed and pulled her hand back, how rude of her to touch him without his permission. "Who are you?"
The only response was the soft beeping of the machines beside him, even his eyes were still beneath his eyelids. Perhaps he has some sort of relation to Hanbei, and he was merely caring for him? No, Hanbei wasn’t known to be that kind.
She looked at the machines, maybe there was a way to wake him? She looked around for a saline drip to flush out the sedatives, hooking it up once she found it and sat down, watching him.
His heart rate seemed to increase slowly, his breathing becoming lighter, and finally, his eyes opening. They were a deep gold color, just like a large cats would be. He stared up at the ceiling blankly, just focusing on breathing before he slowly turned his head to look at Akihime. “Who are you..?” He asked groggily, blinking slowly.
“I’m..” He looked dazed, a confused look on his face. “I’m... Yukimura..” Was that his name? He had memories of people calling him such, but everything was hazy.
Kai? Yes, that sounded familiar as well. “You know of Kai..?” He asked softly, not yet attempting to sit up just yet. His entire body was heavy, and his mind was too foggy to remember much.
She nodded, "Yes, of course I've heard of Kai...! I hear it's beautiful and the forests are plentiful and rich with trees and wildlife...! I..." She stopped, "I'm not...allowed to leave Osaka..."
Yukimura was silent for a bit, and Akihime could see the gears in his head turning. “Is that where I am now..?” He asked, slowly trying to sit up, wincing a bit.
Yukimura shook his head, his mind starting to clear up, but only slightly. “No.. do you know why I’m here?” She sure was timid, perhaps his appearance scared her.
She shook her head, "No, I'm was a man here the other day looking for you, though. Red hair, covered in tar black feathers. At least, I assume he was looking for you.."
His golden eyes widened, a look of clarity in his eyes. “Sasuke? Sasuke came..!?” Thats right, he had been on a mission and... and what? Anything beyond that he couldn’t remember.
"Sasuke?" Akihime repeated. Just then, the familiar inky black smoke appeared beside them and Sasuke shoved Akihime away from Yukimura, feathers puffed beyond imagine. "Get away from him...!"
Yukimura looked just as surprised as Akihime, eyes wide as he looked to Sasuke. “Sasuke..!” He tried to climb out of bed, but only stumbled to his knees, unable to stand on his shaky legs.
Sasuke grabbed him and helped him stand, "Are you ok, dana? did she hurt you?"
"O-Of course not...!" Akihime protested, "I woke him up..!"
The young girl was back with Sasuke again, crouched down against the wall by Akihime. She didn’t speak, her marble white eyes staring straight ahead.
“No, no, I’m alright.. Akihime-dono did wake me up, she speaks the truth.”
The girl’s head turned in the direction she heard Sasuke’s voice from, nodding and standing, hurrying to Sasuke’s side. Yukimura looked to Sasuke, frowning softly. “What about Akihime-dono?”
"She stays here." Sasuke said firmly, "I'm not bringing home a Toyotomi."
"I-I see..." Akihime frowned softly, not moving from her spot, "That's fair..."
“Sasuke, she helped me.” Yukimura said firmly, gold eyes determined. This woman had woken him up, and even upon finding out he was of an opposing faction, was kind to him.
"I'm not taking her with me!" Sasuke stated before becoming alert to blaring alarms. Without thinking, he grabbed Yukimura and grabbed another handful of fabric and vanished to the safe spot he had built outside the estate.
"Incredible!" Sasuke squawked in alarm when he heard Akihime's voice and he looked. Instead of grabbing Sayuri, he had grabbed Akihime.
Sayuri sat on th floor of the now empty room, feeling around the ground in front of her for Sasuke, even for Yukimura. She knew the room was empty, but she was panicking, hot tears coming to her blind eyes as she called for Sasuke.

Yukimura always got a bit dizzy whenever Sasuke used his teleportation, groaning softly and steadying himself against Sasuke, then blinking in confusion at Akihime. “But you said..?”
"I know what I said!" Sasuke snapped, but he was more frustrated with himself that he had mistakenly grabbed Akihime and not his apprentice, "I need to go back."
"Oh no, you can't." Akihime said, like it was obvious that he shouldn't go back. Sasuke whirled on her, his winged arms raised threateningly.
"And why not?!"
"Hanbei-sama will kill you. He doesn't like anyone in his lab, not even me."
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