Revival (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Yukimura frowned and grabbed Sasuke’s wrist, stopping him from moving any further. “Sasuke, we can get her back, for now we-“ He broke into a fit of coughing, his lungs struggling to get air, a wheezy rattling coming from his chest.
"Yukimura-san!" Akihime moved closer but Sasuke flapped his wings at her to keep her away. She frowned and watched as Sasuke helped Yukimura take some herbal pills, wondering if she should walk back to the estate.

Sayuri heard the door open and foot steps stop before her.
"Who are you, what are you doing here?" He sounded angry, annoyed even.
“I’m fine..!” Yukimura managed through coughs, taking the pills and taking a moment to calm his breathing. “We’ll get her back, Sasuke, but for now, Akihime-dono is our guest, may she want our hospitality.” It was what Shingen would’ve done, he was always kind like that.

Sayuri scrambled backward, milky eyes wide at the unfamiliar voice. “I-I..” She didn’t know what to say, she had never been left on her own on a mission before; why did Sasuke leave her? What should she do?
Sasuke grumbled irately, "I can't just leave Yuri there, dana."

"You don't look like one of Hanbei-sama's..." The man muttered before gesturing the guards to grab her.
Yukimura nodded in agreement, he knew that Sayuri had minimal training, and although talented, she was still quite young. “Perhaps...” He glanced to Akihime. “Perhaps Akihime-dono will aid us on retrieving her?”

“No!” Sayuri struggled as the guards hauled her to her feet, cuffing her hands in front of her and starting to lead her out. “Let go! Sasuke! Sasuke, help!”
"Of course!" Akihime said, "I would feel awful if anything happened to an innocent child!"
"Shut up." Sasuke growled, "Quit pretending to be nice."

The man, Mitsunari, led the guards and Sayuri to Hanbei and Hideyoshi. He bowed politely, as he usually did. "Hanbei-sama, Hideyoshi-sama, the alarm that went off was triggered by this Deviant. I haven't discovered her means of entry yet, but I will soon."
Yukimura gave Sasuke a nudge in the ribs, giving him a look of disappointment, then looking to Akihime. “Sayuri means a lot to Sasuke... If you could help us get her back unharmed, I would be in your debt.”

“The alarm that was triggered in my labs?” One of the men responded, tone indifferent, mild interest in the entire situation.
“And? What else did you find?”
Sayuri was shaking, still completely blind and alone.
Akihime nodded, "Absolutely. I would need to find a way back in, however. If I walked through the front door, I would be punished severely for leaving."

"Sanada is gone." Mitsunari replied, "There were another set of feathers, black ones."
Yukimura gave a small nod. “Of course, I won’t allow any harm to come to you.” He said, then looked to Sasuke. “Sasuke, can I ask for your help on this?”

Sayuri stiffened and felt dread in her stomach. “Those are mine!” She blurted our without thinking. She didn’t want Sasuke to get hurt, and getting caught was her own fault, she’d have to be brave and manage on her own.
Hanbei seemed angry that Yukimura was gone, and left in his place was this hatchling without eyesight.
He looked to Mitsunari when she spoke. “It seems that she’s responsible for allowing Sanada to escape. Please escort her somewhere for holding until further notice.” It was clear he didn’t believe she was the only one involved in Sanada’s escape, but until more proof was found, there was nothing left to say.
"No, I can get Yuri back myself. Without you." He sneered the last part at Akihime. She looked increasingly anxious the longer she was outdoors.
"Please, I...I need to get back inside..." She said weakly, "Amaya would be so upset if she found out..."
"I don't give a flying fuck. Find your own way in. I'll be back, dana, don't move." Sasuke said and vanished in a thick black mist. Akihime shook slightly, biting her lip hard.
"I'm sorry.." She whispered.

Mitsunari nodded and escorted Sayuri away down to the cells.
"Who else was with you?" He demanded, "You haven't a hint of black anywhere, so it's best you not lie."
A firm hand gripped Akihime’s arm, but it wasn’t so tight it hurt. “I apologize for Sasuke... Sayuri means a lot to him, he feels responsible for her.” Yukimura said softly.

The young girl said nothing, stumbling a few times. Her vision was slowly returning to her, but everything was still mostly blurry and dark.
"I understand," she muttered, "Amaya is the same with me. But if I am found missing, she too will be punished, I can't..." She took a breath, "I don't want her to suffer because of me..."

They pushed her into a cell and locked the door before leaving. It was already quite dark where they had put her; cold and damp. It smelled like mold. Was this purely stone?
Yukimura nodded understandingly. “I’ll speak with Sasuke, I’ll convince him to return you to your home.” He said, having to take a seat to rest his aching body.

Sayuri felt around, touching the walls and the floor, trying to figure out her surroundings. She still snuggled from time to time, fighting tears.
She nodded slightly and watched him, "Will you be ok?" She asked.

She heard tapping against the floor, steady and growing louder. "Yuri...?" Sasuke whispered into the darkness.
Yukimura gave her a reassuring smile, sharp fangs showing when he did so. “I just need to rest is all, I tire easily.” He said, almost sadly.

Sayuri perked when she heard Sasuke’s voice, turning in the direction she had heard it from. “Sasuke..?” She called softly in response, moving toward his voice.
She frowned and knelt before him, "Are you sick...?" She asked softly, "I don't quite understand why you were hiding in Hanbei-sama's lab..."

Sasuke moved over and started picking the lock, "You ok, Yuri?"
A serious look passed on Yukimura’s face, and he glanced away from Akihime. “I was not in that lab by choice.” He said softly, a distant look on his face, then he looked back to Akihime. “My illness is a side affect of my being a Deviant.” Yukimura said with a frown.

Sayuri nodded vigorously. “I’m ok, but you have to be careful, they’re looking for you.” She spoke softly, making sure only he could hear her.
She didn't seem repulsed or scared, only concerned, "They didn't harm you, did they? At least that you remember? Had I known you were down there, I would have argued for your freedom.."

Sasuke got the lock open and moved to take her hand, "Well, they aren't going to. Ready?"
Yukimura shook his head. “I don’t know.” He frowned softly. “I can only assume they captured me for my ablities as a Deviant.” He said quietly.

Sayuri gave a nod and stretched her arm out, taking Sasuke’s hand and pulling herself closer to him. Just as Sayuri did so, a cold blade touched the back of Sasuke’s neck, frost creeping over his feathers. “Don’t move.”
"What abilities do you have?" She asked, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be so intrusive..."

Sasuke sat very still, eyes narrowed, "Not a very good idea."
Yukimura got a serious look on his face, swallowing a lump in his throat. “I can take others abilities.” He looked up at Akihime, almost like he expected her to be appalled by him.

Sayuri’s grip on Sasuke’s hand tightened, and she froze as well. She couldn’t quite see the woman behind Sasuke, nor did she have a clear shot either.
“Oh? You aren’t in any position to think otherwise.” The blade pressed firmly into his skin. “On your feet, let go of the girl.”
She did look a little taken aback but did not move away from him, "Does it hurt you?" She asked, curiously, "Does it hurt them?" She seemed more intrigued than frightened.

"Yeah, no. See, if I let her go, how are you gonna get Akihime back?" He asked, "Think of it as a trade."
“Not physically.” Yukimura answered quietly, he seemed sad. “They can feel when it’s gone, their power, it’s almost like... Taking someone’s soul. They don’t die, but they aren’t mentally the same.”

The blade dug into his flesh, breaking the skin- he could feel frost spread over his neck. “What have you done with Akihime-sama?” She growled out.
She frowned, "You do not like this ability, do you, Yukimura-san...?" She asked softly

"You hurt me, you'll never get her back. So I suggest you get that knife out of my neck." He stated firmly.
He shook his head, a heavy frown on his face. “No,” He answered. “I don’t. It’s been use to hurt others, it’s been used unfairly.” He looked down at his hands, frowning. “Sometimes.. I wish I could use it on myself..”

Amaya ground her teeth, pulling the blade back, but only slightly. “Tell me where she is, and you can leave with the girl.”
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